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Posts posted by DaN

  1. I just noticed the image with the 2004 statistics.




    Australia has 20,000,000 population while the US has 300,000,000.


    If Australia had the same population level as the US then we would have 840 deaths up from 56.




    That really puts things in perspective.

  2. In that time, they could kill you, load everything not bolted down into a van, and take one of your children or a girlfriend along for a little "happy time" later.


    So much for America being a country which doesn't bow down to fear. :roll:




    America is quite possibly one of the most frightened nations of earth. A bomb goes off in a London Subway and they [cabbage] themselves, mean while the subway has reopened for business while Americans are still huddled in fear half a world away.

  3. I find it interesting how Americans call cars, trucks.




    I see nothing wrong with 4x4s. But I do think it's foolish to own one and not take it off road.




    My current car is pretty good with fuel, 3.8litre V6 commodore, 10years old. I would like to upgrade to a newer model with the 6litre V8 some time within the next few years. It will be about the same fuel consumption as my current car because of improvements in technology. Petrol engines are getting better all the time. However I think the real potential for diesel is overlooked.

  4. There is not reason that an ordinary citizen should own any king of automatic or semi-automatic firearm.




    People who refer to their firearms as "weapons" (apart from law enforcement and military) are not psychologically fit to own a firearm, it is this mentality that leads to allot of the violence in America.

  5. Enough letters and numbers to frustrate a brute-forcer & make him give up. Not extensively long like some examples here; Be realistic; Nobody with the capacity will *actually* try to steal a casual user's pass with 50 letters. According to that site my pass would take 2 years to crack which is fine by me.




    My pass usually has only 6 to 8 letters combined with some numbers but during about 10 years online I've never lost control of any account or had someone steal the pass.




    It's equally important to have quick & smooth access to services as is the pass security... I find huge passwords to fight against it's own purpose. Having over 30-50 letters in a password is being paranoid & unrealistic.




    Passwords, are a skill and it takes time for someone to build up a collection of secure passwords.




    If you actually *need* to protect crucial files, you wont even "make up" a password. To prevent brute force access, companies use randomly seeded cryptographic passwords that rotate at random time intervals, if you're not in the office at the main computer and access it with the employee's magnetic strip card, you can't get the current password which lasts for a few minutes.




    Ive always been a fan of the onetime pass, where the password changes every 30 seconds.


    However that only works with remote systems and is not an option for encrypted drives.




    I recommend https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm some parts of my passwords are built from there.

  6. With the hospital scenario the healthy person must live.


    Who are we to decide that an innocent life should end? (I have to say "innocent" because I support executions)




    Why not surrender your own organs to save the 5 innocent lives.

  7. From the employer's perspective pregnancy should be treated as any other physical/mental condition that stops someone working. Currently it is not, and this is the special treatment.
    But you then have the same situation.


    If you have 2 employees both equally qualified for the job but one has a "condition".


    I wasn't really talking about the original decision to hire someone, just what the situation should be when a female employee does get pregnant.





    I agree with you there, unavoidable time off should be counted the same regardless of its cause.

  8. How is desiring appropriate financial help for a naturally-occuring event that makes it difficult or dangerous to work "special treatment"? You expect woman to keep working 50 hour weeks all the way up to 9 months, continue working after the pregnancy, and then just dump the newborn baby to a stranger to take care of it, maybe? Special treatment my [wagon]. There is nothing special about it, it is something that is necessary in any evolved society.


    From the employer's perspective pregnancy should be treated as any other physical/mental condition that stops someone working. Currently it is not, and this is the special treatment.





    But you then have the same situation.


    If you have 2 employees both equally qualified for the job but one has a "condition".





    I thought companies had to hire women or they could get sued? Especially if the prospect for hiring is a minority?


    There's no such law that I'm aware of, seems somewhat foolish


    that an employer could get in trouble for not employing someone.


    How is desiring appropriate financial help for a naturally-occuring event that makes it difficult or dangerous to work "special treatment"? You expect woman to keep working 50 hour weeks all the way up to 9 months, continue working after the pregnancy, and then just dump the newborn baby to a stranger to take care of it, maybe? Special treatment my [wagon]. There is nothing special about it, it is something that is necessary in any evolved society.




    No I don't expect women to work at all during pregnancy, I certainly wouldn't expect my girlfriend to work.


    The male applicant is simply the better choice (assuming all other attributes and skills for the job are even). You can complain about nature all you want, but it wont change anything.

  10. Truenoob, I suggest you take a deep breath and then edit what you posted. No reason to be so angry...





    Its often best to ignore such people.




    Also, not every woman wants kids. Our society is changing and becoming a parent isn't the most important thing anymore.




    My Girlfriend has decided she doesn't want kids, which is fine with me. I think there are to many people just having kids when they are not in a good position too.






    A rich woman has a child, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have maternity leave because she is still rich.




    A poor woman has a child, it does matter because if she doesn't have the maternity leave she loses her job/loses all her income/probably can't afford to live/child gets born into a poor family/very hard to get a decent education when you have to work to make sure your family survive/end up getting into drug dealing/goes to prison/goes away for 10 years/comes out and now its virtually impossible to get a decent job especially with the lack of education etc.




    The poor women is what we call an "unfit mother", people who cannot afford to raise children should not be doing it. The maternity is nothing more than greed and considering you need a job to claim it the woman cannot be "poor" unless she's a drug user or similar.




    My best friend is due to give birth in January and she hasn't claimed any handouts. She just accepted that she needs to stop working at least untill her child is born. Low payed job, unplanned pregnancy yet the child is not being born into poverty, unless you class middle income as poverty.




    How does this have anything to do with equality, I wont employ a woman when a man can do the same job without the risk of pregnancy. Male applicants are superior in this respect. It was Women who brought this inequality on themselves by wanting special treatment.

