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Posts posted by Lazyboy164

  1. like my signature?








    people draw them in MS Paint, and do it 1 pixel at a time (or more depending on how big the object is) They are very time consuming but turn out awsome :D








    It takes incredible talent id say :wink:

  2. a cloud partly covering the moon (whiter over top of the moon since its bright) and then make it darker and darker as it moves away. Way less Red in the Lava. Grey skeleton looks bad, make it white. Font is a little hard to read aswell.








    [EDIT] ooh you should also do a 1 pixel black outline around the skele, moon, and maybe the rocks and lava if you want. Should make it look better.

  3. pixel sigs own because they take much much more effort than signatures made in programs, like jeppoz said.








    I think my sig is the best every :lol: nah jk, Punk4ever's is just f'in tight though :shock:








    good job jeppoz

  4. since i like ur sigs so much i guess ill get an avatar :D








    can you make it inside this please...
















    could you make it the same as the signature except just the guys head with the p hat and white hair and ammy :) have him facing forward of course, dont make him look lazy. Put 'Lazy' in white font on the red p hat.








    Thanx :P

  5. if anyone asked who'd make it id say you. lol.








    also, im happy you like the alteration :) I think it makes him look more lazy like hes just relaxing rather then passed out or wasted lol :P








    i love the ammy you did though! thnx :D

  6. can you put those white boots and hair and ammy onto this version please :P








    sorry ive spent like 10 minutes doing a few changes lol. If ya could that would be sweet dude thanx. Heres the version id like updated.
















    also could you make the saradomin a tiny bit brighter, everything else looks good :P


    cool ill take one that is like 300 x 100 dimensions








    just have it say my name 'Lazyboy164' on it








    Can i have a guy lying down with red p hat on and an iban staff lying beside him. Everything else up to you :)








    thanx :D




    See the sad thing is i dont know what a iban staff looks like. how about a zammy/guthix/sara staff? otherwise could ya send me a pic of it. anyway here is your second one (i tryed a sara staff)












    can you put an ammy on him, change his hair to white, as well as his boots to white. Thnx :)

  8. cool ill take one that is like 300 x 100 dimensions








    just have it say my name 'Lazyboy164' on it








    Can i have a guy lying down with red p hat on and an iban staff lying beside him. Everything else up to you :)








    thanx :D

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