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Everything posted by nikoli40

  1. Easy answer to that. All I did was play runescape, so when I quit, I had nothing to do. I'd get bored and be like, ok I'll just go on and say hi to a few ppl. Next thing you know I'm back playing...Happened every single time...
  2. I'm not a noob or anything. I've done MM on my main and a pure and i'm trying to get it done on another pure atm. I'm stuck on chapter two when you have to go talk to the sergeant for the first time. I run over there and everytime these black monkeys come outa no where and send me back to jail. Once they are on my tail I can't get them off lol. This has never happened the other two times i've done MM. Wtf is going on? Heres a pic clik here I noticed that they are just appearing outa thin air. Theres a lil cloud and then they are there, wtf?
  3. I was wondering how long the spell Charge lasts for, anyone know?
  4. How and where do you go to recharge it when it becomes a seed?
  5. Wakka, you have my full support! I enjoyed reading your blog, keep up the good work! Bookmarking it \
  6. I laughed at that one so hard. :D i thought i was funny, glad to see someone else does too lol some ppl on this forum just can't take sarcasm :wall: it made me laugh aswell =D> i laughed at this as well sooooo good i thought no1 would d oa quote but i guess im wrong I love you :anxious: w00t! quote chain! lol. but serously, posting fake clues is taken kinda harsly here. if you want to post jokes, do it in general. If ppl can't take a joke than they need to get a grip and go outside for once. I don't believe theres a rule that says I can't post fake clues =; couldn't stop giggling :thumbsup: too bad I lost it at duel arena... #-o
  7. I was going to say you can't get two sets, but storing a set in your house, i didn't think of that :-k
  8. I do quests, but free post yay :thumbsup:
  9. I laughed at that one so hard. :D i thought i was funny, glad to see someone else does too lol some ppl on this forum just can't take sarcasm :wall: it made me laugh aswell =D> i laughed at this as well sooooo good i thought no1 would d oa quote but i guess im wrong I love you :anxious: w00t! quote chain! lol. but serously, posting fake clues is taken kinda harsly here. if you want to post jokes, do it in general. If ppl can't take a joke than they need to get a grip and go outside for once. I don't believe theres a rule that says I can't post fake clues =;
  10. You can only have one clue at a time. :wall: Doesn't mean monsters can't drop multiple ones. He would only be able to pick up one, even though theres three on the ground
  11. Yes, finally somebody that actually plays the game for fun and doesn't complain about everything! I you! Says the kid with a fake sig :shame:
  12. With Silkroad, your weapons degrade. I'm just saying they should make RS weapons do that.
  13. Well you could always just give bjs in the back of the school bus? Just an opinion though :thumbsup:
  14. Well I don't pk for the money, its just a benefit. I pk for the fun, I just enjoy it and I admit I get a laugh outa rc pking.
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