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Posts posted by nikoli40

  1. yeah and im the owner of the legendary orange phat :roll: its fake, you say you had the account going for about a week? rofl








    if you read carefully [bleep], you would know that that was his mains bank which was banned. Thats not his skillers bank. The d chain is old but it could of been an old pic, no one knows so theres no point in calling it a fake.

  2. Nikoli, you're also the idiot that posted a clue with a yellow phat in it, so I suggest you stop talking, because you're sounding dumber with every post you make. Pez, read even just 2 posts down from that fake next time :wink:








    Still am astonished that we have our first legit third age platebody pic =P~








    im an idiot for posting that? if you can't take that as a joke then thats just sad :shame: i thought it was funny, acts of boredom ftw =p




    but anyway, this is a stupid topic to argue over, no point in it, so anyone who prolongs it should be shot \'








    Oh and death666bl00ms, when i said he should of checked, i didn't mean check the whole topic :wall: i meant he should of logged in and checked his chat area to see what it looked like as well.








    for those who missed it :thumbsup:











    freind just got this...i hate him so much now








    Those examines look pretty fake to me.. But hey, that's just what I'm seeing.








    If it's real, wow. Insanely lucky.








    Ah ah! It is a fake...(If someone already said this don't flame me :lol: ) But just look on the far left of the chat box, and you can see that the examines are pasted in.








    log in and take a look at your chat box dumbase, they are like that.

  4. This happened a few days ago. I was selling torags for 1.7m on the forums. Some guy says he will pay me 1.8m if I came to his place. I was like sure, so he told me east of edge bank over the bridge. I knew it was a lure right there so I just played along. When I met him he got the evil bob random which made me laugh. I ran out to meet the guy who was going to attack me and we talked, waiting for my lurer to finish the random. After he came back he kept on denying to have anything to do with it even though his friend already told me lol.

  5. Thats just pathetic, people have nothing better to do then to say the stupidest things. I get people like that all the time when i'm merchanting. I'll post a thread on the forum stating the price is firm yet people still PM me asking for a lower price. I decline and they call me foul names and tell me to "learn the prices" when one minute later I sell whatever i'm selling lol.

  6. Well I'm getting back on my feet since quitting a couple months back. Finally caught up in school, well almost...just gotta catch up on my online course then I'm good. I guess i'll tell a little about myself.








    I started runescape back in 2005 quickly gaining more interest and levels. I got into runescape from a friend. I then got my friend into runescape who got his friend into runescape and that friend also got somebody into runescape. Its a never ending trend lol. I've quit a few times in the past but always came back.








    I'm a 17 year old senior who was falling behind in school. I knew that since this was my last year in school I needed to focus more on my work. I quit runescape, giving away around 20m+ to some f2p kid not knowing I would actually come back. Now I regret giving that money away lol. I've been getting bored and finally decided to come back. I've joined the army and will be shipping out in June, so I don't have that much time, but I know what I want to do. Enough about me, time for my goals!
























    My combat level is 99. My goal right now is to fish 10k sharks, then sell those for 9m and buy barrow supplies. I will then barrow until I ship out for the army. I decided to do this because all I had in my bank was my Cooking cape, a lobster pot and a harpoon. I had no money so I started to fish lol. I would like to fully get back into the game after my training is done and hoping thats possible. For now, i'm just going to fish and barrow. Any donations would be helpful, they are of course not necessary.








    10k Shark Goal








    I will update every 1k sharks. My chat is always on, so feel free to chat up, I only have my local friends on my list =/








    1k Sharks [X]








    2k Sharks []




    3k Sharks []




    4k Sharks []




    5k Sharks []




    6k Sharks []




    7k Sharks []




    8k Sharks []




    9k Sharks []




    10k Sharks []








    Fishing Level Ups




    82 [X]








    83 []




    84 []

  7. nice, 55 pages! I went upto 17 and then i skipped to 55 lol.








    a noob came and said:








    noob:omg, i just finished watching the fallador massacre.




    me:......(heeheheheheh) you know, someone can still do that, jagex




    never fixed the bug...




    noob: oh no!!! (he was wearing full bronze)




    me: matter of fact, i want ur bronze, ill kill u for it.




    noob:noo! plz,dont!




    me:*TAKES out rubber chicken and whams him*




    noob: noooo!!!




    me:attack the guard and i will stop!




    noob:ok *attacks guard* ok, now stop!




    me:*i stand where guard is* no! die!!!




    noob: noooooooooooooooooooooo




    me:wow, he really died! didnt he know that the guard was hitting the numbers? i only looked like i hit him.....




    lvl 125:apperently not..




    me:*picks up addy armor and sells to gen store. then drops spoils on ground*








    you picked up his addy armor? you said he was wearing bronze....

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