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  1. Playstation One = Second Best Console Ever Made. Playstation Two = Best Console Ever Made. Need I say more? I'm replaying Final Fantasy on my playstation at the moment ^^ X-Box will never have a game that comes anywhere near it :(
  2. Playstation One = Second Best Console Ever Made. Playstation Two = Best Console Ever Made. Need I say more? I'm replaying Final Fantasy on my playstation at the moment ^^ X-Box will never have a game that comes anywhere near it :(
  3. That's what I said :( You stole my idea. And yeah, Maddox's humour is too bland for me.
  4. Sigh. God lets evil into the world, therefore he must be evil himself, unless he is not an omnipotent all-good god. Hell was devised to control people and to try and make them good. Ultimately it doesn't exist and you will die and cease to exist when you die. Why people can't handle this and insist on lying to themselves is beyond me.
  5. It is a fair trial? How is it not? There's insurmountable evidence against her, and she has nothing going for her. In any court she would be seen as guilty, there is no ifs or buts.
  6. Lol Ninjapirate is AWESOME. How can you argue against him? You sound like the guys in the e-mail he gets whining he stole his design. Honestly, Maddox writes [cabbage] articles now, Ninjapirate writes awesome articles now ^^ And I do believe Maddox tries a lot harder then Ninjapirate, though Ninjapirate is more my age so maybe that's why I relate to him better.
  7. It's just one of those things people associate with to be creepy and mysterious and then they look around for signs or creepy stuff which freak them out further. Most of the stories about them are also made up, more myth then reality. Me and a friend played with it and I remember we saw a massive spider afterwards just above us in this web. Creepy then, normal now. The spiritual side of things tend to scare people, but for me it's honestly mostly just crap people make up.
  8. She should be dead, and extremely happy she got 20 years. Hundreds of people are caught and die or go to prison, why is she any different? Pro-She shouldn't be jailed Let's see, She has 4.1kg of marijuana in her bag. She tried to hide it according to customs officials. Anti-She shouldn't be jailed Uhh.. she's pretty and she looks nice The media's capitalisation on this issue is pretty boring, and I'm sick of seeing her crying face on the news every time I watch it. She's guilty, good riddance, maybe they'll shut up about it. And don't argue about their laws. You have to respect their cultures and what they believe in. That's like going to an Islamic country and attempting to make all the women take off their shawls in protest of the law. Get over it.
  9. If there is a law preventing parents to teach their children wikka, there should be a law preventing parents to teach their children christianity and the like. Both are religions, it all depends on perspective and viewpoint. Try not to get offtopic everyone else, or this will be locked pretty quickly.
  10. Well theoretically speaking I won, as I'm the one who gained the most here out of anyone. : :wink:
  11. Bah. You and your resistant audience. You win. Though I still believe my point stands :)
  12. Sorry lol, he's lost it. Ninjapirate is much better now ^^ Guess it's a taste of preferences, but Ninjapirate is a lot more original. Forced humour? Pfft more like ranting :)
  13. Errr.. it tells me that the average MMORPG player is addicted? 24 hours a week is the average. Holy [cabbage]. I'd consider more then 2 hours a day addictive, but 3 hours? That's getting serious gameplay. And isn't your first data also a bit biased towards people who have subscribed to the game? This doesn't include all the little crazy addicts who are addicted to the "free" drugs :)
  14. I wasn't hoping to hit 10, I was hoping to hit the number you said yourself. I'm sorry that you don't accept the most knowledgeable source of information about addiction from a person who backs up his answers because they are three years old and about a lot of everquest players. Ironic that I can use 50 year old sources that would be biased and manage to get 100% on my tests eh? Please, get a clue. "The effects of long-term marijuana use on the intellect have not been established, and there is no evidence that marijuana causes brain damage." Microsoft ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî Encarta ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî Reference Library 2005. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. "Long-term adverse reactions such as persistent psychosis, prolonged depression, or faulty judgment have also been reported following LSD ingestion, but whether these are a direct result of ingestion is difficult to establish." Microsoft ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî Encarta ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâî Reference Library 2005. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. There, I'm pretty certain those are the two most widely-used drugs in the world. From a source 1 YEAR AGO, hopefully not too long ago for bluetear, both detailing the fact that noone really knows the long-term effects on the user, and in fact you don't kill brain cells. And no, drug dealers don't kill children, I know a drug dealer who comes into our store every week to deal drugs in the backand he gives off the laid-back, business-man look without any form of violence. Maybe you should do some background research without any [developmentally delayed]ed bias first? And uhh who gets lung cancer from drugs man? This isn't smoking, k? A lot of you need to get your facts right and do some real research, provide some real evidence. Still waiting for the links bluetear btw ;)
  15. Maddox was quite funny, but his lack of posting and care for his site and also his recent lack of any really good articles makes me not like him anymore. Ninjapirate however has stepped into his place quite well. His articles are much more entertaining and he actually updates. Maddox just [bleep]es about [cabbage]-all lately and isn't funny at all :\
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