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Posts posted by Vincent

  1. [hide=latest bank]78794863nk8.png
















    [hide=goals and item goals (a long list)]2376 total all skills 99+


    fire cape


    all stuffed heads for house


    all stuffed fish for house


    dragon full helm


    dragon 2h


    dragon chain


    book of pages (barbarian dungeon thing also burn the bones)


    all barrows sets maybe 3 of each or more?


    mud staff


    dragon legs


    finish music guide


    rogue's armour


    4k chompie kills dragon archer hat



    berserker ring


    archer's ring


    at least 2 of each item in bank (that is possible)


    onyx ring


    onyx bracelet


    crystal bow x? 180k


    crystal shield x? 150k


    BA armour (all of it)


    fighter, healer, runner, ranger hats


    highest rank for ba in all categories


    fighter torso


    runner boots


    penance gloves


    penance skirt


    granite body


    granite helm


    granite shield


    granite legs


    dragon fire shield


    cw armour (gold?)


    high duel arena rank


    high rouge rank


    high bounty hunter rank


    dragon arrows


    infinity armour


    bones to peaches spell


    master wand


    mages book


    golden sceptre


    squirk juice


    all tt rewards


    pirate hook


    all champion scrolls done


    gnome restaurant stuff (scarf, pods, what else?)


    unlock sara strike unlock zamorak flames


    void knight mace


    void knight robes


    void knight top


    void knight gloves


    mage, melee, range void knight helms


    trouble brewing stuff


    3rd age (all sets)


    bandos armour


    armadyl armour


    dragon axe


    sara sword


    armadyl godsword


    bandos godsword


    sara godsword


    zamorak godsword



    fix my house up


    dragon square


    discontinued items?


    large amount of all supplies (potions, armour, food, and gp etc.)



    slayer pure?


    collections- like silver key collection, sinister key collection, rune bars, whatever else




    will probably add more to the list (note) some of these items i've had and got rid of. [/hide]

  2. if you open your eyes, you'll see players getting things the old way.




    too many people support the bots though.




    i can think of others. slayer over camping. kingdom of miscellania over mining coal or fishing tuna.




    killing dragons for dragonhide.




    killing chaos druids over farming for herblore.




    burying bones over ecto, gilded altar.




    walking over teleporting, which isnt really old, but maybe considering when you first played, you couldnt teleport because your mage was too low.




    walking to runecraft altar over abyss or zmi.




    some of these things arent any better just different way of playing. if you want to read a great thread, there's an excellent thread on rsof forums look up DIY (do it yourself) there's a tremendous amount of good information.




    to answer your question, i do things the old way when its in my interest to do things the old way for my own entertainment or to gather materials if the old way is still good, and in some cases it is. and i understand completely i make lots of pies and use lunar bake pie spell, so i combine the old with the new etc.

  3. skimmed through it, seems to me it's a lot of psychobabble. not whoever's best writings. doesnt flow well and is disorganised. although there was potential there, it just seemed like it was rushed... -.-




    and maybe i should comment on the content; nothing really stood out as cutting edge and there wasnt any tremendous insight or a powerfully worded message that was coming across.




    and yeah the link went to last week's editorial so i had to click on the home link and use that link to read it.

  4. good points lux.




    and if there ever was a good time to make discontinued items untradeable it would be upon introduction of a huge trading update like the Grand Exchange. While people are ranting and raving about non-tradeable dc items, there will be a larger group of players learning and adjusting to the Grand Exchange with compliments and criticisms about the new trading system. So kind of an opportune time to make that, "we've also made dc items untradeable" update. i wouldnt be surprised if it did happen that way.

  5. Also this month, we will be introducing some fantastic changes to the Duel Arena. We have drawn information from a recent poll, various suggestions from players, forum posts and general feedback to create some improvements. There was overwhelming support for tournaments, so we offer enough room for 64 players and large prizes. You wanted more options on the Hiscores table, well, now you can track your Tournament Rank, which will reflect your Duel Arena awesomeness!




    Any ideas on how the Tournament Rank is going to function?

  6. and you probably have respect for lvl 125-126 rc pkers? and actually i did give a reason. and i've owned an equal number of rc pkers.




    and about the defence, i was replying to jordanweb, maybe you should start your own thread.

