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Everything posted by von_Faust

  1. You can make supercompost from them. Or bowstrings. That's pretty much it. EDIT: Oak roots can also be used in brewing.
  2. It's part of the Rag and Bone Man quest. You may wan't to keep it until you started the quest. And no, you can't hang it as trophy - that's heads and big fish...
  3. You can brew it yourself using the cooking skill. if you have done at least part of Royal Trouble, you can also buy it in Miscellania underground.
  4. I found two planks near the Law Altar on Entrana. I don't remember planks ever spawning there before and didn't see anyone nearby who might have dropped them, so this is probably one of the new spots.
  5. Because an 4 byte unsigned int - which I'm pretty sure is used to store the amount od one item - can have a max value of 4294967295, which is just slightly over the cap. The next larger data type in sql* is the 8 byte BIGINT - and switching to this would make the bank data take 50% more space (assuming they use another integer to identify what item is in the associated slot), and i seriosly doubt they would sacrifice so much server memory for only a few players... Also, I'm pretty certain that they use the same table for P2P and F2P characters. *) I'm not sure if Jagex uses SQL as their database. I'm 95% sure they do, but even if they don't, what i posted shouldn't be far off.
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