  11. Truenoob, I suggest you take a deep breath and then edit what you posted. No reason to be so angry...





    Its often best to ignore such people.




    Also, not every woman wants kids. Our society is changing and becoming a parent isn't the most important thing anymore.




    My Girlfriend has decided she doesn't want kids, which is fine with me. I think there are to many people just having kids when they are not in a good position too.

  12. Not really necessarily, plus a male employee wouldn't present this problem to begin with.


    I know allot of companies that now give preference to male applicants because of the new maternity laws. It was allot more equal before someone decided they wanted "more" and now most women are disadvantaged as a result.






    Wait, do they require it for basic minimum wage type jobs?




    Any Full time or Part time employment.




    Oh right, yeh, cause women who become pregnant should obviously have to go through the hassle of finding a new job whilst preparing to give birth + not earn any money for a large amount of time. That's totally reasonable to expect them to just somehow get money from nowhere whilst not being able to work. And yeh, if they can't get the money, then I guess the child will just have to be born into poverty, or as soon as the child is born the mother will just have to work overtime, missing out on her child's life. But at least we don't have to spend! Pull emselves up by their boostraps I say!








    Why the hell should I pay for someone else's child?




    Wait until you enter the real world, then you will be living upto your user name.

  13. We do have equality, but some Women like to push things


    to far by making stupid demands such a "Maternity leave".




    Personally I would avoid employing a woman of child bearing age.


    Why employ a female staff member who might get pregnant, who you then have to


    give 14 weeks of paid leave to when you can employ a male who can't get pregnant.




    Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to employ women. That's largely due to the women's


    activist groups who like to push things too far.




    Why shouldn't women get maternity leave?




    Why should I pay for an employee who is giving me no work?




    Because it's cheaper than training a brand new employee?




    Not really necessarily, plus a male employee wouldn't present this problem to begin with.


    I know allot of companies that now give preference to male applicants because of the new maternity laws. It was allot more equal before someone decided they wanted "more" and now most women are disadvantaged as a result.

  14. We do have equality, but some Women like to push things


    to far by making stupid demands such a "Maternity leave".




    Personally I would avoid employing a woman of child bearing age.


    Why employ a female staff member who might get pregnant, who you then have to


    give 14 weeks of paid leave to when you can employ a male who can't get pregnant.




    Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to employ women. That's largely due to the women's


    activist groups who like to push things too far.




    Why shouldn't women get maternity leave?




    Why should I pay for an employee who is giving me no work?

  15. We do have equality, but some Women like to push things


    to far by making stupid demands such a "Maternity leave".




    Personally I would avoid employing a woman of child bearing age.


    Why employ a female staff member who might get pregnant, who you then have to


    give 14 weeks of paid leave to when you can employ a male who can't get pregnant.




    Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to employ women. That's largely due to the women's


    activist groups who like to push things too far.

  16. http://hackosis.com/projects/bfcalc/bfcalc.php


    Work out how long it would take to Brute Force your password.




    I got


    "Your password is 34 characters long and has 20,172,372,640,422,815,101,100,739,205,390,654,115,376,267,264 combinations.


    It takes 73,386,664,154,614,900,693,925,807,737,798,656.00 hours or 3,057,777,673,108,954,195,580,241,989,074,944.00 days to crack your password on computer that tries 137,438,953,472 passwords per hour."




    Brute force wont work on remote systems because any sys admin with have a clue knows to deactivate the account being targeted or enforce some sort of time lockout. My 34 char pass is an encryption key. My tipit and runescape passwords are far far simpler, because I don't regard them as important enough to require over the top measures.




    Most of my passwords are alpha-numeric I take snippets of already existing passwords and rearrange them. So if someone got one of my passwords they might have 20% of another password but unless they know where that 20% belongs to or were in the password it is. They are not going to get anywhere with it. Allot of websites I don't set passwords for I just stay logged in and have to do password recovery if I do get logged out.




    Passwords, are a skill and it takes time for someone to build up a collection of secure passwords.

  17. A loan is not a good idea, normally nothing below


    15-20k is a good idea for a loan.




    and certainly nothing below 2k, if it really comes down to it try and borrow from the family.

  18. My best friend is my ex.


    one of my girlfriends best friends is a guy they've know each other since school.


    Whereas ive only known my ex since 2004.






    But life is sometimes easier when women aren't around.




    To have a easy weekend you need male friends, a computer each, a few cat cables, a switch and my good friend Johnny Walker.

  19. If he signed no contracts... technically he shouldn't have to pay for anything, correct?






    He doesn't have to pay, and there is no legal recourse if he doesn't.




    It's the same with most University's and Schools payment is optional, they just won't teach you until you pay.






    Late fees are normal for everything, try making a late mortgage repayment :shock:

  20. Ive spoken to Physicists who believe in Ghosts.




    There are Scientific theory's that explain the existence of "Ghostly images" from the past. But I have not encountered any that would explain the ability to interact with "Ghosts" as some people claim to have.




    How do you define a Ghost because some people will class an unexplained orb of light as a Ghost and other will only call it a Ghost if it represents a human form. I have not encountered anything to convince me that Ghosts exist, I think Human imagination plays a big role in the reports of Ghostly sightings.




    You can be an atheist and believe in Ghosts, I'm undecided on the subject because I haven't seen one but if people are telling the truth in what they see, one day Science will explain it.

  21. In Australia the catholic church attempted to blackmail the government by threatening catholic politicians with exclusion from the church and eternity in hell.








    Since we are mostly an atheist country, their was public outcry but it highlights how dangerous it can be to have deluded people in positions of power. I think they where trying to outlaw abortion (Was ages ago now)

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