  7. fair enough. i left some of these things vague and some things might be unclear. so i'll explain in more detail, which i planned to do anyway.




    purfishx- my opinion matters to me and whether you agree or not that is what i think. and about the lvl 100+ i totally agree! when i said 90 being mid-lvl i meant that literally. most of the whiny blanks that want things easier are at a mid high level which is 90. for example if that's unclear, 90 smithing, 90 crafting, 90 herblore etc. how does it affect me, it annoys me end of discussion. pet peeves are individual annoyances; what may annoy me, you may not find annoying. well high lvl combat blanks that dont know how to make money, undercut those high lvls that do know how to make money, when selling their goods. it's an annoyance.




    about the buying of levels let me just explain that. i dont dislike everyone that spends any money on any skill; that's way too broad. i dislike those that never even got into the skill or learnt the skill and basically just bought what they needed then lvled it. why does it bother me? i just think it takes away from their knowledge of the game when they dont actually learn the skill. for example: some 99 cooks dont even know how to make a ughanki kebab. should that matter? does it annoy you? it's annoying to me. doesnt have to be annoying to you and you dont have to agree that its annoying. some may not have really learnt what is available and that goes for all buyable skills, if you dont actually get into and learn the skill and instead just stand in a bank and craft 50k hides that's weak imo. of course spending money on skills is normal but overdoing it is where i find fault.




    limpbizkit- i dont have to respect or like rc pkers. i think they're sad. and it's especially sad to see someone with a combat of 125-126 after all that time ingame, they cant find something more worth their time to do in game than rc pk? and again i dont have to like things that annoy me or even explain that, i'm not trying to convince anyone that what annoys me should annoy you. when i said ignorance i meant lack of knowledge, intentional lack of knowledge, like someone saying farming is dumb, and never even trying it.




    as for 99 defence being useless, i'll let you wait til you get 99 defence then you can find out for yourself. other than there being no armour above 70 def req. same thing for mage, except mage armour just outright stinks against melee when mage is supposed to have the advantage!




    appropriate meaning appropriate to the topic.




    these are just things i find in game that are annoying to me. you dont have to agree with them and generally and for the most part i focus on the good things in game and there are a lot of them.

  8. A pet peeve is a term used to describe an annoyance you have with something.




    My list of Runescape related pet peeves:




    spammers- people that stand in banks and use auto typers or just repeat the same thing over and over.




    lock happy and robotic like forum mods or player mods that act like they're all that.




    people that stand in banks in their own square in expensive stuff alching or just standing.




    people that follow each other (dance) outside edge bank. especially if they're over lvl 120.




    rc pkers and a special dislike of lvl 125 lvl 126 rc pkers!




    scammers, liars, bug abusers, cheats, account thieves.




    people that try to annoy you by moving in on your training spot.




    medium high lvls, like lvl 90 in skills, that want things to be easier for them to get 99.




    people that buy skills like it's an accomplishment.




    people that always complain about new updates.




    people that arent willing to help other people when it would be no trouble for them.




    price manipulators and poor high lvl combat noobs that dont know how to make money.




    people that say, "buying all x".




    duel arena cheats and trash talkers.




    pk trash talkers and hypocrisy.




    how 99 defence is useless.




    teams of 1 itemers.




    high lvl edgeville pkers that dont lose anything after dying they just pick up their non-tradeables.




    laziness and intentional ignorance.




    that mage has crap "armour".




    that range is super cheap.




    that melee can wear dragon hides and not lose atk abilities.




    all random events.




    bots and gold farmers.




    a good start anyway. <.<








    that run energy doesnt gain at a normal rate while smithing or charging orbs.




    when doing quests people ask questions about it while you're in the middle of talking to an npc you cant click out of.




    more will be added later. post your runescape related pet peeves and try to keep it appropriate. :boohoo:

  9. they just mean you can only list items that you are selling, not buying.




    so no need for buy listings like "buying 5k raw lobster", you'll just look for someone selling 5k raw lobster and buy them or if you're selling 5k lobster you'll just list it and wait for someone to buy it.

  10. yeah i hope there's no buy listings; that would just make it easier for the scammers, merchants, and price manipulators. that's what rsof forums are for... :P oh, that's why this topic was posted. it all makes sense now. :-k




    if that's the case, grand exchange = no fake buyers and no fake sellers = less price manipulation.




    and for df you are right about how good merchants can survive in any market thing because they will of course find the opportunities and spin things to their benefit etc. so, still a lot of high rollers and wheeler dealers in the game... not the end of merchanting but at least a fair market for the producers and the suppliers.

