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Posts posted by DaN

  1. You totally missed my point with the shoes analogy. In our lazy 21st Century, if people can get something for free without moving, they will do it in a heartbeat over having to move and pay for the same thing. This does not meant the thing is not worth paying for, it just means that it is human behaviour to go for the easy option. Let me put it in an even more flamboyant example. If I was offered a free Ferrari on my doorstep, or to go pick it up from 1 mile away for £10, I would go for the free option. This does not mean it would not be worth the £10, as it is worth thousands more, it just means the easy option is what humans gravitate towards. Torrenting music for free over going to a shop and purchasing it is the easy option which people will go for.


    People buy music. Piracy does not stop the sales, the idea that people won't pay for something they can get for free is incorrect because I buy music and movies all the time and so do allot of other people.



    Again with the theft thing... :wall: I've been told to dig for what you guys are trying to say, I wish you would follow your own advice.

    If I was saying piracy was theft, I would have outright said it, now and in the past. I have not said it now nor in the past. The analogy, again, was a response to your assertion that something is only as valuable as people are willing to pay for, which in your little world, means "free". The fact that I've had to explain it twice isn't good for you guys.



    I have some doubts as to whether you even read my post. Otherwise you would know that I pay for media.


    A product or service is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. That is an absolute fact in business and people who ignore it are almost certain to go bust, sadly I see it happen far too often.

  2. I can fully understand why this group are doing what they are doing. Their desires are noble, but they are going about it in completely the wrong manner. The correct way to tackle abuse of the legal system is by joining groups like the EFF and using the proper channels to leverage change.


    The end result of these DoS attacks will be that the targets simply step-up their infrastructure to the point where anon don't make a dent. With the availability of cloud infrastructure it is becoming very economical to put sites online that are capable of withstanding huge denial of service attacks. I love services like Amazons s3, cloud front and ec2 because they drive innovation to combat DoS attacks which I consider a threat to freedom of speech.

  3. I suppose I'll go steal stuff them. I'm not willing to pay for it, therefore it has no value, and the people I robbed are to blame for not making the product worth paying for.




    Perhaps you may want to check your sense of entitlement. If you feel that you deserve a product because it isn't worth your money, the problem lies with you, not the people whose product doesn't conform to your oh-so-high standards. Your opinions and music tastes aren't as important as you like to think.


    It's people like you that make me hate digital piracy. Seriously.


    Piracy is not theft. All the bandwidth in a bit-torrent swarm is supplied by other people sharing that file. Nothing is being stolen not even the bandwidth or CPU cycles required to share the file. Please do not resort to false analogies.


    Sharing is a natural part of our society, and I have yet to encounter a human lacking any generosity at all. If I want to share a movie off my computer then where is the harm, as I am simply reproducing a fresh copy that is then given to another person free of charge. Some day we may have the nano-technology to allow us to make perfect copies of tangible objects as well, and that will truly be a fantastic era for our society.



    I disagree. That concept goes out the window as soon as you are able to get said item for free. for example, If I could walk into my hallway and get a free pair of shoes I would. This would then stop me needing to buy them in a store. This doesn't mean that they would not be worth it in the store, it simply means I can get them for free for no effort. We cannot say at all whether removing piracy completely would boost or decrease record sales. Everything would be guesswork as human behaviour is very hard to predict. Often it is not only the price which is the deciding factor. Things such as effort needed to go and buy something where downloading illegally can be more simple for example.


    As I say, nobody is going to turn down free things, but that does not mean the original product would not be worth buying.


    People still buy DVDs and even my own DVD collection supports the rule A product or service is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


    As for obtaining a free pair of shoes. If you are not willing to go to the store and instead are contempt with the free shoes from the hall way then there is nothing wrong with that. Just as there is nothing wrong with downloading a movie instead of going to the store to buy it. If you like the shoes/movie and decide you want to pay for it then you can still go to the store and buy them. I have purchased 147 DVDs of my favourite movies to date, these movies offered to me free of charge were worth something to me and so they where paid for at an agreed price.

  4. You want free music? Learn to whistle.

    :thumbup: :thumbup:


    Artists deserve to be paid for their work.

    I would agree...


    If every penny of what we paid actually WENT to the artists. Either directly to them or for direct use in helping them continue their work...


    But alas, it does not. It lines the pockets of filthy rich executive bosses who couldn't give a damn about genuinely supporting artists.


    There is a fundamental rule of marketing and that is A product or service is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Therefore loss due to piracy = $0

    Suing people is a very lucrative business model, entire businesses have sprung up for the sole purpose of suing people on behalf of content owners. The film and music industry has also given birth to allot of organised crime based on the notion of stopping piracy. There are criminal syndicates out there who attack pirate servers for a fee..


    Piracy really does no harm to music and film and they know it. But they don't want to admit it because then they could not sue innocent people.

    I disagree. Unless you are some sort of Godless infidel, you would pay money for good music. With pirating, you don't have to. Therein lies the harm to the industry.


    Yes, when it's offered for nothing the value is nothing. But if it were not underpriced, you would be paying money for it, in some way or another.


    Like I said it's only worth what someone is willing to pay.

    If someone is not willing to pay for it then it's because it is not worth that much. If they do feel that it's worth the money being asked then they will pay for it.


