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Posts posted by DaN

  1. One thing I have learned is that you cannot force education onto an adult, they have to want to learn. For this reason all we can do is present the facts, arguments and resources then it is upto them to pick up that knowledge and learn on their own.


    This is pretty much why your suggestion wont do much good, Dusqi. If people want to learn they'll go find some good information on these subjects, but the problem with most creationists is that they just don't want to hear any evidence contrary to their beliefs.



    Some people find it difficult to ignore evidence when it is put right in front of them, others are ignorant and may not even be aware that the evidence exists. Most of the stuff you know had to be presented to you at some stage or you might not even know to look for it.

  2. I think that OT should have an official "these are the facts of evolution" page, and so whenever someone comes along who does not think that evolution occurs we can just link them there rather than be sidetracked. It would stop us having to write the same posts over and over to try and explain the real world to the religious fundamentalist trolls. A similar page could be written for "these are the facts of the Big Bang".



    There are thousands of academic journals countless and documented evidence and yet people are still brainwashed by religion. All the evidence that will ever be needed to combat religion already exists. The problem is trying to communicate that evidence to less intelligent and/or less educated people.



    It's the 21st century but people still beleive in primative fairly tales. The best we can do is continue expanding the human knowledge, some of us will remain in the dark ages but for many religion gradually give way to reason, The "Athiest Revolution" is well underway as human knowledge continues to expend.


    One thing I have learned is that you cannot force education onto an adult, they have to want to learn. For this reason all we can do is present the facts, arguments and resources then it is upto them to pick up that knowledge and learn on their own. Children are diffrent their minds can be impressed with certain beleifs at a young age which is why "Faith Schools" exist. I personally beleive Faith Schools should be banned as it seems very hypocritical to call yourself a school and then teach medevil myths.


    You obviously weren't trained in basic research and analysis either. And also, you don't have to be Christian to do the above. It takes a few moments and can be done at a library, school, church, hotel room, wherever.



    Perhaps you can point us to an article in a peer reviewed journal that provides evidence for the existence of god.



    The bible is no more credible than what you find scribbled on the lavatory wall. Who wrote it and what are their credentials?

  4. Frankly, I believe its for minsinformed nutjobs. Unfortunate incident really, but happens far more often in other parts of the world than one would think. As for the group being charged for manslaughter, I don't really see what's wrong with that, but all of them should really be mentally evaluated.




    They are obviously disturbed individuals, but that should certainly not get them a lighter sentence. However it should get them some help while behind bars.


    Thats ignoring basic psychology, it takes much longer than six months for most people to grapple with a new scale, let alone 5 or 6 new scales, and your idea of leaving anyone behind who doesn't come up to your standards is pretty poor and uncompassionate. Just simply saying 'its their problem' also isnt accurate, when your economy crashes because people are taking 3 or 4 times longer to complete every job they do, its not gonna just be their problem




    Metric uses the *meters scale for distance and Centigrade for tempriture water freezes at zero and boils at 100.




    That's only 2 scales, and they are hardly life threatening.

  6. No.




    To put it simply, its too much effort to re-educate everyone.




    If learning your 10 times table is hard then wow, life is gunna be hard for you.






    The aviation industry uses imperial (Altitude in feet, airspeeds in Knots), which follows an international standard. Boats also use knots for speed and nautical miles. (I don't know what a nautical mile is)




    Feet for a persons hight and the altitude of aircraft are the only imperial measurements the average person here (Australia) ever encounters.

  7. This sort of Hocus Pocus thing is good for entertainment value but nothing more.






    I have a real problem with Clairvoyances charging for their services if the person actually belives it to be true because it's fraud by every definition. This sort of thing is highly illegal in the western world, but because this "New Age" whatever it's officially called is a "Religion" of sorts it becomes legal. Just like the Cult of Scientology.




    Slap a "Religious" or "Belife" sticker on something and it suddenly becomes ok to dupe people. How stupid our society is.

  8. Because high IQ doesn't mean you're smart. I have a feeling the average IQ here in Off-Topic would be considered pretty high, but most of us would look like morons if we tried to rule a government.




    That's true.




    IQ and education are totally diffrent.






    You can get stupid people who are well educated (see politician :P ) and you could have the next Newton leaving school early to go work in McDonalds.

  9. In america, the general populace's votes do not decide the president. The electoral college's votes do. While they generally follow what the people vote for, they do have the ability to choose a different president than the one the majority of americans voted for.


    To quote Churchill, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others". (that might be paraphrasing, I don't remember the exact quote.)






    Churchill also said,


    "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."


    Because China has so much freedom :roll:


    What does freedom have to do with democracy?





    Everything, we have freedoms here in Australia that people in China can only dream about.






