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Posts posted by spuriousmonkey

  1. Helped out some lower level players.




    Earned 12k good karma exp points.




    Got lucky in runeboots drops because of good karma




    Gave a pair of runeboots to a friend because I promised I would give him a pair when i would have collected 10. He had forgotten. I hadn't. That cheered him up a bit. Sometimes he asks if he can buy something from me (like lobs) but I have given him so much stuff already that it has become pointless to try to make a profit on him. So I just give it if I can spare it.




    Earned 8k good karma experience points more.




    Good karma should be a skill ;)

  2. Why don't you download the windows client made by runescape?
    where can i do that?




    Frontpage of runescape:


    Under 'download extra files'




    It's a no-thrills shell. Haven't had problems with it since using it. Firefox is just hype. Because it is supposed to be the fastest browser. But you are not browsing. Anyway, I switched back to opera again as a browser because firefox is becoming too popular and hence is becoming more vulnerable again.




    end unrelated rant.

  3. I was browsing the official forums a bit to see the standard reaction to the new update there. And what a surprise. It was full of capitalization and people saying jagex should think first, and people that are going to quit etc.




    Sometimes I really feel ashamed of my fellow runescapers. You would think this big effort towards making runescape pure again would be welcomed. But all they can think about is themselves and some little problems that aren't problems.




    Such as the delay in chat, which apparently was always there, but it just was that you could see your own message immediately and now you can see your message when the other person can see it too.





  4. Me too...Most i had in cash was 13 million.




    When doing slayer tasks i usually carry around at least 18 million in equipment. And then i have lots of crap in my bank (runeboots - 11 pairs, lava battelstaffs, granite mauls, black and white mystic pieces, runes etc). No clue what it is worth in total. But I am not one of those big players, since I have no rares.

  5. I like them. I used to be a big newby and still am a bit. It took me to reach lvl 90 to realize there was something like a DDS for instance.




    As I said before I have been helping lower levels (you don't have to) and I have only had good experiences. What's nicer than to show someone where banshees are? And when you pass the slayer master to ask if they have earmuffs?




    'No? You can buy some here.'




    'no cash on me.'




    'Here, I'll buy a pair for you.' (there are only 200gp)




    'first stop at the bank. I have to equip myself for a slayer task (nechs).'








    the guy waits for me. We are halfway to the slayer tower and I notice I had forgotten enchanted gem. We go back. he doesn't protest. We go to the castle. He thanks me. He is happy. He has gotten the impression that high levels are not arrogant (well, high level...108) I am happy to help. and guess what?




    Good karma




    During the nech task I get 3 rune boots, 3 half keys, rune full helmet, 30k in coins, 160 deaths, some chaos, and an assortment of high level seeds.




    We have to set the example.

  6. Do smithers have to deal about getting pked? Losing all the pouches, having to search them again for an hour of the time?




    Runecrafting is NOT that profitable if you use runners, or if you just walk back and forth(considering the time). You go into abyss, you get a skull and 0 pray, you have to deal with the pkers.




    You don't have to use the abyss. I did most of my nat making when there wasn't an abyss, or pouches for that matter. Just make nats the old fashioned way. Or laws. Mine ess yourself. Powercraft fire runes if you want to level. It was good enough for zezima. There is a multitude of solutions to your problems.




    First of all, he said he played for 4 months. As far as Merchanting goes, I think I can quite safely say I know what I'm doing. Let me tell you, there is no item that provides better profits than Rares; Party Hats in particular. Raw Material Merchanting on the side can maybe increase his profits by 500K an hour, but it still wouldn't push him anywhere near the 5 Mil / Hour mark.




    Everyone seems to beating around the bush, acting like Chewyshoes has some genius scheme of accumulating wealth. Let me tell you, it's all hype. He might brag to his friends, and show you some pretty items, but it's all a facade.




    Indeed. I couldn't agree more. Noboby cares to hear if you don't share. If you make 5m/hour and let's hear how. This is a discussion forum. Not private chat.