  11. ok i see what you're saying icecube and a lot of it is speculation about prices. on runescape there are huge markets obviously for all goods pretty much and this is one of the great successes(sp) in the game in my opinion. runescape has goods that are in high demand and that makes buying and selling a big part of the game and a great success.




    this will make buying and selling much easier i would think for goods that are hard to find a seller and i suppose also make it easier for the sellers that dont like trying to barter prices etc. and finding a buyer. and i would think for most items the selling prices wont deviate that greatly. the only items i would think would have a lower selling price would be discontinued items and those dont make up the bulk of items being bought and sold. if you get what im saying. and i think people should not assume it's going to operate exactly like it does in other games.




    one question i'd have is if you had 10k wep poison++; would you have to list it more than 1 time to sell less than 10k or would you have to wait for a buyer for all 10k? or could you sell them in price per?

  12. From what I understandof the BTS article
    is where you went wrong.




    the article states, if you havent read it,




    Later in the month, we bring you the 'Grand Exchange'. This new building will be located in the north-west of Varrock and will house a huge new addition to the game: the ability to offer items to buy and sell across ALL servers and to ALL players! You could go to the Exchange and put a full Barrows set up for sale, for example - then, playing Skullball in Canifis, you get a message telling you that they have sold and that you can go to the nearest bank to receive payment! The Grand Exchange will allow you to spend more time on the things you enjoy, providing a less time-consuming alternative to selling your items on the Forums or amongst the crowds of Varrock Marketplace.




    and if i had to guess, you probably get a receipt for your goods, then again you might not, which you exchange at the bank. but will wait and see. lots of good updates ahead. =D> people will be able to buy and sell goods at the exchange. across all servers! and to all players! f2p included. sounds huge and makes me wonder how huge the new year update will be.




    and i agree with what lux said.

  13. wow i like your blog. i was all ready to dislike you and you surprised me. your personality is very diametric from what i expected of a crew member; cold opinionated pushy defensive.




    and the blueprint for your house was well done. tip could use a tool like that. tip could also use a database with photos of all available options for the poh, since it would be nice to see what items look like before you create them and would help with choosing what to put in your house.


    [hide=my comments on your bank]i love your bank. so much random stuff. are those redberry pies? and you've got the key to meirditch. nice. bank needs cleaning and organising. i know its old pic, maybe an updated pic of your bank would be nice. and you've got some good stuff and it looks like you're trying everything out and you're good at questing and you seem to have a fair bit of knowledge about the game.




    i didnt know you could have 2 damaged pouches, first time i've ever seen that. i love the amount of monkfish and swordfish and tuna.[/hide]

  14. i thought ppl with a skull over their head were at low hit points and were close to dying and needed food.




    i thought the tutors on tutorial island would be jagex employees and i was nervous about starting.




    i thought people chose roles in the game and would play those out like chefs and smiths etc. not do it all.




    couldnt figure out how to make a fire until i saw a tinderbox over someone's head and finally figured it out.




    I didnt know you could use arrow keys until rs2! i found spots in the game to center north and then set it to stop moving.




    i couldnt find the place to fish either for a while, then started behind the altar south of falador, west of port sarim.




    my interests in smithing and mining led me to tipit.




    i remember in my first days wandering and finding a gold rock and i couldnt believe i could mine it and that there wasnt 50 people around trying to mine it. it was my discovery! i would be rich. \'

  15. i have 2 accounts that play classic. of course i like rs2 but i do like that there are no randoms in rsc and i still have goals for my chars in rsc.




    in my opinion rsc is less competitive with other players because of no high scores, so its more playing simply for playings sake; if that makes sense.




    a lot of love from the designers was put into classic as well and it's neat to see. it will be a sad day should they ever shut down classic. i'd think they have enough income to keep the servers up and i hope that they're there as long as rs2 is or as long as jagex is.




    it's still the game i started on and the only things i dont really like is the pathfinding, the banking and of course the fact that it's not updated. probably more dislikes but that's all i can think of rightnow. much more clicking also... with skills. not that its bad but it makes fishing that much more dull. i kind of like smithing and mining on rsc. never liked the mining guild though too claustrophobic. a lot of memories come back when i go on rsc. it's still a fun game and a good break from rs2 from time to time.

  16. good guide. i especially like the outcome extras graph. i will try collecting every 11 days coal/maple because of that. but needs an update for farming seeds. maybe someone will update. i used it on farming a few times. i always got 1 tree seed at full pay and half bar on farming and 100% approval. i also got seeds i mostly dont use, but some good herb and allottment seeds. and i'd also like to know how or if the idle system affects the resources.

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