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Posts posted by spuriousmonkey

  1. I'm slayer 90 and still pretty poor. There isn't a massive amount of money in it. It's just hard work for drops. And usually you spend the money you get on drops on training slayer.

  2. -Reward tokens will be given whether you win, lose or draw, based upon how well you've done




    This is nice though. I have been in several games where you just ended up 1 orb below the winner and in the end you got nothing. Maybe now you can get a decent award if you just work hard on it.




    It would be nice to hear from someone who played under the new conditions.

  3. We have also added some functionality to the run energy icon located next to the minimap. Clicking on this icon will now toggle your run energy on or off in the same way as the 'Run' button in the Options panel of the interface does.




    Finally! Best recent update after the tabbed bank.

  4. if properly kept track, 100 datapoints could have been enough for a reliable dataset. There are ways of testing if there have been enough datapoints.




    1000 is just a random number with no statistical value in itself. It still could not be enough, or you could have ended up doing 900 for nothing, since the dataset hasn't qualitatively changed from 100 to 1000.




    So there is no need to demand 1000 since it does not have any statistical merit to do so.




    What you should ask for is a statistical analysis of the current dataset. And that would have shown whether the sample size had been large enough.

  5. I take a mixture of guthans (full) and torag (legs) on slayer tasks.




    But you don't see so many guthans any more at high slayer lvl monsters such as the abyssal demons. They are all in 3rd age armour or dragon, or mix of those with a godsword. And dragging along a bunyip.

  6. I had quite fun trying to enter the new Godwars dungeon the other day. I wasn't even there to try to do the real thing. I merely had gotten a spiritual mage slayer task. I never had them before.




    So I spend some time figuring out where it was. I went there with a rather general inventory...Forgot the rope. went back and forth.




    Finally arrived again, climbed down...got slaughtered. I actually had 1 hp left!!! ecto'ed out.




    Went back with more sharks. Then found out I was just being stupid. I should just move away from the center a bit into the right camp.




    Now I could start with my 40 zamorak kills.




    Didn't quite make it, because I had the wrong inventory. Tele'd out. Lost all my kills (argh!) Went back and started again.




    Finally had my 40 kills and went further, quite anxiously because I didn't know what was waiting beyond the icy river.




    Found a quite docile place though filled with zammies minions. I started slaying and it went really well...




    and got my first dragon boot drop.






    I discovered a new place, almost died, got a new valuable drop.




    It's still fun.

  7. Being only 38 years old I love the GE and the recent changes to stop RWTing. I actually started playing again because of it. I didn't particularly enjoy being scammed or the numerous attempts to scam me. Nor did I enjoy the hours wasted trying to log on to world 1 or 2 to sell drops and treasure trail items.




    Now I can just sell and buy through the GE and it works great for most of the items.




    I also noticed that the atmosphere has improved greatly. The ratio of dedicated skiller vs scammer has swayed considerably towards that of the skillers.




    How can you not love it?




    I'm indifferent towards the end of the Wilderness in a sense: it did attract a negative component, but it also gave great joy to many. So the game changed. But for the good it seems.




    In fact, I will have to come to the conclusion that there has been a de-noobification.

  8. I see I have been a bit stupid recently (or forever).




    I actually carry around full guthan and torag plate and legs on slayer assignments. When I am not healing with guthan I wear torag legs/plate, with slayer mask.




    I could have left the torag platebody home I see and just keep wearing guthan platebody.




    Well, it isn't the first time that I discover I am being silly and inefficient after months of doing something a certain way. :oops:

  9. I'm also wearing Torag. I love it. And it is even less than a million when just buying legs and plate. I get hit less, I can train more efficiently. I like the way it looks. It looks solid and reliable.








    Then again, this week I had a person who thought it was funny I was wearing rune gloves. Apparently that wasn't elite enough either. Sorry, I can't be bothered to desert treasure. So I just have rune gloves. It did save me a lot of [cabbage]ty assignments for slayer though over the past two years.




    (i hate questing)

  10. I started now fishing at the barbarian outpost. I was doing shilo before.




    The rod method is pretty fast. Faster than shilo for sure.




    The fish cuts are stackable. The caviar and roe aren't. All are fish food though. And fish cuts will be used first.




    So what do I do (don't know if it is the best method)




    I have a full load of fish. I knive them. I end up with fish cuts and caviar and roe. And some empty spaces.




    I fish again to fill up the empty spaces. I throw away the fish cuts. And now continue to full up my inventory with fish caught on the non-stackable roe and caviar.




    I end up with a full inventory of fish, minus one space (where fish cuts where).




    I knive them again.




    Rinse and repeat.




    That seems fastest method for me.












    Don't know if it will work if you can't fish flying sturgeon.

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