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Everything posted by soulman01

  1. ary about that, my friend told me DevietArt was a program not a site!
  2. I met this lvl 6 noob on the way to port sarim!
  3. Can anyone tell me where I can get some tutorials for GIMP and DevientArt?
  4. Yeah I see your reasoning, but this was like when the beta for RS2 came out for f2p!
  5. Omfg I'm almost fainted 10 minutes ago!!! :opps: That was the 15th time i tried to do the tut and i finally found success!!! :lol: I kinda think I did it by pure dumb luck, but i'm ecstatic!!! It's not that good but...here have a look!! NOTE: Keep a note this is my first time so please send me CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please! Here the link if the picture doesn't come up; yballs9vo.jpg]http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/7315/[bleep]yballs9vo.jpg I'm gonna use this in my new sig!!!
  6. "...Best movie..." - The Sydney Morning Herald
  7. I LOVE the background! What is the backgrond by the way?
  8. but you can still see the chairs :wink:
  9. I took these two pix inside the entrance to the black arm gang hideout. :shock: They were taken one after the other! :lol: All I did was change the angle a bit and vola... :D Check out the table! 8) NOTE these are unaltered pictures, if you don't believe me go see for yourself! :P
  10. One question... If they are over sized wouldn't the forum automatically put up the "oversize" warning? Also the first one is WEBMADE and NOT HOMEMADE... As in I went to a template site, put in my stats and "poof"-it was made into a sig. The site was http://www.rsbandb.com/
  11. ummm... Not sure what to say! Moon looks kool, try adding some clouds just in front of it. But not too many. :wink:
  12. Thx for your input 12qu. :P You've said more then other ppl have(HINT, HINT, NUDGE, NUDGE). :wink:
  13. Come on ppl! I did this in 5 minutes on paint: Here is the link: http://img126.exs.cx/img126/8876/theholden-colour.jpg NOTE: I'm doing this for FREE-I need the practice I REPEAT that I don't want your money. :wink:
  14. Come on guys!!! Say SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Inside the rules of tip it of course. :wink: But seriously HELP
  15. I don't thik he traced it! :? Otherwise the arm with the shield wouldn't be wrong. I reckon he put the croped screen shot next to it and drw as best he could! Well done dude pretty good for a first time! :wink:
  16. It looks better then mine :x For that I give you 9/10
  17. Help! I can't choose between My home made sig and a web made one!!! CONSTRUCTIVE advice accepted! WEB-MADE HOME-MADE
  18. Also if ur wondering how it the background looks so detailed, its coz the original was huge. The entire background was then squeezed down to the size you see by a guy i no who knows how to make web pages. I then pretty much though every thing together after that, and this is my first sig so go easy, ok?
  19. i had help from a friend with the back ground but he didn't want it so he said i could have it, I remember makin it 2 or 3 years back and once submited it to an web art competeiton it was named "copacetix" by my co-creator friend so i stuck with it The background was originally done on paint but some guy, some time ago redid it and mad it look relly cool. But what ur seing in my sig here is the original
  20. yeah i sould have been more specific
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