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Posts posted by tarawolf

  1. I understand that there are people breaking the rules.


    But, I shouldn't have to pay for what they do.


    I don't cheat. Heck I don't even PK.


    I just like skilling and killing monsters.




    Players who don't break the rules shouldn't be penalized for those who do.




    There is no excuse for Jagex basically stealing 3 days of service from me.




    I want the 3 days Jagex stole from me added back to my account.


    I want the black mark removed off my account.


    And I want an apology for ruining my weekend.

  2. No, until I was banned I didn't know what macros are. I heard the word, but never needed to know what they are, because they're cheating.


    That's all I needed to know.




    I know what flagging is.




    Really irritates me that people imply I was cheating because I didn't know what macros are.


    I just played the game. I didn't cheat because I don't cheat and I wanted to keep playing the game.

  3. I got temporarily banned for 3 days for supposedly using a macro.




    Except I never use them, don't have anything on my computer that I know of that could be considered a macro.




    Jagex just banned me for 3 days without any warning or inquiry. I think that's unfair and wrong. I should have been given a chance to make changes instead of just banned.




    I've been playing for 5 years without any warnings or reports that I know of. My good conduct should have earned me a warning, not a ban.




    Plus it's been 2 days since I posted a message to customer service about this and no response. That's lousy customer service.




    Jagex needs to do something to be sure they only ban people who deserve it.

  4. No I dont listen to music online.


    But thanks for your post. That is what I am looking for - things I could be doing on my computer that Jagex mistakenly flags as macros.




    Only thing I do in RS is play the game.




    I do surf online when playing - news sites, rs help sites. Could that be causing a problem?

  5. I really don't like getting a black mark for something I didn't do.


    I don't like having to miss playing on my member's account for something I didn't do.


    And I don't like paying Jagex for 3 days I'm not able to play for something I didn't do.




    3 days isn't much, but it is on a weekend. I had herbs growing that will probably be dead. I was close to a couple of skill lvls that will have to wait.




    Jagex should have something in place for temporary bans to appeal. They should send a warning or notification first instead of just banning. I would be glad to make a change if I'm doing something that Jagex flags pick up as a macro.




    It's lousy customer service and I'm really disgusted.

  6. Nope I'm the only person who ever uses my computer.




    And you're right 3 days isn't bad, but I play a lot. I live in a very small rural midwest town. Not much to do here. So it's real annoying not be able to play.




    Plus - I PAY for my play, which means Jagex stole 3 days of service from me based on a false accusation. Yea that's only 50 cents, but it's real annoying to pay for a service and not be able to use it.

  7. I have been temporarily banned for 3 days for supposedly using a macro.


    Except - I never use macros. Wouldn't ever use a macro, don't even know what they are or how to get them.




    So, three days of a membership I PAY for have been stolen away, I have been wrongly accused of using a macro, and unfairly had a black mark placed on my record. Whatever happened to innocent before proven guilty?




    I just play the game. What could I have been doing that made Jagex programs flag me for using a macro?




    I posted a complaint to Jagex, but have not received a reply.




    This really seems to be lousy customer service. I am very, very irritated.

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