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Posts posted by username4321

  1. I don't think that anyone honestly liked the game play of RSC, it was the community that they were addicted to




    You know nothing.

    Ok, go play RSC right now. You dont want to, because its boring, right? because no one plays anymore? That is the community, not the gameplay. If you liked the game play then you would still play. Just liking the pking system or something can hardly be considered the game play, would you of liked RSC back then if none of your friends played? No.




    Or what else did I know nothing about? :roll:




    well actually, I think that he does still play a very little bit..

  2. he was cocky.. but.. At least he skulled in the wilderness








    and who honestly could think that bank pic is real? :roll: :lol:




    Helped ya out a bit there ^^




    lol... actually, I skulled in the wilderness every time I pked which I wasn't doing at the time, he attacked me I wasn't even looking for a fight atm..
























    those are all the pics I have left as they are the only pics that I had uploaded... by the way, I was in MI and I even pked with you a few time and I was skulled.. and I am pretty sure I've even fought you and sue to the death once... sooooo [bleep] you :lol: :P

  3. well hey i dunno. maybe he had to go feed his kid. have a [cabbage], cook some dinner. go drop movies off. coulda been anything. point is dont jump to conclusions




    aww, all the autoers are sticking up for each other <3:




    :lol: :lol:

  4. haha woot there I am in the first pic.. finally... and I think I am calling you a [garden tool]e :lol: I guess I didn't pj you.. I should have though :P anyway nice pics :D




    hai steph ;)




    nice keels irzi ol'nig -hope ya doin well :mrgreen:




    no no, I'm not steph, I am mystic lol... I was friends with her though and I was probably pking with her there when zed piled her :P

  5. :shock: WOW thats wrong.....lol :!: thats definatly not the right order. but whatever...I believe the first person to make an account was tom and andrew gower. the name of andrews account was ....lol well andrew and toms was tom




    andrew and paul... maybe?? but why would they be considered players? you can not search there names in the hi-scores or anything...

  6. ahh, miss all my 50s-60s-70s teamates throughout the years


    havent logged on S4ndm4n very often since rs2, only several times to take trips around good ol' rsc




    S4ndm4n... I remember you... I killed you once (don't have the pic anymore lost it with my old comp).. but I was also like 12 lvls higher than you :P

  7. way to bump the topic but since you did ill add something




    anyone remember l6vi or something like that?




    Yeah, but I don't really see how that's a golden name. Seem's pretty mediocre to me.




    it was supposed to mean lion in estonian.. at least that's what he told me... when he was doing herblaw when p2p first came out he and I farmed herbs together non-stop... he was a cool estonian :P but yah it wasn't that great of a name lol

  8. and deaths, in the end, i think we were mates or something, but you were not that good as you thought you were. Yea, alot above average but not that much ;)




    None of you were that good lol...




    You were level 80's pking at level 13, in fact better yet, you were level 80+ pures pking at level 13. When adx was a lvl 80 impure (and i was always mega impure) i pked higher level lol, i made Jupita a castle pker and when he'd gotten to 80 combat i was going to hobs and rune mines... In fact i took Shr3k up there too lol.. N he was like 65 combat.




    I still remember killing Max333 with Jupita when i was about 77 combat because he kept logging on site of Adx.

    I know you're not speaking of me like that. And to the person above you, just ask around about RSC and my name. I wasn't just at the castle; I was all over the place.
    You were? was that after rs2 was released? Only way i would have met you is if you were some lvl 80 that i killed and didnt bother to remember your name.




    after 02 all castle pkers sucked lol. Best days were when nyd partizan cattie brie dsm me and what not pked castle. So much bsing and what not went on there it was actually fun. Plus there wasnt all them dam one item pures there.




    ha... I think the pures from when I was a castle pker could have taken you scrubs :P but the 1 itemers were [bleep]ing annoying




    and adx, I was level 80 pure and I would pk at castle sometimes.. it was an easy way to get kills because I could attack little 70 pures and 3 hit them because of their defense... but pking high lvl wild was a lot more fun.


    but on the note of your character being 80 impure and what not. he was probably level 80 before I even started a pure... so it was really a whole different ball game back then. You see, when my pure was finally in the 80s, I loved finding impure 80s who pked at rocks and hobs, they were the easiest kills ever. I don't really think you had all that much to worry about as far as pures go when you were level 80 (though I'm not really sure because I don't know when you were what lvl lol...)


