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Posts posted by Midala87

  1. Is or should trading RuneScape items in real life "illegal"?




    This is not to be confused with trading real life money (or objects) for RuneScape gold (or items).






    (Bob calls Carl on phone)


    Bob: Hey Carl! I'll give you my Rune Long for your Rune Scimmy.


    Carl: No way! However I will give you a full set of Rune Armor for the long instead.


    Bob: Really? Wow. Thank you so much. What world and when?


    Carl: How about world 99 at 5:00 PM today. I have to eat dinner first.


    Bob: Okay, i'll see you there. Later dude.


    Carl: Peace.




    (note: Bob and Carl are both real life friends and know each other from school. They did not trade personal information in the game to know each others phone numbers, also note that Bob and Carl are fictitious, meaning NOT REAL)




    Do you guys see anything wrong with trading RuneScape items in the above sort of way or is it alright from your standpoint.






    Personally, I am all for that type of trading. Besides, even when on RuneScape chat you are still doing the same type of trading. So it to should be considered real life. Cause you are using a real life means (RuneScape) to trade in the game.






    (I feel like this is going to get locked for some reason)

  2. I strongly suggest you do the Tears of Guthix quest. Why? So you can do the Tears of Guthix mini game. If you do not know, the quest will provide free xp in the lowest of your skills. Of course it depends upon how many tears you collect.




    After you do the quest you should on a weekly basis (to bad you cannot do daily) do the ninigame. Easy xp could not hurt anyone.




    However you will need the following requirements:


    49 fire making, 20 crafting, 20 mining.




    It is an easy quest. Hope I helped.

  3. There's this Monk of Zamorak caged under the main stairs right in the entrance of Varrock Castle. Even if you do curse him, it wears off practically instantaneously. Just make sure you're wearing a full set of metal armor, no magic-boosting amulet, and the Stronghold of Security boots.




    Umm, totally disregard nerd's "help". Wearing such items will:


    1. Decrease chances of succeeding in spell.


    2. Decrease your ability to handle magical attacks.

  4. None2none, what do you mean, c-based? Console based? Anyway, I wish RSC was still f2p as well, because al I hear is how good it was in RSC, but I was never on then :cry:






    I am not into programming myself but I at least know what none2none is talking about. none2none meant by c-based is the programming code used (I think). There are a variety of different types. Such as Java, C, C+ and C++. Since I am no means an expert on this field you might want to look up "programming in C++" on google or another search engine.




    Hope I helped. Btw, the worst thing that I believe Jagex has done to RuneScape was NOTHING. This is their game after all and we are simply admirers of their work. Sure the game is not perfect from our standpoint. Think of RS as Jagex's child. It may not be perfect but Jagex does not care for they will always love it no matter what.




    We are simply parasites living in Jagex's child named RuneScape.


    \' Would make an awesome siggy quote \'

  5. I actually own multiple accounts with the begginning being Midala. But I do not own them all so most likely it will not be me.




    The story behind my RS name goes back to the days when I used to chat in the Microsoft chat rooms. I used to be known as MDL. Well, MDL happened to be a real gang name which I did not know at the time until someone told me. So they recommended that I change my name. I thought about it for a while thinking on what my name should be changed to. At last it hit me, take the first two letters of each of my name which results in MIDALA.




    Ironically if you put an "A" in front of Midala you get Amidala which happens to be my favorite character in Star Wars (will admit that Amidala is a fake name, the real name is Padme).


    Also one day I learnt that Midala is a real mexican name even though I am not Mexican but people tend to think I am in real life.




    The "87" is the year of my birth. 1987.


    F2p simply means free to play. I find it interesting when it's tacked on to the end of a name.




    (I apologize in advance for my long reply)

  6. I am not a member (in 3 days I will be) but from what I have heard that the battle is extremely difficult even at 100+ lvls. To me this tells me that Jagex is listening, barely, but still listening.




    There will always be complainers and Jagex must be tired of listening to all sides: we need harder quests, we need more pk'ing options, we need RuneScape to be easier, we need less noobs, etc.




