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Everything posted by smileyphil

  1. I'm scared that they'll ban me for messing around one day, I have several irl friends and it used to be a sort of joke to say: 'selling 20 lobster 90k' then my friend would pretend to buy them off me... We weren't trying to hurt anyone its just nice to see what peoples reactions are... but now am afraid to do things like this incase I get banned and it is taking away part of the fun online aspect of the game...
  2. I played back then as well but I wasn't really active on forums n stuff. Just kept myself to myself and killed goblins.
  3. If a d2h was slow but powerful people could use whips to kill most of an enemy then switch to d2h to do a final blow which would kill before they ate food perhaps... making it useful in a way however it would only be good for duels/pking and too expensive for a long time to consider pking with.
  4. Well I think dragon smithing might be a bit wishful (froma smithers point of view) but I think perhaps one special high level item (dragon claws??) might work... Of course I think a dragon pick would fit in well, you would probably need to do sum rediculously hard quest to get it (hopefully based around mining/smithing) but I think, along with keldagrim and smithing beginning to go downhill, that it is time for a new pick. Anyway, sup to jagex, smiley phil
  5. I was also suggesting a dragon pick for miners to weild... perhaps it could be the only pick able to mine dragon ore and you would get it from some hard quest??? I think perhaps the keldagrim series may be the beginning of a new smithing generation!! Oh and -Til_Galind- do change to p2p if you can afford it, it is a LOT better for not very much money (only 3.20 a month I think) of course its up to you but I recommend.
  6. I don't post very often but I agree highly with the smithing problem, I'm level 69 mining and 62 smithing and that isn't that high but it has taken a lot of hard work... even with these stats AND high alchemy of the things I make I still don't make a profit over selling the coal I mine... smithing definately needs a new angle. I also agree though that jagex cannot just add more high level smithable armour into the game because that leads to all the above problems. I believe the solution is to lower the smithing requirements, not a lot but enough to bring the existing armour into line with the ease it is to wear (thinking at level 62 I should at least be able to make an adamant plate which I could wear ages ago and could buy with no problems). The lower of smithing values would make smithing rune + addy items a possiblity. But then in order to make smithing an important skill new 'smithing only' items would be needed and they would need to be tradeable so that the smithers could sell there makings. Ideas for new items: 1. Smithing items that help other skills: - Farming Rakes (used for farming) 2. Smithable items used in other skills: - Melted down Ore (possibly used in herblore) 3. Multi-skill items: - Ranging Armour (combining fletching and smithing to make armour resistant against swords but still useful to range in, of course the drawback being that rangers become weaker against mages) - Maging Armour (combining maging and smithing to make armour resistant against arrows but still able to mage in, drawback being that mages spells hit slightly lower) - Enchanted Pick-locks (combining theiving and smithing for opening special locks only) - Food Racks (combining cooking and smithing, allows several food items to be cooked in one click or stored together in uncooked form) Of course the multi-skill is a very intresting possiblity that could extend into other areas e.g. enchanting arrows and others. Any other ideas greatly recommended The always mining, always thinking, always smiling, Smiley Phil
  7. A time is coming in runescape, the time for bigger and better things - better weapons, better armour, better spells and more things to create and grow. The new times must bring new things for miners, devices that will seperate the fledging iron miners from the hardened addy miners, devices that will once more see ores tumble from there rocky dens. Yes... I bring to you, fiery hot from the dwarven forges of keldagrim this new device, created with the power of the dragon, even down to the handle the device is enfused with raw energy. People I bring you... The Dragon Pickaxe!! Sorry about that little story... seriously thou I believe that it is time for a new level 60+ pickaxe to fit in with the range of level 60+ weapons and armour... and the new keldagrim stories allow a perfect place for one to be implemented, your loyal miner and thinker, smiley phil
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