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Posts posted by warri0r45

  1. Also on a related note, I think that it's in New York City women are told to yell "FIRE!" if they're being raped, because people will come running.


    That might just be inventive enough to work. People generally don't like confrontation with criminals when they're doing stuff like this, hence why you see diffusion of responsibility. I'm not saying I'm any better - I'd probably be scared if I saw someone get stabbed/attacked. The most I'd do is call the cops and report what I had seen.

  2. Emergency airdrop glitch is funny as hell.


    *sigh* Having fun ruining everyone else's game with your selfishness?

    I'm supposed to care about other people?

    If you rely on a glitch rather than skill to get good scores, you don't deserve to play the game. If I had my way I'd burn it and your console in front of you.


    Nice talking, Keyboard Warrior.




    The glitch helped me get cold-blooded pro faster then usual, and the rare EMP drop helps me get that cool emblem.

    Not our fault the glitch is there, and I will use it til it's patched.


    So? It doesn't make it ok just because it's not your fault. You're exploiting an obvious flaw in the game and not relying on skill to get more unlockables.


    On an unrelated note, I got a game winning kill with a stuck semtex grenade today. It was awesome. :)



    Magnum. 3 shot kill pretty much anywhere. I think it also has the fastest pullout.


    Plus it's the most satisfying gun to get a kill with, in my opinion.

  3. Emergency airdrop glitch is funny as hell.


    *sigh* Having fun ruining everyone else's game with your selfishness?

    I'm supposed to care about other people?

    If you rely on a glitch rather than skill to get good scores, you don't deserve to play the game. If I had my way I'd burn it and your console in front of you.

  4. I know that people can laugh at funerals, but this is usually because of how the person lived, not because they're dead.


    I think death can be joked about, but there is a tasteful and a not-so-tasteful way of doing it. I'm quite fond of black humour, actually. I like the mix of cringing and laughter.

  5. I can answer this by saying: our ideas of evolution are completely infantile and too clinging to religion, following these ridiculous ideas of "Survival of the fittest" and "Best suited for the environment". Those are part of the equation. But then comes a mother-[bleep]ing platypus that goes and feeds its egg-born children after killing an antelope or whatever.


    Good enough answer for me.


    You have a real problem with evolution, don't you?


    Adaptation to the environment and "survival of the fittest" (although it's a misleading term) are perfectly reasonable and logical. How on earth you get "infantile" and "clinging to religion" out of this is beyond me.

    Just current beliefs on evolution - because so many people stick with pure darwinism as though it's the end-all of evolution. It isn't. Sociobiology is a good popular idea for me, although how I see it myself is (of course) different.


    I also don't care if they're reasonable and logical. I've never been one for Enlightenment-era rationalism.


    To explain infantile, well, our beliefs in evolution are quite young and ever-changing. Darwin would not recognize a group that studies evolution these days. Religious? So many act as though there's some goal in evolution, some sort of end to it. This to me sounds like the religious hope for an afterlife.


    I'm just ready for a tail.


    Who exactly are you talking about? Because scientists certainly don't have the beliefs on evolution that you portray here. If I can't appeal to you with reason or logic then debate is pointless.

  6. I can answer this by saying: our ideas of evolution are completely infantile and too clinging to religion, following these ridiculous ideas of "Survival of the fittest" and "Best suited for the environment". Those are part of the equation. But then comes a mother-[bleep]ing platypus that goes and feeds its egg-born children after killing an antelope or whatever.


    Good enough answer for me.


    You have a real problem with evolution, don't you?


    Adaptation to the environment and "survival of the fittest" (although it's a misleading term) are perfectly reasonable and logical. How on earth you get "infantile" and "clinging to religion" out of this is beyond me.

  7. I got a similar score in my last game on wasteland. 23-7. Got an AC130 in a care package but didn't get many kills with it since it was my first time using it and most of the other team was in the bunker in the middle.


    What are everyone's favourite/least favourite maps? I like wasteland, the airport one (terminal?) and scrapyard. I don't really like estate that much.

  8. These are just some questions I posted on a different topic but it got me thinking about these.


    Note: in this Topic evolution is assumed to be true, so if this angers you.. sorry.



    1. Animals seek the most fit to reproduce, but then why do people stay with their abusers and continue to have children with them? While I realize you might say fear, wouldn't some sort of primordial SURVIVAL instinct kick in? (you get hurt you get away)


    2. Do you think its possible that humans can/are de-evolutionizing? In the modern world we are provided with everything, food, water, shelter, protection. So the "weaker" of us don't die off, some examples that I can think of: Hemophilia, asthma, juvenile onset diabetes. While this may seem like a harsh, heartless outlook I think it is true (obviously), and before you think I'm a "master race" bastard know that I have asthma and yes I have wondered if I would make the cut.