    Of course with the majority of players being low in levels they will put more emphasis on such players while at the same time putting off high levels that want more challenges. Dream Mentor is the step towards balance and I support this decision.




    Of course one could argue that that the raising of the combat level for the quest cape gives the person less honor it in fact does not. Having a min combat lvl is just another "rule". As long as you follow the rules you will be honored.




    What do we need more, hard quests that requires a relatively high level or easy quests that could be beaten by a lvl 3? That is for you to decide.


    - Michael

  7. Expect the unexpected is my motto*


    So from that we can conclude that the surprise that Jagex will give us would be something that we were not expecting. Of course one could argue that in fact we will have expected the surprise because the surprise is indeed pure [cow manure] and [cow manure] is exactly what we were expecting**








    *Not really my motto


    ** Not really expecting cow manure or any other words that have to deal with cow manure. It was a whatever you call those things. Use your brain folks.

  8. I use tuna all the time whenever I am leveling up my fishing/cooking level in the Fishing Guild/Lumbridge Castle range.




    I figure out how many sharks I will need to level up and bank EVERY fish I catch. Once I reach half of my required sharks I then home tele and cook them, this includes tuna, swordfish and sharks. It is a good method without wasting time dropping every single tuna. It also usually gets my cooking level up instead of having sharks only.




    Have not reached lvl 99 cooking or fishing yet. Nor am I member again yet.

  9. Maybe player owned cabbages? Cabbages following you around.




    That could be a whole new skill. The higher your lvl is, the more and bigger your cabbages wil be!

    jeez! that girl has HUGE....cabbages... :P










    i'm debating the morality of sigging that or not.




    wakka comes up with the craziest [cabbages].




    Back on topic. Like this first person said, I think you are just grasping at straws. I personally do not see Jagex that smart to put in hidden meanings. Pretty straight forward to me.




    ~May the cabbage be with you~

  10. I can see how the condensed guide would be useful. But seriously now, this ties into Jagex's plans to dumb down the game. People should if they are going to use a quest guide (which I am against even though I use them) at least READ them. That and I love how the style of the author comes out. It gives it personality.




    I totally agree with phoenix1421. I was thinking the same exact thing and did not even see what he wrote.

  11. I think runescape players need to take some kind of test to play, not a hard test like with real life questions, just average questions about the game. Mostly questions about the rules, perphaps on tut island when your at the prayer guy who tells you about the rules there should be a quiz after. Then players who want to beable to talk or trade or duel or do anything have to take a quiz from the wise old man, (I pop-up comes up every time you log in that you havn't done it thats in red "You MUST take a quiz before you can play please click Accept to be teleported to the wise old man for some questioning, if they hit no they get logged out, if they hit yes then they get tele'd and get asked questions by the wise old man, maybe it can have little video clips of some one trying to scam some one or some one asking for personal details or maybe some one selling an account thenthe old man would say is that against the rules? If they hit yes then they get asked which rule is it against. Every one who plays runescape would have to do this (If you already had an account) that way all the 'noobs' and rule breakers would have to take it. Maybe then...maybe we'd get more people with a higher IQ then rock moss who go around calling people but cheese :?




    CaptainKidd, Jagex already created something like that. It is called the Stronghold of Security. Did not really work though in the first place. At least everyone got some "cool" looking boots that are slightly better than the regular f2p boots for melee (regular boots are best for mages and rangers).

  12. The BEST TIME in RuneScape for me would be when the game is abandoned and I will have to go back to Real Life.




    The SECOND BEST TIME in RuneScape would be when I have 99 in every skill. Once done I will host a drop party and will be dropping 99 of 99 different items. A long way to go that one is.




    The THIRD BEST TIME in RuneScape would be when I reached level 80 cooking and could cook sharks. Finally, raw sharks have a use.