  8. I'm just training for slayer 85 so income is dependent on the task given.




    Kalphites are the worst (I don't bother picking up stuff), nechs are the best (4 rune boots during last task).




    I don't have a big income but it all adds up. Hardly any expenses except repairing guthans and food.

  9. It's the wildy. It's perfectly legit to PK there. RC pkers are a nuisance, but that is what they are supposed to be.




    A friend once asked me to come RC pking with my friend. I just stood there a bit, because I never PK so I have no clue what I was supposed to be doing. Well, i know I am supposed to kill the other person but no clue how to do that effeciently. Been PK'ed countless times of course when I was RC'ing myself.




    I saw RC pkers attacking each other. I saw them attack RC'ers. I asked my friend why? For fun.




    And after 10 minutes hanging around we moved deeper into the wildy. Another RC pker joined us. So apparently RC pking is often a stepping stone for going deeper into the wildy.




    Rc pkers scum? Why? They are just trying to enjoy their game in a legitimate manner. Wildy pking. A nuisance? Yep.




    Anyway. It's not that difficult to circumvent RC pkers. And you can always run nats on Karamja.

  10. Just a single observation:


    I forgot RoW during my last nech task. I actually gotten more rune boots this task than ever before (4). But i did notice a drop in Deaths, and alchable stuff when I wasn't wearing a RoW.




    I had about 100 deaths less, and made less cash in the RoW'less task because less 'steel 2handers' and such were dropped.




    But this is only a comparision between 2 tasks so hardly convincing. It just made me wonder if the main effect of a RoW is to increase drops other than just a few coints, that is deaths and all the middle stuff such as mith kites, steel 2h's. And rare rares are so rare you will hardly notice if there is a difference with or without a RoW.

  11. It's a pity you fell for that trick. :( Good luck on getting another whip.


    Turn off the trade/compete option when you're in Wildy, might help too.




    I never go into wildy with ONLY 3 items because when I go there, it's for a Treasure Trial.




    lately I started doing treasure trails again (get scrolls frequently with doing slayer). I used to take a minimum amount to do treasure trailing in wildy, but nowadays I try to take something that has a chance of beating PK noobs. At least do some damage. If you get jumped in deep multi wildy by a group you are probably going to die anyway, but I managed to fight off some solo pkers so far (they weren't very skilled because I am a complete noob when it comes to pking).




    makes it more interesting i guess; the chance of losing more.

  12. I like making curries for high Healing food. It's rather easy. Every time in end up in lumby i buy all spices and bowls from the food chest. I fill the bowl with water and bank it all. Every time i come in canifis I buy all raw meat.




    And then I only have to collect potatoes. I sometimes do some farming but mostly I take a load of sacks and harvest them from a potato patch in ardougne.




    Heals nicely (19), cheap (spices are 290gp or so), nice cooking experience (280) and I don't have to buy sharks, since I cannot fish them or cook them.

  13. I was doing slayer yesterday at the kalphites. A lvl 110+ comes in and sets up a cannon. A breach of slayer etiquette at the kalphites. I just stay and go stand on top of his cannon and start hitting whatever comes near. I didn't really care that I was getting less experience. I was still getting melee experience.




    Then he made a remark on that i must make little slayer experience now. I said I don't care. He said he was almost 85 slayer. I said everybody can get 85 with a cannon. I guess he expected me to give up and go, but I was having fun. Slayer is always quite the same. This made is more interesting. And I was still getting the occasional kill and plenty of defense exp.




    And then he was finished. He said something like: it's fast with a cannon isn't it. He traded me and he put up 5 super restore pots for free. I refused because I was full.




    I guess he wasn't that bad. He could have started calling me noob and I could have called him noob, but in the end it's just a game. We annoyed each other a bit but both realized it was part of the game.




    we said goodbyes




    I was done with my task 3 minutes later. I saw him and shilo and asked him what his new task was, but he didn't answer. I think he was afk or so, or just going through his bank.




    Things can escalate easily but often it isn't necessary.



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