    3.Do you think humans were meant to be monogamous? I like to think of these days as the "Satisfaction Age" in that, if you have a desire you get it. Case in point are affairs, and before you go off on a rant about how that is only these days, they happened in earlier times, they just weren't publicized. Also if you look at most if not all group/"pack" mammals they aren't monogamous.


    4. Do humans/carnivores have a natural need for violence/bloodshed?

    Since life first began things have been fighting, its just the way it is, physical combat is easier, more efficient and faster than "negotiation". In our modern world which is peace oriented however we don't get this sort of "satisfaction" in a natural way, so we have invented substitutes (sports) but the bottom line is does this craving/ need exist?


    5.I also don't think humans were meant to live in as large of numbers as we do(multi-million cities, tens of thousands)My explanation is below.

    If you think about the size of a population (human) the smaller it is in general less crime, violence and all that. For instance in larger cities you see things like gangs form, smaller groups almost "tribes" who engage in general "animalistic" activity together such as "hunting" and "territorial competition" unfortunately this manifests as gang wars and "hits"(this relates back to #4). So this begs the question "why do we live in these numbers then?" My mother came up with a possible answer. Unlike animals in the wild who have natural inhibitors such as food in the area, and competition we don't. So we don't naturally break off and form our own groups.


    All opinions and explanations are welcome, and please try to be tolerant of what other people suggest no matter how much it denies what you believe.


    Also you don't have to answer all of these just please let me/us know which one you are referencing.


    Although I've given my response to some of them, I'll repeat them here.


    1) I'll pass on this one seeing as I don't know much about psychology. I suspect there's more to it than mere fight or flight.


    2) I remember writing a paper on this back in highschool. My basic argument was that evolution would virtually stop in the western world, but it would continue to some extent in the third world, unless there was a major influx of medicine and food. Basically, there is no selective pressure to change the population of the west. We all get the medicine we need and are cared for if we're disabled in any way, so there's still an opportunity to pass on negative traits to future generations. In third world countries, there is a selective advantage to being immune to various diseases and a disadvantage to having a genetic disease, so there is still an opportunity for further evolution in those populations. In the other thread I used the example of sickle cell anemia. In places where malaria is common, the sickle cell trait is as well, because the sickle-shaped red blood cells stop the life cycle of the malaria parasite. Because malaria is worse than sickle cell anemia, the sickle cell trait was selected for. This wouldn't be the case in countries with widely avaliable medicine.


    3) Monogamy in humans is a social institution, not a biological one. It's in our best interests to spread our genes to as many mates as possible, hence why monogamy is rare in mammals. That's not to say that monogamy is a bad thing, though.


    4) I don't think there's a need for it, I just think it's a natural outworking of tribalism. Historically, humans were organised into tribes which organised their resources within their in-group. Whenever one tribe met another and there were resources at stake, there was the potential for violence. I think racism, nationalism and other such -isms might be the remnants of this kind of tribalism.


    5) I think your analysis is largely right. Huge populations of people aren't really natural. It's only through established agriculture and transportation that millions of us can all come together in the same place.

  9. So maybe hypocrite was a slightly the wrong choice of word, but it still stands. If you not willing to work for the result, don't have the result.


    If you need to, sure. But the reality is that we have people who are payed to do that for us. Are you willing to make your own refrigerator? Your own car? Your own TV? Your own house? I'm certainly not, because I can pay someone with the adequate skills to do it for me and doing it myself would be impossible. Am I not deserving of these things? Of course I am, because I give people money for these things. This is how the economy works, and there's nothing wrong with that, whether it's to do with where we get our food or where we get anything else.

  10. If you can't bare to kill the animal yourself, but still eat it then your one hell of a hypocrite who doesn't deserve to eat the meat.


    How does not wanting to kill what you eat make you a hypocrite? It's like saying you're a hypocrite if you get surgery but aren't willing to perform it yourself.


    On the topic of where food comes from, I'll eat anything if it tastes good (and wont kill me), regardless of where it comes from.

  11. Evolution is not goal oriented. Evolution is "[bleep] YOU I'M A FOUR YEAR OLD WITH A CRAYON"



    is the goal of evolution not to make the species in question best suited to it's environment?

    Not at all. Evolution's goal is to evolve. Change without reason. Completely illogical and unreasonable - almost religious.


    Which is why I totally understand some people's clutching to evolution as a sort of dogma. Although when they don't realize this, I am curious.


