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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. Well, forgive me for being bigheaded, but honestly I would have thought most RSC pkers would know who I was (or at least be familiar with my name, it's not like we had millions of level 115s+ on RSC) but boy was I wrong! On the priv servers, nobody has any idea who I am except my own friends. <3:




    Plus, apparently someone else has been using "meili" on other servers. Lame. I am the one and only Meili. The real, true and legit Meili. =D>




    It's just like being in old RSC, really. I still hear the same old "lol Meili you are not a real girl" "there are no girls on the intarwebs" "if you are a real girl show me your pic/go on webcam."




    Well, do you wanna? Cam? :thumbsup:




    What server do you play on anyway?




    Haha... That is pretty funny actually! Anyone can get my kills :) Look at my sig lol..




    I swear, i'm half tempted to play now just to punk him, whoever he may be! :) Fair play to him though lol, using my name's worked out well for him! I wouldn't even call myself adx1 lol




    I'm never fooled by them, i just ask you or my other friends on MSN for confirmation lol.




    Lol, i downloaded the client but it won't load and i grew quickly bored! I may be around shortly though lol :)




    Adx has now solved this problem and his new char is named Zorro Toy and he needs a butt load of stuff.







  3. King Obi




    He was always standing there at gobs with his wizard hat.. I just had to attack him. I couldn't resist.


    It always took me like 15 food to kill him even though he only had plate, 2h legs and a wizard hat. And some food of course.


    Everytime I had to run back to the bank to reload.




    I even think he killed me once when he was afk. :lol:

  4. Wow this thread is so much fun. Just like old times.






    Funny that Vegeta talks about levels lol.. I don't think he was ever anything but bright green to me :-k \'




    happends when rs was u life, since u still watch this forum while u said u quited rs ages ago lmao.




    U like 60 year now? and yet trying to piss me off with your stupid english sarcasm humour?




    big joke u are, and btw, call u doggie zoro back to u since u need a wash.




    Ouch. =D>

  5. RSD is a better clan than MI for several things like size, community, longevity, history, etc. etc. I know because I was in RSD myself. In fact, I was one of the first members Livin recruited before the clan was even officialy formed under his leadership. :D I quit the clan then one month later MI was formed and I joined that one, also as one of the first members before we officially announced our existence.




    MI was the better pking clan though RSD was the better "overall" clan. I don't think anyone needs to be offended by that. They are simply two different things, like apples and oranges.






    Yeah MI was better in wilderness and RSD was better outside.


    I just read some old blogs of yours. Good read! :D

  6. Whiterob10 was better then zorro for sure :P




    Congratulations, you know nothing about pking :lol:

    Zorro died more then almost any other high lvl pker..


    How many pics of rob dead are there? very few.


    You keep talking like your select group of friends were the only people on rs that could catch but thats total bs.


    No matter how [bleep] deluded you are there was plenty of other people who could pk.






    What's your RSN anyway?




    Oh and Adx, eight-freaking-nill for pool

  7. 188359539.png




    Not so good, I only have 24/3mbit here.


    I should go to my parents house and try, they got 100/100






    The university in my city (UCSB) has the fourth fastest downlad speed in the world.

    I call BS.












    Happy now?








    Heres the link if you dont believe me:








    Look at the fourth one down.






    And I'm not surprised either. A genious here at UCSB invented a new type of solar cell that is about 20x more efficient cost wise, and can be as cheap to produce as newspapers.




    That is so false lol


    For the record, A 75year old lady Sigbritt L̮̦̉̉thberg has the fastest internet connection in the world. ( 40 Gigabits per second )

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