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Posts posted by cocacolabottle

  1. 1. What is your job? Graphic designer/student


    2. Do you have any nicknames? No


    3. What famous celebrity/fictional character do you look like? Eric Clapton


    4. What famous celebrity/fictional character do you want to most look like? None, I'm happy with how I look.


    5. What are you most proud of in life? Going back to school this year after dropping out 4 years ago.


    6. What do you regret most in life? Dropping out of school, being so shy to girls when I was younger.


    7. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles.


    8. Favorite cookie flavor? Regular dry.


    9. What is the most expensive thing you have bought? Marshall JVM410 amplifier head + cab.


    10. What is the most expensive thing you have broken? Lots of small stuff at my old job.


    11. What is the funniest thing you've seen? Alex Agnew dvds (Belgian comedian)


    12. What's your dream meal (appetizer, entree, and dessert)? Lobster, colliflower with potatoes and sausage, Ice cream.


    13. If you could go back in time, what year would you go to and why? 1969, and I'd want to be around 15 then, so I can go see Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath get famous and hopefully watch them live as much as I can, and then later on witness the new wave of British Heavy Metal and try to join a band there.


    14. Pizza, yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh or naaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh? Yeah

  2. 1. Dagannoths - The ones in the lightouse, superfast Slayer experience with a cannon and drop bones so you can use Bones To Peaches.


    2. Abyssal Demons - Obvious reasons, great drops, good experience.


    3. Nechryaels - Pretty low defence, easy to hit and good drops, fast tasks.


    4. Fire Giants - Fast Range experience with a cannon


    5. Black Demons Also fast range exp with cannon, but hit hard when you accidently click too far

  3. A 120+ Slayer master that also assigns Tzaahr. :thumbup:




    This, and/or a 92/95/97/99 Slayer monsters that is accessible without doing any quests, that drops another unique weapon/item which is actually good in comparison with the other available weapons.




    And an item you can equip that has the same boost effect on Magic and Ranged as the Black Mask has on melee for Slayer Tasks.

  4. RuneScape High Detail requires 256Mb RAM, a 1.5Ghz processor and a graphics card at least equivalent to Nvidia GeForce 3.




    From their website.




    Yeah but my father's laptop has more than double that and it lags like crazy so I should've said the realistic requirement for playing it like it's intended :P .

  5. cocacolabottle, I would assume that, since you are on Vista, that you are also running an NTFS drive partition, correct? I therefore have to ask, did you set up proper permissions on a cache folder (BTW, the folder should be named ".jagex_cache_32", not "rscache", and should be located at the base level of your drive, or in the windows folder, strangely enough...) that Jagex needs to be able to run the signed applet, such that even a limited user has 100% access, but only within the scope of that folder? If you did not, then this might be causing your problems. :?




    (If you've already done this, then you have my sincerest apologies for having only been a mere annoyance. :( ...)




    ~D. V. "Folder Permissions + Gaming = Ugly Mess" Devnull




    Wow sorry I totally forgot I posted this a few days haha, to answer your question: I think my graphics gard is an ATI Radeon X1650 SE, is that possible? I just looked it up and that was the only name I could find that sounds like it could be a graphics card :P . And what do you mean the proper permissions on a cache folder? I have no idea what you mean :oops: .

  6. One day when I was walking from the busstop to school I noticed a whole gang of Marokkan kids standing on an open field in front of an apparement building. 2 of them were standing in the middle talking trash to each other, when 5 seconds later they just flew onto each other punching and throwing each other down. I don't want to sound racist but everyone who lives in Belgium probably understands me when I say that it's always the same people.

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