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    like this moment? or u know... where i usually am?
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  1. I get this: Error_game_js5io - Io error. Runescape was unable to communicate reliably with the update server. This is most likely caused by firewall/antivirus/filtering software on your computer, or a fault with your network hardware/software. To resolve this: # It may just be that the game has been updated since you loaded it, try rebooting your computer and reloading the game. # If that doesn't help then try using a different world at another location. # If that doesn't help then make sure your firewall/antivirus/filtering software is set to not interfere with the RuneScape download. # If that doesn't help then external filtering software may be causing the problem. Please ask your network adminstrator/ISP for assistance. If problems persist then please refer to our technical FAQ which can be found in the FAQ section of our website. And yeah I have everything enabled.
  2. I've decided to start playing runescape again, but it won't work on my macbook. I have the newest version of Java, and I've tried with Safari, Opera, and Firefox.
  3. I'm loving the right section of the sig a lot, it's good overall but yeah work on the text (I'm being a hipocrite since that's the text I use to use on grunge sigs). I actually like the red stuff at the right, I think it fits well.
  4. That's kinda weird, but it's not for this forum anyways. Plus it's not like you can see my face or anything.
  5. This is a sig I made a while ago, with a picture of me skateboarding. I don't have photoshop anymore so can somebody just combine them in a tasteful manner? Thx in advance.
  6. good duel... i feel it was a bit biased cuz of LP, but he/(she?) probably woulda won anyways.
  7. kudos at not letting people know whos is whos... lol
  8. we've decided to make it a 3way (sounds naughty huh :wink: ), i still havnt gotten a pm from LP with his sig, and freeman is already done
  9. ok me and freeman are gonna make a colab, ps: when ur finished with ur sig pm it to me, so we r only ones that know who made which
  10. 5 days for a sig? nah. how bout this, we each get a partner and make a colab sig. due december 28th at midnight
  11. ok ill accept... what do you think for an ending time
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