    You say yourself that freedom is being slowly eroded away, why do you think it takes so long?

  11. Can somebody please link me a study done on how driving while high can be dangerous, or how an increase in motor vehicle fatalities is linked to driving while high? I can't seem to find any.




    This is all I can find.


    Anyone can manipulate statistics for their cause, so a graph really won't help show it. For example, did you know that the number of pirates is directly related to global warming?








    People also freely ignore evidence that's right in front of them, happens all the time.

  12. Judging by the way me and my mates used to drive, ramming each other off the road. We really shouldn't have gotten our licenses when we did.




    It's 17 here so you can still be in school when you get your license.

  13. They draft family mothers




    If this is true, this is the sole reason I'm opposed to it. Same goes for family fathers.




    EDIT: Spelling








    I woman who works as a chef would be better kept back from the front line to keep up the food supply, whereas a woman who would normally sit at home can be put to good use.

  14. I don't see an argument for cannabis helping anyone, that's why it is not given out by doctors and not used as medicine.


    Do some research. There are many arguments for cannabis as a legitimate medicine.







    and what about the long-term psychological impacts?


    To be a legitimate medicine it should do more good than harm, it should also be the best solution avalible which it isn't there are alternatives to cannabis.

  15. Why is it okay to get messed up out of your mind on prescription pills, but taking a puff of cannabis is frowned upon? I know some people who have prescriptions. (One of which is my teacher.) They seem to be in much worse shape than any smoker I've seen, yet they're allowed to drive, work, teach, etc. Do we put too much trust in doctors, people who are getting money from us?




    What are your opinions?




    Doctors are trained professionals, you can only get medicine if they genuinely believe it will help you. How easily they hand it out depends on allot of things including the strength of the medicine, for some forms of medication is is ok for them to experiment to see if it does or does not help you.




    I don't see an argument for cannabis helping anyone, that's why it is not given out by doctors and not used as medicine. Except for self medication pot heads with the "It's medicinal man" :lol: It's their choice if they want to smoke it, but it is frustrating when people perpetuate lies about it at least be honest.






    It is illegal, so yes of course it is wrong.




    It also seems to have a negative effect on the productivity of a person, but that is besides the point.




    Respect the law, even though there is nothing inherently criminal or malevolent in smoking marijuana.




    Seems like a pretty dim view.




    It was once illegal for black people to vote. Perhaps it was wrong to disrespect that law, maybe we should correct our mistake and reintroduce it?

  16. As a member of the female persuasion, yes, I do think that we should have equality in every way, shape and form. I, personally, see no problem with women being drafted. I think men and women deserve equality in every way, shape and form.




    A woman is just as capable in a military situation as a man is, the only problem is, in the USA at least, the big-wigs who make decisions like that are obviously patriarchal and pig-headed enough that they still want women at home, tending to the children, where their brain is definitely not being utilized to its fullest extent.




    The double standards will ensue until someone puts their foot down and says enough is enough.




    It's either the man or the woman. One has to tend the family, not to act sexist or any of that matter, but woman are usually better caretakers then men. Im not saying woman are bad at stuff, I'm just saying that the majority of people drafted are a person from a family.




    Women are also better at mindless repetitive tasks and I'm sure someone will accuse me of being sexist for saying so.




    Mining companies like to employ women as drivers because they can drive a haulpack in and out of the pit all day whereas men are more likely to get bored and do something dangerous either by accident or deliberately as a result.




    Women are also good for reconnaissance and sniper work in the military, men have better coordination for sniping but women have the patience to wait for long periods of time. So there is allot of use for them in military service.

  17. I believe the Bible is fact and if someone has questions, ask away.




    why does god behave in a vastly different manner between the old and new testament.



    Because both books where written by different authors.







    why does god order the killing of non jews in the book of joshua then have his son preach to turn the other cheek in the new testament.




    Because the bible is fiction and people are taking it way to seriously.

  18. something else i found on a LEFT wing website, made me lul.




    [hide=]A new study concludes that Googles servers emit 7 grams of CO2 for every search. Since burning a gallon of gasoline releases about 8,880 grams of CO2 into the atmosphere, you can calculate your cars Google-equivalent by dividing your cars miles per gallon into 1,269 (8,880 divided by 7).




    My 1986 Mazda still gets about 33 miles per gallon and I do about 40 Google searches per day, which is the equivalent of driving my car a little over 1 mile. Of course, I probably visit at least 20 web sites for every Google search I do. If each of those web servers generate as much CO2 as Google, that means my Internet usage is equal to driving 20 miles a day.




    Should we tax the Internet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?[/hide]




    The internet is already taxed, at least in most western countries.


    Google would pay millions just in sales tax to buy new equipment.

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