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Everything posted by roy89

  1. Thanks. I'm not totally sure, but I think their level (when you win) has a bigger influence on changing the rating gained then charges. I've beaten level 120s in f2p 3k to like 750 and have gained 70+ rating, so I don't know for sure.
  2. Kills from both Killaboy781 (88 combat) and my bro Roy7420 (98 combat) wo0t 90 ranged!!! 93 atm =p Ancients Ftw!!! prayed ddp =[ yay green skull =p Yeah all of the f2p stuff I pked was banked. With the exception of one kill, none of the p2p stuff was banked lol. Suicidal for 110- without a friend. Can't wait for new pvp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. What was the guy on the last pic wearing?? ....it wasn't 3rd age mage right.....sortof looks like it, don't flame cause im stupid lol
  4. nice pk how many arrows you from them total???
  5. having the some problem aswell lol nice ranged =) combat?
  6. I AM F2P Current Stats:--Goal: Attack.......40--?? Strength....62--80+ Defence....40--40 Ranged.....80--85+ Magic.......72--80+ Prayer......44--44 Hitpoints...71--- Combat....72--- Do I keep attack at 40? 50? 60? 70? Please Help. Thanks
  7. so all i have 24000 nats and like 1100k cash i wanna know how to get the highest magic possible by high alchemy i figure maple long cuz they give 384 gp back and i cood high alch even after 24000 nats because the bow would give me pretty good money however i wood need 24000 bows :shock: i am willing to sell some nats and get even amount of bows and nats but then again i dont know if maple longs are even the best high alch item out there (im f2p) i want something that gives good money after i high alch so i keep doing it for a little while and get the most magic i can tell me what yall think :D thanks
  8. Im pretty sure you posted this pic before yea lol i actually posted the one above your post first but didnt know u could edit the very first post which had the rune t so i added that one to the first one and i didnt know how to delete the one above so i just left it :/ i only c the edit no delete maybe i should jsut delete everything the post contains except for a period if i cant delete it
  9. its an okay guide but training mage with teles and high alchs is expensive the good side is that its fast exp. just click tele like 50 times and much better xp than using earth/fire strike
  10. its multi so like if 5 prue str come and each hit like 15 , i cant run fast enough and i didnt plan on staying in lvl 1 forever but dude kept coming back so i w8ed since he got good stuff and sad how u have to come up with that reply cuz u mad that i got a kill like that 20 bucks says he gonna reply again saying something "O o i own u nub anyday" "ive got pks much better than that peice of sht"
  11. You got for example 500 laws from kill. They appear in the pile as one law (you can't see how many there are), not as 500 laws piled. W/E you want to think, it's enough for me to know that i'm right. If any more problems bout that pm me, tought i won't be answering for crap like this, when i have already told my information that you can't prove wrong. i honestly dont think some of you have ever pked runes before just cuz u see 1,doesnt mean there is 1 they're stackable and because of that, their value(when u pk some) is counted as the whole amount of runes there but when u die the stackable isnt counted as whole like if u carried 5 runes(and nothing else), u would lose 2 and keep 3
  12. If your serious, please quit RuneScape for not knowing anything about it. If rune plates sold for 85K at a general store, don't you think people would sell to the general store rather then to other players for 55-60k? Also, the most valuable item goes at the top, then the others are placed in what I "think" is a random order. On topic: Nice PK, Hope to see more. ^_^ ~Joe. for the 85k part thing u wrote i dont know whether jagex bases the best item on general store price or high alch but im tlaking about what the general store sells it for not buys it for
  13. LOL explains y everytime i kill a mage, the deaths appear rather than a fire staff rite?
  14. u noobs this aint a fake the laws were on top from the beginning because the 650 laws are more than the rune t pl8 rune t pl8 is same thing as rune pl8....85k at general store price 650 laws is better and no the best items dont always appear on top its best, then worst, than scrambled up i jsut picked up guthix full helm first cuz i was surprsed it was there i didnt just start clicking and taking as i saw in pile and people there is a pic rite there---for the noob that said no proof
  15. Don't ever bring salmon or trout in the wild :twisted: I'm 74 range 44 pray 51 magic and only 57 combat I saw this 58 in the wild and started to attack...He runs and im thinking he has no teles I come back with mage and some binds and and teles this time with like 10 hp He comes back and the first thing i nail on him is a 12 ( HE NEVER ATE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) There goes almost a mill.lol It was 650 laws btw and 1k airs heres another idiot was too excited that i killed some1 with wizzy t skirt so i took screenshot of after picking it up the two pure str to the left are 70s who were team with the mage and were probly gonna bs him since they potted up and u can even see the one in blakc facing that way to attk but i too quick got on roll 10-10-11-12 dead
  16. click on the picture to get a full sized image wow what an idiot i killed him on my pure ranger(lvl 50) and he was a lvl 58 mage doing fire blast he brought like 1k deaths and 10k airs into the wild AND a wizzy t skirt the 2 ppl on the top-left part fo the pic are 2 62s who jsut cam and potted ready to help me but i killed em too fast for them to pop their 23s on him
  17. You never on lol tell me when u get on so we can fite rsn:killaboy781
  18. dude im gonna kill u im 49 cmb and 70 range ill stake all 300k//im f2p btw we pk in 1v1 zone so no pjers and it will be a dm so no teles!! add me or post on forums to give me name of wrld and time and ill be there rsn:killaboy781
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