    Piracy can't harm the industy due to the rules of economics. If people aren't prepared to pay you for your work it's time to move on and to something else, this applies to all aspects of our society. If my employer was not prepared to pay me what I consider acceptable I would to work for them. If I produce content that people don't find valuable enough to pay for then I'll either stop doing it or work to improve said content.


    Piracy has no impact on sales I own over 140 DVDs and it is actualyy faster, cheaper and easier to download those movies. Obviously if a movie is not worth paying for then I won't pay for it.

  5. You want free music? Learn to whistle.

    :thumbup: :thumbup:


    Artists deserve to be paid for their work.

    I would agree...


    If every penny of what we paid actually WENT to the artists. Either directly to them or for direct use in helping them continue their work...


    But alas, it does not. It lines the pockets of filthy rich executive bosses who couldn't give a damn about genuinely supporting artists.


    There is a fundamental rule of marketing and that is A product or service is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Therefore loss due to piracy = $0


    Suing people is a very lucrative business model, entire businesses have sprung up for the sole purpose of suing people on behalf of content owners. The film and music industry has also given birth to allot of organised crime based on the notion of stopping piracy. There are criminal syndicates out there who attack pirate servers for a fee..


    Piracy really does no harm to music and film and they know it. But they don't want to admit it because then they could not sue innocent people.

  6. DoSing someone elses service is wrong even if it's not illegal.


    But some of the movie studios are hiring criminal organisations to DoS torrent sites. http://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-outfit-threatens-to-dos-uncooperative-torrent-sites-100905/ as far as I'm concerned if you hire someone to engage in criminal activity you share an equal blame. I really can't blame people for fighting back, you can't attack someone and expect to get away with it and that's exactly what's happening now the pirates are retaliating so although I don't agree with DoSing the pirates do have my sympathy. I think it would be better for the pirates to maintain the moral high-ground and refrain from stooping to the vigilante tactics employed by the copyright industry.


    I honestly believe the next world war will be over copyright.


    That's one of the most boring and immature "arguments" over this [cabbage] there is. A real theologian debate would consider this the work of a child. Every 16 year old that wants to feel rebellious asks these questions. And none of them question anything. One could easily ask if you believe in history. Did you experience it all yourself? No, you're basing your ideas on what others have written and told you.


    Ad-hominem's will get you nowhere. :thumbsup: You also failed to address my argument, instead going off on a tangent.

  8. Ask yourself this.


    Do you believe in Unicorns?


    Do you believe in Fairies?


    Do you believe in Trolls?


    Do you believe in Thor?


    Do you believe in Zeus?


    Do you believe there is a Tea Cup in orbit around Saturn?


    Do you believe in God?


    These are all things that we cannot disprove the existence of, however the inability to disprove their existence does not provide any reason to believe that they exist.

  9. The how could BREIN have taken The Pirate Bay to court twice without having been in contact with them?


    There's a small difference between not being able of contacting a site and not contacting... erm... God.




    Why Mass murder and brainwashing and fraud?


    Well, in the Old Testament stories he kills a few Million people , not to mention all the [cabbage] that was done in his name, there are lots brainwashed religious people ( like the woman who didn't get a job because she though God would giver her food -.-) that only get trouble because of their fanaticism ( next time i hear of a Jehovah Witness that died because he didn't want a blood transfusion i'll go mad), and idk about where you guys live, but around HERE religion is THE biggest scam of all time. Save a few nice churches, the preachers around here are big scammers.


    Osama Bin Laden is wanted for killing thousands of people, god apparently drowned the entire world.

  10. Lat is right. Though I believe in God, you cannot scientifically prove him. That is a fact. DOES THAT MEANS HE DOESN'T EXIST is what we must now ask ourselves. Simply because Science cannot explain something... Does that automatically rule it out? Some would say yes; some would say no.


    This is the Celestial Teapot Argument.


    You cannot prove that there is not a teacup in orbit around Jupiter, however that does not mean that it is likely to exist.



    Why can't the two coexist? Like I said, Georges Lemaitres was a devout Catholic before, during, and after he came up with the theory of the Big Bang. He was awarded by the Vatican for significant contribution to science.


    He could have the two coexist, why can't others? I'm not saying one's wrong, I am not saying one's right. But why must you all carry on like they are mutually exclusive?


    Because they are incompatible. We have Science which explains much of the natural world around us. Then we have the Bible which just an old book, seriously the fan club has gone to far.

  11. I would propose that if the Big Bang Theory tosses the creation of the Earth and other planets to chance, coincidence, a random occurrence,


    It does no such thing.

    Kk so the Big Bang Theory says the universe made a big plan beforehand and got all of its buddies together...


    Yes, a theory held a tea party with its friends. :rolleyes:

  12. I don't care about 9/11 in the slightest. I am really not bothered by it's occurrence except perhaps the political scum who now use it as an excuse to violate even the most basic of human rights. There are simply more important things going on in the world than 9/11, of course it's bad when people die especially through no fault of there own. However it is very insignificant compared to the suffering that occurs everyday on this planet. I find it interesting the way our society only cares when we consider the victims to be "one of us".

  13. I can't really understand the whole argument for Genesis. Maybe it is an American thing, because from an early age here in the UK, evolution and the big bang have been taught as fact and genesis as a solid fiction. Maybe it is just the British way of thinking, hell, we have Darwin on our money.




    The education system in the UK is far superior to that in the US. As seen in this thread, and indeed the rest of the forums.

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