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Posts posted by deskjethp

  1. The hunter analysis is all fine and good until the P.S. Is it inconsistent? Perhaps. Is that necessarily bad? No. Is it broken? No. Don't "fix" it then.


    Anyway... I like how that part of the article seems to have prompted more discussion than the rest of it...


    I do also agree that the skill is well varied.

  2. So it looks like the Christmas event takes place .. right there..


    At any rate, I managed to get this picture. Not sure how, because I can't get this anymore. I did the event, then left the tower and then came back later to this map:




    After I went back in and came out again, the map was normal... Not sure what this might be about, but it looks like the event was injected to the east or on top of the normal tower in the map there which I think is where the regular tower is with that little island there. I'm not so sure on how all that works. The map was black all the way down the dock path and stayed black into tutorial island just along that line.

  3. The article on the game metric is interesting. I think it will be interesting to see what happens with controversial nonsense in the future. (Interesting how it's just sort of known that something will happen in the future that will annoy enough people to make this a feasible 'tool'.


    Items article: I think what a lot of people think is that these items shouldn't be around at all, not that everybody should have them. The everybody should have them thing seems like it would be more of a sub-thought to the they-shouldn't-engaging-in-this-nonsense thought.

  4. At first when I was reading the main article, I thought the bit about Salmoneus meant something else and I didn't quite connect the dots...

    Other than that, I think the clan worlds with territories would be really cool. I'm sure there's some opposition by a small clan somewhere that will say something about worlds being dominated by like, 3 large clans each or something but the idea has merit. It would be neat to have more player-run shops or tolls or something. More of that all around world wilderness feel.

  5. Change is bad.


    Unimprovement Projects (free and members)


    We will be releasing a batch of projects this month that will hopefully relieve a few irritations you may have experienced. These are the first of many upgrades and improvements to reduce the number of clicks you perform RuneScape, so expect more to come.


    /cycnical typical rant

  6. Here's how I see it breaking down:


    RSO - Oldschool RSC - Start - early 2002

    RSC - 2002 - RS2

    RS2 - 2004 - early/mid 2007

    RS2.5 - early mid 2007 - Jan 3, 2008 (~September, bots, wild, trade)

    RS3 - Jan 3 2008 - early 2011 (no trade)

    RS4 - early 2011 - October 2011 (bots, trade)

    RS5 - October 2011+ (fewer bots, hiscore fail)

  7. The only reasons being presented for going against the idea in those screenshots are 1) perm ranks and 2) random anti-Jebrim nonsense which isn't really a valid reason in the first place. New system + old system filtering solves both problems. (which I'm sure someone can invent problems for anyway)

  8. Didn't read every single post but surprised I didn't come across the word micro-transaction in this thread yet...


    Maybe it's part of their "Oh hey look the f2p servers at running with < 100 people on each of them! Let's see if we can make them completely empty to justify getting rid of some of them!" campaign that's no doubt going on...


    Also, just having read all about how wonderfully reliable community-editability is in another thread....

  9. Yes, 999134 I think you are right. That's what I thought of too when I saw this.


    Also: The monkeys sinking into the water with the coconuts: Monkey Puzzle2 (from Monkey Puzzle previously at Jagex.com) playable via FunOrb.


    The scrolling game currently: Dr Phlogiston Saves the Earth playable via FunOrb (previously Meltdown at Jagex.com)


    Fen research should buy (lol buy) FunOrb and give it a healthy boost of activity...

  10. Left clicking business:


    Why just monsters? Why not have all the stuff you can click have customizable interfaces? For instance: pouches... or more important: letting me turn off that make-x/all rubbish? Everything should be customized so that if you want to right click, you right click. If you want to be able to left click, you can say so! Options are good.


    So, yes, I agree that they should change the left clicking.


    Also: That history is fascinating. Good compilation or early 2001 stuff...

  11. I'm sitting there and someone comes in and starts sniffling! Blow your nose!!!! Its so annoying and the goal is to get is to rid the cavity of the blockage not the other way! ughhhhhhhhh


    and gross public mice... sometimes there's a mouse in a computer lab someplace and all i have to do is push down hard and drag it across the desk and all this gross stuff is now on the desk.. yuck..


    college professors who don't know what they are talking about and have no business "teaching".. if you can't get the message across, i might as well learn it myself.. if i wanted to learn it myself, i wouldn't have signed up for the class!!! ughh

  12. why have only one? why not like... a regular one, without either, and a second one for either/or and a third one for both... options are good!


    also (as mentioned earlier): including either/both would make it the rarest cape, including neither would not...

  13. I just realized: 200m in all skills would mean you couldn't do tears of guthix anymore after the first week because of the 100k xp thing...(or until a new quest came out) though if you could, what would it do at the end?


    Or would it count the unrecorded yet "gained" experience?

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