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Posts posted by Zerocool11

  1. WoW. Simply because it isn't run by Sony.




    Totally agree with this. I used to play a game by SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) called PlanetSide. Good game and everything but Sony managed to mess it up further down the road. I'd go with WoW. It got good reviews and Blizzard > Sony.

  2. I don't deny that West Point is hard to get into. It certainly is. But while they look at those that have high GPAs as well as being athletically gifted, the ridiculously high GPAs like 4.8s tend to go to Ivy Leagues.




    In a Newsweek special "Hottest College" Edition (heehee, I have that cuz I'm a Senior playing the college game) it says that Juilliard School was the most exclusive last year with a meer 7.5% acceptance rate followed by Yale at 9.9% and Harvard at 10.7%.




    And in the same Newsweek, it says that "The US Military Academy, in West Point, NY, ... since its cadets are more likely than the other academies' grads to go to Iraq."




    So our best and brightest are going to Iraq to get killed for particular good reason.

  3. I got a letter from Westpoint the other day, I was kind of excited but then my mom threw it in the trash. She said she wouldn't have her son getting killed in Iraq.




    4 years of FREE education from a school more selective than any other Ivy League school and will give you a guaranteed (and high paying) job for 5 years straight out of college. What a sweet mom. (but i'm assuming it wasn't an acceptance letter)




    Any facts to support that?




    I have a hard time imagining West Point being more selective than Harvard, Yale or Stanford. Sure it may be a guaranteed job for 5 years but how many other jobs out there put you in harms way day after day?




    You know that as soon as you graduate from the academy you'll be sent off to Iraq or Afghanistan. And yes, we will probably still be there after this incoming Freshmen class graduates.

  4. Right..............we all know what that means.......... :roll:




    CS = Counter Strike, a very popular, yet out dated online shooter....




    by the way, this belongs in off topic, so this will probably get moved. :?




    IT IS NOT OUTDATED!! :evil:




    The very fact that version 1.6 is still around after such a long time proves that it is a classic. It's like Starcraft and Diablo. Sure the graphics aren't all spiffy like RS2 but if that's all you care about...

  5. I'm actually putting my money on France to win it again. Simply because they have something to prove. If they win this one, no one can say that their win in the last World Cup was a fluke.


    In the last world cup France didn't even score a goal and didn't make it through the group stages!!! :P




    Although I don't think that will happen this year.




    Yeah, definitely. Henry has got to score at least one...




    Although I think France will win, I am excited to watch England and of course see how far America gets in this World Cup. Maybe we can make it into the quarter finals? :shock:

  6. Yeah I don't see why the kid couldn't be leaning out the right side of the bus, spitting on cars that are parked on the right side and getting hit by a tree that's hanging on the ride side of the bus...




    Who cares if this is a true story, the point is to not be an idiot and keep your appendages in the vehicle lest you lose them.

  7. Anyone coming to UC Davis? :wink:




    Congrats to all the seniors! I was so excited when I got my acceptance letter :D




    heehee, UC Davis rejected me. :evil:




    But ironically UC San Diego (which apparently is more selective) took me.

  8. Unemployment is hardly affected by immigration. And it actually helps the economy more than it hurts.




    Plus they are better able to provide for their families, which is always a plus.




    First off, how can you begin to believe that illegal immigration doesn't hurt the economy?




    Second, sure they can provide for THEIR families, but in turn hurt the families of the citizens that they're taking jobs from.

  9. I can't believe UConn lost... :evil:




    But good for George Mason, my older brother graduated from there as an undergrad. I guess since, like a lot of people, my brackets have gone to cabbage, I'll be cheering for LSU or GMU.

  10. I don't dispute that America has a democracy. I think that our democracy is one that has a few flaws in it. The biggest one being the fact that people can choose not to have a voice in their government but later complain that our government sucks.




    People need to vote, that's the whole basis of democracy. When people don't exercise that right, democracy begins to fail. Yes, democracy is about freedoms, but it also comes with great responsibilities. If a good majority of the people, even more than the approximate 70% that currently don't vote, decided not to vote, our democracy would collapse.

  11. For once, I believe my parents when they say to keep your hands in at all times when your in a car... :?




    Actually, that lesson is the only reason I posted this :|

    This still won't stop me doing stupid things like that.












    Poor kid :(




    Really? Hmmm. I bet that kid said the same thing, now his head is facing the other way...

  12. Well, I'd say that America's form of democracy is a little off. The main point of democracy is that everyone has a voice in government. America's voter turn out rate is ridiculously low especially compared to other countries.




    I'd say that about 30% of the American population actually votes in major elections and even less than that percentage in smaller elections that decide Senators, Congressmen, etc. How can this be called a true democracy? I think in order to truly be considered a democracy, a much higher percentage needs to come out and voice their opinion. I really like what countries like Australia have done where they punish citizens that don't vote. This way no one can complain about the current administration.

  13. :lol:




    That whole door opening incident was hilarious. Bush was in China and after a little bit of shaking hands and picture taking, he tried to make an exit only to find the door was locked. He seriously spent 2-3 minutes trying to open it while on live television. Effectively he was trapped. It was so symbolic of the whole situation he finds himself in as President.




    And to think he's representing the entire United States of America and the free world. :oops:

  14. Yeah I don't really see how the suggestion to exercise once a week was related to the Dutch boy who committed suicide. I don't think that kid needed exercise as much as a counselor/psychiatrist.




    Anyway, I do think that people that play this game do need to realize that there is more to life than just leveling your character on RuneScape. Everything in moderation, people... :roll:

  15. Jagex has become short sighted over the years. I blame the mass amount of noobs that made rs popular. Now they just care about money and pumping out crap every week to please the masses instead of making good quality updates maybe even only once a month like a few years ago. Jagex seriously needs to reevaluate what made them so popular in the first place, and try to go back to it. What do they care if a coupel thousand free players quit becuase of it, in the long run they'll get more members and mnore money, which is what they wanted anyway.




    Could not agree more...

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