    You're not making any sense. The change isn't without reason - it's for the very reason that 321Ownage described. Natural selection favours traits that suit an organism to its environment. It's perfectly logical that this would be the case, and I don't see how dogma or religion comes into it.


    On the whole, though, there is no real direction to evolution. Bacteria are just as successful at surviving in their niche as we are in ours.


    On the issue of ape rights, I'm in favour of it. A lot of research shows that they're like us in a lot of ways, so being cruel to them is like being cruel to another person.

  12. Sorry, even Darwin disproved evolution, and it's still just a theory, not a law, and this is why I hate public school. Everyone thinks evolution is true because thats all that they teach, they present evolution as the only option. I can't believe that this universe happened by random chance. Even if it's not christianity, I can't believe that happenstance is how something so complex could breath, walk, understand, live. and die.


    And as for some people having to have a dogma, or chemical reasons, I personally have never been one of them. I am just trying to find whats true. I used to be an atheist, then I got over my pride, and realized there was something desperately contradictory to the things I was saying...so I started looking into things and so far, Christianity is the one thats most logical.


    Here's a little something from a dvd series, I'll post some videos once I have them.


    Contemporary Molecular Biology – testing Darwin's statement that his theory would absolutely break down if it could be

    demonstrated that a complex organism could not come into existence without numerous, successive slight modifications

    In the 19th century, the cell was viewed as a simple glob of plasma, a black box; today, micro technology reveals a

    cell filled with exquisite machinery

    Irreducible complexity – The cell cannot exist if one component of the machinery is missing – Examples: mouse trap

    and the flagellum motor

    It is in the realm of molecular genetics where we see the most compelling evidence of design on earth – evolution

    fails Darwin's test

    The fossil record – testing Darwin's statement that if one can't find all of the fine, graduated evolutionary steps in the fossil

    record, then one can rightly reject the theory

    If speciation requires many thousands of morphological changes, there should be some fossil evidence of those

    changes – Darwin agreed they weren't there, but only because we hadn't dug up enough fossils

    120 years after Darwin's time we have a lot more fossil evidence than he did, but we have even less support for his

    evolutionary theories

    Theory of punctuated equilibrium – offered by evolutionist Gould because of the lack of evidence in the fossil record;

    purports immediate speciation to account for the missing links

    Icons of Evolution – used for years as "proof" of evolution – all are inaccurate and outdated

    Theory of directed panspermia – purports that the first living cell was sent to earth from another planet – offered by

    Crick because evidence was overwhelmingly


    And this isn't from the video series but it's the same thing.




    The video is extremely cheesy but it proves the point still. Evolution has been proven wrong, by this flagellum motor, because if you remove one part of this motor, it would cease to work, and all these parts have no other function without the other pieces. This couldn't have happened without someone kind of forethought.


    It doesn't prove Christianity, but it does prove intelligent design, so don't try and tell me I'm unintelligent for believing what I do.


    If you remove part of the flagellum, it doesn't work as a flagellum, but it's parts work as other things. For example, the membrane-spanning section of the bacterial flagellum is homologous to the type-III secratory system, which is basically a molecular syringe for injecting toxins into a host cell. The major failure of irreducible complexity is that it assumes that every biochemical system was designed to have one function and it's parts can't have other functions. We already know that this isn't the case for the flagellum, the blood clotting cascade and other systems. Essentially, any argument of irreducible complexity is an argument from ignorance and all research has confirmed what we'd expect if evolution by natural selection is true. The complexity we see in living systems is, it would seem, reducible.


    I recommend watching this video (it's a bit long, but it's well worth it):


    While I have read some of what was more recently said my attention span is only slightly longer than average, so not being read up on that stuff I'm going to post about the original idea.


    I agree with what you have said about humans being animals and desires and stuff however I have some questions which may or may not be answerable.


    1. Animals seek the most fit to reproduce, but then why do people stay with their abusers and continue to have children with them? While I realize you might say fear, wouldn't some sort of primordial SURVIVAL instinct kick in? (you get hurt you get away)


    2. Do you think its possible that humans can/are de-evolutionizing? In the modern world we are provided with everything, food, water, shelter, protection. So the "weaker" of us don't die off, some examples that I can think of: Sickle cell, asthma. While this may seem like a harsh, heartless outlook I think it is true (obviously), and before you think I'm a "master race" bastard know that I have asthma and yes I have wondered if I would make the cut.


    3.Do you think humans were meant to be monogamous? I like to think of these days as the "Satisfaction Age" in that, if you have a desire you get it. Case in point are affairs, and before you go off on a rant about how that is only these days, they happened in earlier times, they just weren't publicized.


    While I realize that some of these ideas seem radical and maybe to you even stupid, they are really just things I've thought about not things i would argue to the death for.