  13. :boohoo: I am back! :boohoo:




    Essentially it seems that abyssal (member/P2p) rune crafter's are the most disappointed in the update as it would slow down the production of runes. Which in turn reduces the amount of money that can be made from them. :wall:




    To add to that prices of runes will mostly go up. :ohnoes:


    (not that I buy them much)




    On a whole however this update seems to be "enjoyed" by most. Especially the "ditch hoppers" :lol:




    The lurer's on the other hand; which is wise that they did not show their faces or at least kept them in the shadow, most likely will dislike this update EXTREMELY. Looks like they have to rely on other means. :thumbsup:




    So is it truly a worthwhile update? According to most, YES :!:

  14. Jagex wrote:


    Up at the border to the Wilderness you will notice a small change this week. Far too easily have people mistakenly entered the dangerous lands of the north and so, with spades-united, a ditch has been dug!




    You will now find that to enter and exit the wilderness you have to hop over a small ditch (no Agility level required). There's a safe zone just north of the ditch, so you needn't worry about getting over the ditch quickly.




    Careful you don't trip!




    What do you guys think about the ditch in the wilderness where you have to "hop" over it just to enter/leave?




    I personally think it is stupid. Sure, I am not much of a wilderness person but I really do not want to have to click one more time (twice for round trip) just to enter. The pop up warning was enough for me. Why should smart people have to suffer because of idiocy?




    I have to go soon but what do you think of this update?

  15. At first I thought they were really going to do it. But what told me it was a joke was:








    - "Behind the Scenes - April 1st" (they NEVER put the date for BTS. Normally it would be just April)




    - April 31 does not exist




    - 2014 is way to long to wait for a cabbage rune












    Although I will admit the cabbage armor, share cabbage spell, locate cabbage spell and cabbage npc's would be a nice addition to the game. Could care less about the rest.












    looks like if I want any fun with cabbages I'll have to make coleslaw.


    This is a horrible idea on Tipit's behalf. Its disgusting that you all liek to sound liek eleven-year-olds. Go to teh Rants forums. You will find several people, including myself, who are not amused by this low joke.








    Since when was sounding stupid funny? I didn't think it was...








    It's a joke, 4 one day, you can live with it.








    I agree with you mrpez. It is a complete waste of time on their behalf. I wonder if the person who thought of this was drunk at the time and thought this would be funny. Oh well. It's not like this will go on forever. Will it... :wall:








    edit: T.H.E.I.R = their

  17. I will have to admit it's not a bad April Fools joke. As it makes everyone looks like a fool; or noob.








    Still... who made up this idea and could they not have refrained? I find it childish at most. And for the "new skill" and "new guides" I personally find it a waste of time. Anyone who is smart will recocognize them as false right away.








    Thank you for trying though tip.it








    edit: Real Life owns all!

  18. thanks for the replies guys :D








    I met a guy a few days ago who was selling up around 50 gems. I offered to buy all but he declined and proceeded to sell me the gems one by one. He sold me 20 sapphires one at a time and each time the same sapphire would get more and more expensive.








    "ok this one is 300 gp"




    "ok this one is 320 gp"








    he probably thinks he has the best merchanting skills.








    This ticked me off but i got even more ticked off after the trade when he asked me out #-o








    lol, imagine someone doing that in real life. now that would just be plain creepy. :ohnoes:








    the things that I dislike the most about some RS players are:








    1. Constant Jibber jabbing. I could simply ignore it but why talk nonsense constantly?




    2. Mining courtesy. I do not want to have to mine a rock that someone else is not mining. I want to be able to click on a rock and if someone else is mining it and gets it then so what. Same if they do it to me. Stop acting like such a nice guy (or gal).




    3. Scammers. Stop trying to scam people. It's not going to work in most cases.




    4. People who fall for scams. Theres only three reasons why you would fall for a scam. a) You are way to trustworthy. B) It was a mistake you were to hasty. c) You are way to stupid to pay attention to the obvious signs that it is a scam.








    alright im done.

  19. You can make them using the crafting and construction skill. It requires a level 33 crafting and level 42 construction. You need to own a player owned house with a workshop (level 15) and a crafting table 4.




    You can also obtain one from picking one up after someone releases it.








    The toy mouse gives 15 xp in crafting.




    I am not offering any for sale.

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