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    RPGs, VB & HTML Programming, Anime, and Drawing
  1. Ne1 know if Runescape is gonna do a Holoween thing this year. I remember the zombie head and the candys last holoween. any ideas on if there will be 1 this year ? Sry if this is not in rite section. I'm not sure.
  2. Well when getting random events it usualy depends on ur inventoy. like lets say u have an open space in ur inventoy. u have a higher chance of getthing the box from the old man Random event. while on the other hand like lets say u mass fletch large amounts of bows etc... and ur inventory is constantly full. u have a high chance of getting something like mime. maze or other random event which doesn't put an item in ur inventory at the start. When mass fletching when i was a member I use to get Maze like 2-3 times a day but I rarely got mime tho. I only got it 3 times. I got the boots and shirt the first time. the gloves and pants the second and the lean emote the third time. ^.^
  3. i think it look neat, i just got back online myself and i can see u have improved yourself. I myself have been praticing photoshop style sigs. i might just enter some of these newer comeptitions myself. as for ur image, its verry well drawn, I'm not much foa quake fan but it looks good ^.^
  4. Actualy it is considered man made because some1 has to combine the white onyx powder with a chemical to make it solid and black. onyx gems can be natural without the chemical added to it to make it solid, but the most common is "produced by the staining of agate" Alot of the info i know bout onyx was told to me by my father becasue his great grandfather "Buck Robins", discovered the onyx caves "about six miles east of Eureka Springs, Arkansas", when he was using the mineshaft for making moonsine, then he noticed when the distilery crashed open in the cave, the alcohol actualy stained the onyx powder in there turning it solid black. Buck took this discovery to a discovery office *He was thrown in jail for awhile for moonshine making tho* but when he got out of the jail, he started an onyx mining operation, and to this day the onyx cave is the #1 largest source of Onyx in the western hemisphere. Too bad he had so many debts, he sold the cave *Irony: After he sold it, bout 5 seperate cave areas were discovered which had some diamonds and a lot more onyx, lol*
  5. wow, they actualy put onyx gems in the game, "Not the exact images/effects" but at least its the idea of the type of gem. Only thing I don't like bout the Onyx gems in rs, is they can't be made like onyx gems in real life. Onyx origionaly is a white powder then a chemical makes it turn solid and black.
  6. I'm not flaming you. I just said if u don't like the avy u get, don't use it. I have been prety much defending u all this time. Ill say it again...
  7. I agree with that. I said the same thing. if u don't like the avy u got then don't use it. Also I hope Sir_Alex85 gets his avy soon, some people don't like to wait forever past the deadline and it looks like he is one of them people.
  8. No prob, I don't mind helping out.
  9. Hey Runescape_Rocks I converted the avy that was made 4 u into a .gif without much loss of quality, other than that blasted huge 12k .png, into a 5.89k .gif http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4997/rsrocks6dl.gif There u go, one converted huge .png into a .gif, without much quality loss at all :D P.S. Funny thing I noticed bout ur avvy Runescape_Rocks is, the person being chased looks like Lois from Family Guy. lol. My Hero Stewie thanks that artist, lol.
  10. Please... No need to argue bout this Game... I myself used photoshop for my avy I made for this game also Besides where in the first post did it say to only make a Pixel Avy... I didn't... The first post sure didn't Sara, Guthix, Zammy, and Hazeel Sure didn't ("I know i'm missing a few gods, but that doesn't realy matter") So please no more arguing bout the avatars... Not every1 is a perfect artist and not every1 has the best software for good looking images, but some of u people have it in your minds that you all were gonna get expertly done avys...wrong...Its just a Game. If you don't like what u got then don't use it, but at least give an OK thanks to the person who made it. btw. Thx anyways to the person who made the "Ride the Pickle" Avy. and... Hope you improve your slills a lil bit in the future.
  11. I know what u mean DiabloCopy..... I myself put some work into making a good avatar, and no offence to the person who made the one for me.... but... Ride the Pickle.... I know the title of the topic is "Silly Avatar Game :O" but thats just plain wrong for me.... there is one funny thing but the quote, i'm actualy alergic to pickles........ as for the image and such..... it could of been better, lol ill just make my own avatars from now on.
  12. it was said to be finished at Sunday, 12:01 EST, so central time would be on Saturday, 11:01 CST, becasue CST is 1 hour behind EST.
  13. Godslayer not every1 knows what a rolling eyes mean. I myself am not a mind reader. In my mind the rolling eyes ment as like look above previous messages because they roll up. Not every1 preceves the same messages durring typed chat. and as for flaming u..... *As u would put it Godslayer..... :roll: *
  14. Please no more flaming others to speed up their work. they will get done when they get done...... btw Godslayer are u like 12 years old. becasue thats a comment I would expect from an addolecent.
  15. Quer_Skulll.... I put the best quality i ever did into the avitar i made for the person who i made it for...(Tongue twisting, lol) And as i said before... don't take offence to it sheesh.... :? As for every1 else who is waiting for people like Quer_Skulll to finish the avatars. Just wait it out so nothing like the above arguments won't start again. No offence Every1 but I have seen more maturity at a Irish Bar with Kareoke Strip Night.
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