    There's no such thing as "de-evolution". As long as there's genetic change in a population, it's evolution. I suspect there won't be much if we continue caring for people with all kinds of genetic diseases, but there may be some in third world countries where you either adapt to diseases or die. A well documented example is the increased rate of the sickle-cell allele in populations where malaria is common. The allele prevents the malaria parasite from invading the red blood cells, stopping its life cycle. Sickle-cell anemia is milder than malaria, hence why it's favoured by natural selection. It just goes to show that even negative traits can be beneficial in the right context.

  13. mastered my m21 ebr. was a pain with the fmj. need 1 more star to complete the spec ops portion. anyone guess which one?


    also, what are your best times for the spec ops mission The Pit? mine (with a friend) is .3 sec better than IW's best time (we have 22.3)


    I'm guessing IW is Infinity Ward?


    My best time is only about 33 seconds. Meh, enough for 3 stars I guess.


    On an unrelated note, does anyone want to do some 2-player spec ops? My PSN is undertow099 if anyone is interested.

  14. Is it just me, or is GOP getting really [bleep]ing annoying right now? It just seems that the only purpose they serve is to filibuster everything Obama and the Democratic party tries to pass. They're even opposing plans they support. My guess is that they want to make it seem like Obama is getting nothing done.


    Now that the Senate has 41 Republican members, GOP can literally stop all legislation. It just pisses me off to no end that Republicans think that being total [bleep]s will get them elected into office, when all they're really doing is going against what the majority of the American public wants.


    Also, FOX News sucks, too.




    And you're surprised by this? Bipartisanship is dead here too. I don't even know if it was alive in the first place. The party in opposition will alway oppose the ruling party's actions and make them seem unreasonable, no matter how stupid it is to do so. It's just the nature of politics.

  15. Michael Atkinson has a history of being completely [bleep]ing insane.


    He really seems to be a serial pest on issues like this.


    The law is rediculous. What's it going to do? Kids can't legally hire R18+ vids without ID anyway. All it will do is piss off responsible adults that want to watch films intended for them.

  16. That brings up an interesting question:

    Who is dumber, the dumb Americans that were interviewed, or the people who see that and assume it to be true of every American...


    So true.


    If all people had was that video to go on, you could still argue (albeit without any evidence) that 99.99% of americans are geniuses.

  17. I got a PS3 and Modern Warfare 2 the other day. I haven't set up my internet connection on the PS3 yet, so I haven't played multiplayer, but the campaign and spec ops are awesome. I've beaten campaign on recruit and I'm half way through on hardened and have about 30 stars in spec ops.

  18. I personally love being called an obese warmonger.


    Strangely, that makes me think of Winston Churchill lol.


    To all the people saying American is not a race, a race is nothing more then a social construct in modern understanding, it does not require common genetics or ethnicity, and as there IS a certain type of culture [although I'm not too sure what it is] about Americans it supports them being a race.


    Race is based on genetic characteristics like skin colour, and has always been defined in that way. There is no such thing as this "modern understanding" you're talking about.

  19. It seems wherever I look that people gather and talk, racism is always tolerated and enjoyed even against Americans. Be it Forum boards, Runescape public chat and clan chats, Xbox LIVE, even television, everyone can make fun of Americans whenever they want and however they want and no one really seems to give a rat's [wagon].


    Now, most people know the standard things people say, they say Americans are fat, lazy, and/or stupid among other things. Say it wherever and most people seem to join in with the laughs and the haggling. Now, go into any of the aforementioned places, or into public with real people and make a racist comment against Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, or any other race you can think of. In any form of online place (no, im not counting 4chan or any other board such as that, keep that filth out of this topic) you would instantly be kicked or muted. If you say something like this in public most people will look down upon you. Now, say something about Americans, and everyone has a nice old laugh, but why?


    I really would like to know why this is tolerated. Don't just say "Because everybody hates Americans lololololol" because I could easily make an ignorant generalization like that right back at you, it doesn't make it any more valid.


    Please try to keep any flaming out of this topic.


    No, it's not racism. American isn't a race.


    Having said that, generalising Americans for being fat/stupid/whatever isn't that smart, especially when it's based on anecdotal evidence.

  20. Glad this is happening. I hope the US Supreme court (hopefully) gets in and says its unconstitutional. It would be a major victory for equality and less discrimination in the US if they do state that.


    Hopefully the court over rules it. I hate hearing how everyone is saying that gay marriage is the killers of families and babies. It makes me think there to ignorant to even think of their options.


    You think people will stop discriminating against gays once gay marriage is legal? If anything, it will just piss off conservatives more and lead to more discrimination.

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