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Posts posted by Smapla

  1. These threads include, but are not limited to:


    "What is your favourite/least favourite.." threads




    "What would you do if.." threads




    "What do you prefer.." threads




    "Post a picture of your user/outfit/armour/etc.." threads




    Other threads that pose a question at individual users

  2. Not all equipment has to be equal. some of it has to be better than the rest.




    The dragon square shield is a pretty good shield, defense wise. It's pretty low cost and never degrades. shields really shouldn't even give offensive bonuses; they're defensive tools. the fact that the dragonfire shield has a strength bonus is, i think, because it has sort of mystical dragonfire properties, and as for the tzhaar shield, it was in the knowledge base that it has a strength bonus because it was "forged in a place of great strength".




    perhaps a new quest could add magical properties to the shield; that'd be cool.

  3. Oooh, how nice for you!




    runescape parallels the "real" world in many ways. I'd talk a lot about the player managed economy, merchants, etc, and draw comparisons between that and american history, your teacher would probably love that, and it's interesting.




    oh, and make sure your screenshots show a variety of settings, such as the desert, jungle, snow areas, etc. runescape has far from a bland geography!

  4. anything relating to "ku klux" is inherently racism related.




    That does not automatically make anyone who makes reference to "ku klux" a racist by extension, nor does it make their comments racist. What if someone slams the KKK in a newspaper, does that mean that they are making racist comments?




    I never said that it made you racist, but if you look at the runescape rules:




    This includes (but is not limited to): discussion of recreational drugs, sexually explicit language, solicitation, racism or other prejudice, threatening, blackmail and swearing. It's simply a matter of common sense - try not to say anything that someone might find offensive.

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