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Posts posted by Gmesh

  1. Why do people assume all mains are trash pkers, just like how many assume pures are ignorant,immature,nerds,no-lifers,etc..?




    It gets on my nerves :wall: .


    Pures are arrogant kids, mains are [cabbage] pkers, mods report everything that moves, skillers buy money, new players are dumb children, higher level players have no lives... It's a more simple way of looking at it. Inaccurate, lazy, etc., but simple.




    I'm not a cabbage pker *sniff* :cry:

  2. Yeah I'm pretty much ignoring the links as of now sorry.




    It's hard to read moods over the internet, so I'll just set it straight: I'm in a good mood, no need to think of me as moody any more. I love debating, and life in general is good. I'm a naturally cheerful person, I always think of stress as killing my heart and making me die early. Keeps me stress free, unless I'm really down, in which case it makes it worse. But that's rare




    Yes it is. Also hard to read sarcasm lol. Odd um choice of words but ok lol ::'




    I love debating too (most of the time :roll: ) However i've come to realize that debating with you is a lot like runescape. You never really beat it because it keeps updating lol.






    It's all on topic, relating to how FTP and PTP separate were a good thing. Posts don't have to follow the exact parameters set out by the OP. And it aint even close to a hot topic, take a look at my "slayer sucks"




    I just got done reading it and I agree, it does suck for exp, but I like to train it so im indifferent -.-




    Have fun wasting your time. Your done wasting mine though sorry.

  3. I still see no proof. Just random links :D Read my previous post again and repeat XD




    What's odd about it? I had a good week, it generally puts people in a good mood




    I'd rather not deal with your bad mood lol




    Already told you I'm not, I'm just brisk and sarcastic when debating. It's me paying attention, not me hating people




    Sarcasm FTL. And wow what happened to the flaming and anger? Boy you're moody :|




    Oh and yank, your welcome. Our off-topic bickering has made this a hot topic \:D/

  4. No proof besides financial records, public statement, the main website itself, PTP vs. FTP, and the entire current decimal system. What's your proof, again? I don't recall any of your sources, perhaps you forgot to include them?




    Untill I see proof I won't present any? No need to disprove something that isn't relevant.




    I don't hate anyone on this forum, I'm in a very good mood now (and have been for the past week, buisness is looking up somewhat ), but I do stick to what I believe in. One out of three aint bad.




    Um ok. This is your good mood? :| That's a little odd. Anyways you sure act like you hate. :(

  5. Here if you still don't believe me.


    You should have seen my inbox the day after that post, here's a sample of the trash thrown my way: "wow ur such a nerd, gtfo tif no one here wants u. idc if u report this cuz i made this acc just to send this so idc if it gets banned. get a life loser grow a pair and stop acting like a little kid". I had to clear out my inbox twice in 3 days, as I kept hitting the message limit.




    Wow who said this? Hmm. Seems like you love negitive attention, as you seem to brag about people disliking you. So, im going to say it. I love you man you're a good person. Does that make you feel better? ;)




    Gf. Just remember the love man remember the love haha.

  6. You have no proof.




    See people don't get the chance to say that stuff about me because im not like you. You're filled with hate and anger and stubborness.




    Ever think he just didn't want to talk to you anymore? Or have you harass him?

  7. You just know jagex will prove you wrong.




    And oh not i'm no wrong. You just no-life on TIF untill someone goes to bed or gets bored of you. Just because someone ends an arguement doesn't mean you win. Just means you're stubborn.




    This is why people hate you. "No logic" and "no point" is your opinion. I could say the exact same thing; that your agument has "no logic" and no "point" and it was disproved in the first page. (Obviously you are wrong since this argument has gone longer than 1 page) In fact, you are a hypocrite as well since almost everytime a topic has gone off topic in TIF is because you treat people has if they are an inferior species whos purpose in life is to worship you. You're such an arrogant jerk its not funny anymore.
  8. All right i'll tell you what, You post a direct message from jagex saying that it's hurting out updates and ill bow down, admit i'm wrong whatever.




