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  1. Eh grats on the loot, this happened to me befor.... not the finding stuff but losing it:( lost guthans, whip, and alot of rune's.
  2. No one made it up, look at all the hint's pointing toward's it in runescape.
  3. I personally have a red phat, 4 santas, red mask, and 2 green.... I can't even believe how outrageous the rare prices have jumped recently. I know not that many have left the game and their isnt any more of a demand for them. I believe that the merchanter's are just merchanting between each other driving prices up continuously.
  4. I hate how people relate giving out their password to "hacking" and then they complain about the people stealing their item's... you just gave out your password, you deserve your item's stolen.
  5. Happened to me also, all i did was go through the door and take a step behind him. Then i would talk to him and he would respond.
  6. When selling rare's I always get like 4-5 pm's, which are followed by "come to wildy above edgeville". If their level is around mine, I usually take a dds and go spec them. If I don't feel like killing a scammer, I'll usually tell them "I'll be their in 10 minute's" and they usually wait while pming me constantly asking when I'll be their.
  7. Drag pick will probabaly be next, as in the highscores they put the drag 2h and soon after released it.
  8. If your going by odd's then the kalphite queen, but abysal demon's are probably the best.. you can camp them and kill more in a shorter ammount of time.
  9. Random even'ts were made to deal with macroer's. Due to the updated detection system and other change's you would think they would take out the random's that can kill you, but yet they haven't. It bother's me that I earn gold to buy rare's and then I can't even wear them without the chance of losing it.
  10. I'm going to keep at my attempt to fire cape... as soon as i get another range level (will be 87 then) Last trip when i got to jad, i had 9 pot's left.. that was just super restore/prayer, i had like 4 sara brew's. I just can't get the prayer switching down arg!! and when healer's come:S Also can you hear the sound of what attack he's using befor it actually hit's you?
  11. I've got to jad 3 time's but i can't seem to get the prayer switching down... getting to him isn't a problem for me:(
  12. I hate post's about "the rare's should be gone". Look at it this way... just because you can't afford them doesn't mean they should do away with them. On the other hand if for some reason they did get rid of rare's jagex would lose alot of money, and do you want to pay 5k+ a shark? Deal with it rare's are here to stay...
  13. Omg... got to jad again, finnally... and to my dismay he didn't spawn in the south east corner, so i ran around lookin for him.. luckily i didn't take any damage, but by the time i gather myself and started attacking he hit a 80, i ate... couldnt switch prayer's another 80, ate again, another 70+ then i died!!! ahhh all that time for nothing.
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