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Everything posted by Uxo

  1. no it wasnt lol, beta test consisted of real life friends of creaters (Constant Tyler,Paul Gower and Andrew Gower) and some were lightning,Rab,Merlin,rsguide and others Yes it was, you're an idiot and don't know what you're talking about.
  2. You are talking about lumbridge in RSC from a long time ago? Well if it is in RSC and that long ago, fishing wouldn't have been added yet, there was no item banks, you couldn't smith anything better than steel (I think iron plate main body needed 64? smithing and steel plate mail body needed 99 smithing, later the levels got changed).
  3. Not sure when it wasn't officially called beta anymore but I always concidered it beta until members was first offered. Why sell a game that isn't tested? :)
  4. They considered that Beta? I think not, lol. I think only a few people played the Beta though....F2P before members was NOT Beta. Oh no, you said "NOT" I guess I'm wrong, this sucks, I feel like an idiot now.
  5. Only a small handful beta tested runescape (this includes our own Lightning) :P and this was only for a few months at the end of 2000 I believe. ) That would be alpha testing, I believe. I remember clicking the "Click here to play" thing and above it, it said "Runescape Beta is now here!" or something similar, in 2001. I'm like 99.7 % sure it was called beta testing before members was first introduced.
  6. All before RSC released first members stuff, it was called beta, so a lot of people did beta test it...
  7. I had a pure plate pker named who de best that i pked on arond the time the wilderenss had came out. No one has probably heard of it though cause theyre all neebs
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