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Posts posted by hardwick246

  1. A 5 year old is walking in a local park. Some stranger comes up and offers him ice cream if he comes along. The 5 year old follows, is taken into a dark alley, is tied up and gagged, thrown in the back on a vehicle, taken to a lake in the middle of the night, is raped, murdered, and thrown in the lake.




    Who is to blame, the 5 year old or the stranger?


    Add parents telling the kid not to go with strangers, and various school-activities about not going with strangers to the scene. Now whos to blame?




    For me, its the idiotic person who fell for it. Sure if it's the first time you got scammed its ok. I've gotten scammed once and learned my lesson. I never got scammed again. If you get scamed 2, 3, or even 14 times then you are the one to blame.




    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." -Unknown

  2. Better than anything I could do, but shading is key in pixeling along with color choice. The rune guy looks like his stiff, try loosing him up. Bring more detail into the red "eye looking" things.




    Keep at it. \'

  3. Status:Open




    Status: Reopening. Chaos is almost ending.




    I've been making a few signatures here and there on Tip.it's forums and now I've decided to open up my services to the public.








    -No Animation


    -No Ripping


    -Tip.it Rules


    -No Tech Sig's


    -Only 3 request's at a time


    -Use my form


    -If I see you order from another thread, I will refuse to finish your request. It wastes our time for a request from multiple people, not that don't want you to have a signature from others.


    -I have the right to refuse any signature request[/hide]





    Dimensions-(150x350 is highest I go)
    Color(s)-(Color(s) of background)
    Render(s)-(Link here)
    Text-(Main Text)
    Sub-Text-(Stats, Goals, Quote)
    Font-(Link here)
    Other-(Scanlines, Grid, Dots)







    Renders can be search on these websites:












    I do accept renders from other websites, but please make sure they are renders, not pictures.


    Fonts can be obtained from here:








    [hide=Request/Pick Up List]Request List:










    Pick Up:












    [hide=Examples]Examples of work:
























    ThruItAll and Soa's Signature Shop








    My user bar that you can use to support me. A sufficient text at the bottom of your signature works, but this is if you absolutely love my work and want to spread the word.












    If you decide to use one of my signatures, it would be nice to give props or mention me near the signatures spot.





  4. The text depends on the background behind it to get it that effect and if the text is black on a black background you can't see it. Thats why the "Your Reign is Over" won't work in the bottom left.













  5. I never see advertisements, whether it be in SS or Mozilla, I just don't. Maybe it's because I'm just about always on Members and it's used to that way?




    You must see adverts - you just con't take notice of them. Even members see adverts - there is one on Jagex homepage, one of high/low detail chouce screen and one on world select screen




    There are also an advertisment on each if not all of the update pages. I personally don't see the advert's on any of the pages. I just see blank spots. Not even the "?". The only ad blocker that I have is IE's. :-k

  6. Here is a shot:














    I got a good render of the crafting symbol. I can put it anywhere on it. Do you want me to put some in the corners or move the current ones closer to the text?




    EDIT: Crafting symbols wern't center.

  7. Like Rainy_Day has said before me, try putting some more effects into the text and blend it in better. Make sure there is a border and use different styles. This makes the signatures look cleaner.




    I personally like the first and last one. Those are my kind of style. The other just are not my taste. ::'





  8. There are a few things you need to fix before someone considers making you a signature.




    1. Put as many details about the signature as you can.


    2. Type with spell and grammer.


    3. Pick a render, not a picture. Not many people who can make signatures can make them out of pictures. Try going to planetrenders.net, or Googling renders. :-w




    Try doing all of these and I will attempt at making one. :-k

  9. I've already made a signature for someone else, sorry. Plus you need to have a render, not a picture. I don't cut characters out of backgrounds.




    Try offering to someone else or a thread I may make some later day.

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