    I think the telling fact is that ''Milkman21666'' is ranked 9th for Hp, has anyone ever heard of him? :-s I'm willing to bet at least 3 of my noob accounts where made before his account was and all 3 of them are stronger on Rsc than he is.. Bearing in mind one of my noobs is called ''Mini Egg'' and has 12hp :mrgreen:











    You might have been stronger in RSC, but what are you now? A forum ghost who hasn't had anything to give to the game itself for few years and who tries to boost his ego here. RSC and RS2 got only same name and some features were transfered from rsc to rs2, but they are now 2 separate games. You could as well go to flame some wow player how your rsc char is stronger than his wow char.








    You're dumb... a level 10 wow character could easily 1 shot a level 123 rsc character...












    You are complaining about him trying to "boost his ego"?? No, he is simply stating that RS2 is 10x easier than rsc considering the fact that people (like milkman21666) can just start the game long after someone else and out-stat them in half the time it took the first person to get the stats.... That really could not happen in any other game (such as WoW).. so basically, rs2 = [cabbage].... :thumbsup:

  10. right here :




















    pked with s0n 0f g0d alllot....had plenty of kills too...to bad classic is no more i loved it :(








    plenty of kills with those stats? :shock: no offense, but almost everyone who pked in your level range was pure. I always hoped of running into impures like you when I pked, low defense and low hp lol... but respect for having that character on rsc.. something I don't have anymore :(

  11. Great work, but I'm a little confused, is that picture of adx1 killing you or you killing him (as Sue Me is in white meaning you must be 116, but your stat pic shows 110 combat :-X ). Anyway, good job, but since when has getting a "99 stat" become not important enough to kill a friend for it. I used to kill my friends even if i hit the 90s. <3: Welldone once more.








    it's adx killing him :D








    and grats to you

  12. wondering how many original 2001 made plate pures there is left in RSC...i just got mine back from jagex which i havent been using for over 5 years but its useless since it cannot log in rsc anymore :P








    I know of at least 1.








    my friend and I started rs together in like aug '01 and he never trained mage because he thought it was stupid.. he had 8 mage from a quest or something like that but he got the plate w/ 8 mage and never lvled it and we always wondered why my combat was higher with virtually the same stats :lol: We found out soon there after and then found out he was a "plate pure".. but he had 40 pray and 8 mage with like.. 60atk 60 def and 68 str... but still could own if he would have actually lvled and not quit


    I haven't been here in a while Confused












    but lets see... ladykilljoy, lady lynda, l6vi, mctavish, ffx, I Wicked I, dmxkobe8, adx1 (Razz), killermandie, nas escobar, wifebeater, zonghui ... I wish I could log in and see my old friends list and I know some of those had numbers but just some old ones I remember. While I was thinking of names I thought of "Andrew" for some reason, which reminded me of a pretty funny pic I've had for a while now which l6vi sent me.. I'm the one standing next to him in all green and teal hair :P
















    I miss before rs2 Sad








    Andrews bones laying under L6vi...could be collectible items...how much you would pay for those bones lol? :P








    lawl, he buried them right when Andrew got back :P...








    and I remembered some more names.. Kingleonardo, wargazme, fckedyomomm, sue me, unitpoop, deadskinmask, equalizer t, angel2002 (since I said I Wicked I before heh..), graffixetet, p o k e y, waylan, crunch killa, masterdon6, trupimp, xxzibit, kingpin...that is all








    MI WAR vs. RSD








    this was a fun day made a nice profit
















    practically at the end me sue me, i think dsm and i forget who else went hunting found this loser























    I was in MI :shock: mystic004 was teh name, I was a pure, I think I was the lowest level in the clan.. and I was the one with you in the picture of killing charlie.. you gave me the helm lawl. Also, I think that war was RSD vs someone else and we (MI) logged in right in the middle of the 38 altar where RSD was waiting, and we started attacking everyone lol.. God that was a fun day I made alot O.O








    Edit: heh, I pulled these pics off of meili's site...




















    I'm the one there in rune chain with the white shirt and black skin.. always thought that looked good lol... wish I had said something in those :(

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