    Untill then you're just gonna repeat yourself because youre stubborn and I have no intention of wasting my time when you obviously have so much of it.

  9. May I ask what that has to do with Algebra? I'm whining because the money I paid to receive updates is being distributed to freeloaders with no return.




    It doesn't learn to read. Oh and, Good. :D




    Sorry, but flame as you will, you can't materialize money out of thin air.




    Sorry, not a flamer like you :shame:

  10. seem to take issue with that. No matter how much you whine about it, 2 + 2 will never equal 5




    Uhm you're the one whining. Because people now have freedom they didn't used to have. I.E. Hater.






    I don't recall seeing you say you were in 8th grade, perhaps you could point that out for me? All I remember is "middle school", taken to mean grades 5 through 8th (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_sch ... th_America).




    Just keep blindly assuming. So hard to keep a conversation with a blindly ignorant underdeveloped "adult"...




    Ever been to A[bleep]hanastan? If you haven't, how do you know it exists? How do you know the Space Shuttle landed? I didn't see anything about that at Jagex.com. In the same manner, I know that business are designed to produce profit. I'll repeat my steps again, since it seem to have slipped your mind as to which one you were arguing against




    Haha you just contradicted yourself. Did you go down to england and find jagex's stats and take them yourself? NO. How do you know they are correct? You don't You just ASSUME








    Break it down with me k? [wagon](out of) u (and) me

  11. It's a corollary to my next argument, proving it correct.




    No it's just more BS that you try and make look like it's proving your point.




    Or maybe because I'm correct and your trying to use it to avoid an argument. Also, I have a question: If you were in middle school 4 years ago, how old are you now?




    13 middle school 17 now 4 years. Maybe you should read retake that algebra class =D>




    You have fun taking the time to post those charts? Cause They don't say anything directed to us losing updates because of f2p forum access. Untill I see something from jagex DRIECTLY saying it's slowed down our updates it's just your opinion.

  12. Not even revenue lost to directly effect p2p


    As far as I know, FTP and PTP are made by the same company (Jagex Ltd.). Source: Jagex.com. As such, the repercussions from a change are felt across the company; you won't have one sector failing without the company backing it up.




    Somehow I don't believe you :roll:


    On one side, we have Jagex financial records. On the other, we have "T3h1337m3x1c4n" saying he doesn't believe them with no logic or sources whatsoever to back up his claim. Let's see, who wins? Sorry, but Jagex knows more about Jagex then you :lol:




    1. I agree with you on that. Doesn't have to do with forums.




    2. WOW stop stalking me I don't even use that aim anymore it's like 4 years old and my friend made it for me in middle school before I knew what "lol" meant. Why you trying to make this personal? Maybe because you're wrong? :roll:




    3. You're not Jagex. You're just a fanboy :shame:

  13. Why do you disagree? What makes you think Jagex is exempt from the laws of decimal math? Any logical reason besides the Jagex towers being situated in a black hole? Since you rattled on so long about sources, I'd like to see some on YOUR data




    Not even revenue lost to directly effect p2p




    Reasonably so, but it's yet another cost.




    Somehow I don't believe you :roll:

  14. Please explain which of the steps you think are incorrect.




    Final Statement





    Jagex mods to read forums and post stickies as well as interfere in serious cases certainly aren't, but I believe the bulk of the costs will be hosting and bandwidth.




    OK BASICALLY free. Happy?

  15. My thought: If people laugh at you or make fun of you because of pixels then they just haters. Laugh and be glad you arent such a loser you have to find ways to put other people down to make up for your insecurities.

  16. Do not patronize me. I've taken alegbra and have no intrest in your beloved wikipedia. I want proof directly from Runescape\Jagex otherwise you really don't know.


    Jagex has never released articles on algebraic equations to my knowledge, and Wikiepdia is a widely accredited source for accurate information. Here's another source if you don't really trust wikipedia; I can assure you that they are quite reliable: http://library.thinkquest.org/20991/prealg/eq.html




    It's not that I mistrust wikipedia. I mistrust the information relating to runescape and your theory.

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