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Posts posted by gorufriders

  1. his arms are to skinny his head looks like a bowling ball




    re do the line work on the tuna somtin looks mested up with it (try using a reffrence from game) clouds aren't just opague they can be translucent to store looks like a card board box




    i like the plant on the bottom left hand corner




    oh ands wats with thr green around the shore?i don't now i don't got to ocean that often i have been stuck on dry land all my life, because if its sea-weed it should be in a straight line it should look like leafs

  2. k igto a randmoizer so im exepting free sigs now i can onley take seven




    any: pixals, abstracts (girls and cars only plox)




    ty plox don't feel affeneded if i don't choice one your sigs




    im not forcing im asking threw shear kindness




    edit:avators exepted to




    you will be credited

  3. 1. What size you want the sig: 300x150




    2. what you want the sig to say: gorufriders




    3. what color(s) you would prefer: pinky red kinda like the one i have right now




    4. Any picture? (would be helpful if you post the render you want in the sig) If you do not have a picture of the render you want, then please try to give me details so I can find it:http://acidgraffix.com/renders/displayimage.php?album=4&pos=57

  4. i have decided to try the more detailed side of pixaling (anatomy, useing diffrent colours for shading not just changing the contrass of a single colour) its my first atempt so go as hard of cc as you want










    edit again:kinda redid the right side did the left side to me it looks okay but if you have any suggest to help my fix it up i would kindly appreciate it




    fixed it all upand now i need help with the head its going to be bald (spelling) so if you now please pm me or post

  5. kill try




    in kinda of a green house with all these plants and a window with a noob looking threw it with a scared face and a venus fly trap on the floor about to att him and theres a sign saying beware of bob and other plants around him




    if u want u can add another character diffrent backround etc.




    edit:its kinda a farming kinda herblore sig




    ty for atleast reading

  6. k the sharks head isway outa wack, his head is to small and his arms he as no anatomy, he has perfectly start torso the feet are to small, thedock is only 2d and has no back legs

  7. Name Of Charachter/Mascot thing: gorufriders


    Your Name: (if you dont want either names on the pic just.. dont fill em out.) gorufriders


    Specifics on Hair/Eye color/style: really crazy blonde about lenght down to eyes hair that is stinking out in every direction, brown black smudges on his face


    Specifics on clothing: arhims robes no hood on some holes some smudges


    Preferred Canvas Size: (WIDTHxHEIGHT in Pixels) 300x150


    Gender: male


    Any other specifics you would like to throw in: chemistry set by him a a broken vail in his hand and smoke class every were, and me smiling,so it looks like a potion just exploided in him hand

  8. here the latest sig i have been working i have been getting it the habit of not finishing my sigs but im have lots of fun with this 1












    i have tried some new stuff for a grass a diffrent technic but not sure of it yet
























    plz tell me wat is better and how 2 improve








    cc, rate

  9. k since i lovedcastle wars when i was a member im goign to make a searys of castle wars sigs i have started 3 or 4 and i only liek this 1 so far and i put the most efort into this 1 this is proubly most tiem i have ever spent on linee i think it was like 10 hours well here it is








    i swear im never drawning another brick again thow, i now soem flaws i have such as the angle the door war the cadipult i like the way it turned out but im not liking the bucket how can i fix the bucket?

  10. quite nice not 2 many peps at first try get shading down








    this ithe process i use








    -draw feet (boots)








    -legs (pants or skirt)








    -[cabbage] (chest or amrour)
















    -arms and hands
















    then i colour all those some peps start from the head because u can get an estamite of how big the body and legs will have 2 be








    the i draw all the background go the procces throw other caracters and animals but allways get animals peps and like building or tree's done then start on like ground and sky

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