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Blaze The Movie Fan

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Posts posted by Blaze The Movie Fan

  1. This seriously needs to be addressed. I know the UK doesn't have the same free speech laws as the US does, but having it against the rules and illegal for people to not being able to share or sell their accounts is unforgivable.

    If someone dies that account is important as it's THEIR MEMORIES!!!!!!! You should be able to pass down your account to someone else. Even if using the F word was allowed here I wouldn't use it as I want to remain as civil as I can but I can't since this is serious.

    The UK laws need to change immediately. If someone dies and the account dies with him or her that would be beyond tragic. I don't like to insult random people but who was the moron who came up with that rule or law? Seriously. This needs to change right now.

    I hate going back to these forums getting so heated, but this is important, it needs to change before it's too late.

  2. To clarify I don't mean using cheat codes in the game or hacking. I would never do that as it would be unfair to players who want to play the game legitimately and I think anyone who thinks of doing that is insane.

    My question is it possible to get past these monks and bring forbidden items regardless? Only going by what you actually CAN do in the game and not something you guy buy with real world money, thank you.

  3. Before I left RuneScape the dragon battleaxe was my favorite weapon in the game. And it still is. And I'm still at the opinion that not using that weapon because it's so slow is horseshit, but I shouldn't have used that disagreement to weaponize these comments I disagreed with to make a video exaggerating how bad this place is and I apologize for that, this is a great place and I shouldn't have lied about it being worse than it actually is.

    Anyway the question I have is this. And I would like an answer if possible. Are dragon battleaxes based on anything that existed in the real world in the UK or europe? I'm sure battleaxes did exist in the real world back then, I'm not asking that. I'm asking what specifically is the dragon battleaxe based on? Thank you.

    EDIT: I'm curious about this too, I know the dragon battleaxe is magical, would it be bullet proof too?

  4. I specifically subscribed to all forums and specifically chose one e-mail a day so I get notified of ALL posts as this place isn’t very popular now anyway. But no. Instead I only get an e-mail of threads I subscribed to individually. Where the hell is the email for other things? I shouldn’t have to go back to this site to see mew posts that’s why I chose e-mail subscription. Sorry if I sound uncivil but this really bothers me.

  5. I realize that I have been playing the game wrong by mostly just killing monsters and making items out of what they drop. This is an online game, doing stuff like that is better reserved for a single player game. And honestly, I'm glad that smithing rework update happened, as now 4-5 years later I realize I was wasting my time especially since I spent 3 years killing monsters, gathering what they drop and get nothing for it. At least when I accomplish something in public YouTube videos I have an audience which says congratulations.

    I am considering going back, however I will delete the monster logs and forget about that completely and this time play the game like it's meant to be played, by interacting with other players. So any advice?

  6. On 1/14/2024 at 7:41 AM, BobbieK said:

    You can store your magical secateurs (from Fairy Tale quest) with a leprechaun at any farming patch before you travel there, and then withdraw it from him at the farming patch there. They can be used as a weapon. Fairly effective.


    I'm going to try the arrows and bow/string.

    Why are you digging up a thread that's over a decade old? You could have made a new thread about this.

  7. Actually, if you look deep, you will find out the vast majority of movies out there ARE original. Only a small amount of movies released are based on something popular.


    The reason we don't hear about them much is because they don't get any advertising, you have to actively look for them in order to find them.


    Look I respect your opinion, but I like a lot of these Disney live-action remakes personally. But if you hate them that's fine.

  8. "As for monsters not dropping runite items, they instead drop 'salvage', which alchs and diassembles for the same thing that the metal armor pieces did for. The mining and smithing rework basically made it so that a new player could logically make a lvl 40 armor set with lvl 40 smithing, rather than needing 99 smithing to make a lvl40 platebody. "

    Yes all of this is the main reason I left. I'd prefer items I can see over salvages that all look the damn same.

    Also thank you for answering my question.

  9. Let me explain something, the reason I left is because the smithing rework update made fighting monsters to get their items boring, and also I didn't like how the items at a higher tier than runite cannot be dropped by monsters.

    I'm just curious in general, how much has changed about RuneScape since I left? For those wondering now I'm done for good, I don't have time to do online games anymore, real life is more important. And focusing on my videos has become a higher priority too.

  10. If you guys don't remember, well, I was once a regular poster on this message board. And yeah how I acted in 2015 I completely realize now that it was unwarranted, and I would never act that way today. How much I tried to get pity was pathetic.

    Anyway, I don't play RuneScape anymore, I quit in 2019. The Smithing Rework update was so unbearable to me that I couldn't continue playing.

    Anyway I am thinking about making a video explaining my history on this message board. There is a lot to talk about, so I think it'd be an interesting video to make.

    How have you all been since I was here last time? Doing good? I'm doing great, I have a very successful YouTube career which I'm very damn proud of. And I don't go to the forum games anymore because I have outgrown them, don't think they're fun anymore, and yeah I also caused trouble there and I am sorry about that, I wouldn't do stuff like that anymore I learned my lesson.

    I hope you all are doing well, I'm done well myself.

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