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Posts posted by LGBR

  1. I know a few good names that might stir some memories:
























    Absolute legends.
















    Cav might of been one of the most persuasive people that I had ever come across. He managed to convince the entire rs community that he only autoed in order to identify other autoers :lol: :) The funnier part was that so many people forgot about all the accusations of him autoing



    definitely wii. 360's are good, but kinda old, and ps3's are flat out crap
    I don't usually do this because people get all defensive and gang up on the people who say this, but name ONE technological advantage the 360 has over the PS3? Notice how no intelligent person says the PS3 is flat out crap? its because they have respect for other consoles, they just dislike it. Here is a translation of what you will say, "I'm a poor piece of [cabbage] because I dis things that I cannot afford"








    It's true though, the only reason you dis it is because you cannot afford it. Its one of the most [wagon] things you can say, but you bought it upon yourself








    I think it's crappy. If it was $400 it might be worth it...But when the PS3 was released, they did graphical tests and stuff, and the Xbox 360 rendered stuff better than the PS3 did.








    Nice attitude, though..."I don't want to spend $600 on something I could get for $400 that is better all-around, therefore I am a "poor peice of [cabbage]"..."








    How about this - I can afford a PS3, I just don't WANT the damn thing. Their library sucks. It isn't any better than the 360...Why buy it? I paid $600 when I bought my 360, but I also got several games with it. So, obviously I could afford both, I just went with the best choice.








    They did graphical tests with a game that came out a year after its release with a launch title. Thats like if Tyson fought an infant








    If you read digg(and I know you do) you would remember the article from the developer from Insomniac, he explained WHY Gears looked better

  3. definitely wii. 360's are good, but kinda old, and ps3's are flat out crap
    I don't usually do this because people get all defensive and gang up on the people who say this, but name ONE technological advantage the 360 has over the PS3? Notice how no intelligent person says the PS3 is flat out crap? its because they have respect for other consoles, they just dislike it. Here is a translation of what you will say, "I'm a poor piece of [cabbage] because I dis things that I cannot afford"








    It's true though, the only reason you dis it is because you cannot afford it. Its one of the most [wagon] things you can say, but you bought it upon yourself



    I wonder sales are going to change now that the xbox 360 elite has been officially announced :?
    Its clear that anyone who was going to buy a 360 already bought it








    ...So in otherwords, If i would have waited 4 months for my 360, I could have spent $80 more and gotten a 6x bigger hd? That's pretty lame!

    Exactly. Anyone who wanted a next gen console at xmas got a 360 because it was the only low priced thing out, but for 20 more you can just get a PS3








    The reason the 360 did so well was because nobody had any other options a year ago. Now because people who didnt want to wait all bought consoles, 360 started getting exclusives



    the easier you beat your opponent, the more points you win. Boxing is probably one of the hardest to advance in.
    There is NO reason for me to be getting negative, and how are they to judge how easy I beat my opponent? their faulty coding is making it hard








    faster the knockout. But the problem with boxing is that once you fight pros,1000+ they have way enhanced abilities.

    Yea, before pro all the guys are either really good at defense or really aggressive, pros are above anyone else in BOTH
  6. the easier you beat your opponent, the more points you win. Boxing is probably one of the hardest to advance in.
    There is NO reason for me to be getting negative, and how are they to judge how easy I beat my opponent? their faulty coding is making it hard
  7. I've come up with it being the most faulty programmed game I have ever played.








    1.The obvious problems with the scoring




    2. Someone who just got to rank 800 for the first time couldn't play on someones mii who was once rank 1000, but is now level 700. The people they would be fighting would be rank 800, but with the skill of an 1100




    3. There are times where I cant even use the right hand controller, it just wont go




    4. There are maneuvers which are impossible for a real person to use, such as doing a swing to the side of the head. If you swing in that direction then it does an upward punch to the stomach




    5. It's a punch and go thing, there isnt any point in aiming

  8. On Wii sports boxing I recently got a rather high rank(800-1000). But whenever I defeat someone above me, I get a negative score(usually something below 10). In one case I was an 860 and I was fighting really hard to beat a 1040 and I got -6


    I played it like a week ago for a few days :lol: I came back to a few hundred thousand worth in stocks








    The games are childish, but in order to make a lot of money, you have to be smart because playing games wont get you there








    oh boy how wrong you are.








    i made 100k np just by playing games... spetn it on a snow petpet paint brush and painted my snake thing \'

    And I made 400k in 2 months because of stocks. I made 4.6mil over spring break 2 years ago by buying and selling things. You make 100k by working your [wagon] off on a crappy flash game, I make millions by being smart








    The only games I'd consider worth playing are games like cheat and pyramids

  10. 1.His dad bought it




    2. It's not my computer




    3.I meant CAD as in the Canadian currency.








    bout being able to run MSN, world of warcraft *and* (oh no) Firefox, my Intel Pentium 4 with 3.2 ghz processor, 1 gig RAM (Kingston 3200) with Radeon 9600 Pro video card can do it to :/
    100% lag free with no "switch" times when you minimize the screen? no, it cant




    Who is forcing you to do anything?




    What the your going to switch your OS just because some tells you too?




    At least try a dual boot first to see if you like it.

    His dad pays for his 6k CAD computer and believes its essential to the security of it. I'm the only one who uses it, its a gaming computer that can run WoW,MSN and firefox all at the same time without any lag. It was built by gods












    Alrighty, good luck with your "6 k CAD" computer.












    First of all, what are the specs? I feel something funky in the air. Something like a... Bad lie maybe?








    Second, all you have mentioned except for firefox will not run on Linux as far as I'm concerned.




    Its an alienware aurora








    2GB RAM




    500GB HD




    GeForce 8800 GTX graphics card




    NVIDIA nForce 590 SLI Motherboard




    24" widescreen flat panel monitor








    I go to a pretty nice school, I'm probably the only one there actually paying for it themselves


    the PS3 had the most succesfull launch of any console ever in the UK (sold more), except the PSP.








    While this IS true, you also have to take into account that, for ONCE, Sony actually had more consoles than they needed.








    Xbox 360 sold out right away.








    Wii sold out right away.








    PS3 did not sell out.

    Didn't people get SHOT and trampled for them?


    Who is forcing you to do anything?




    What the your going to switch your OS just because some tells you too?




    At least try a dual boot first to see if you like it.

    His dad pays for his 6k CAD computer and believes its essential to the security of it. I'm the only one who uses it, its a gaming computer that can run WoW,MSN and firefox all at the same time without any lag. It was built by gods


    I pay for what I eat. And don't tip. Ever.








    Like the above, good on ya :D I never tip they are being paid anyway I never get tipped for my job, why should they?











    Because they make less than minimum wage, and need tips to even it out?




    That's the only time I tip.








    Normally, when I'm out eating with friends, we pay for our things seperately. Occassionally, when one of us is really broke, we may split it evenly, and it ends up cheap enough for the other person.








    If I were you, I would have just covered the tip, and let your friends deal with the rest.

    Yea, a lot of restaurants around here pay 1.85+tips
  15. In my youth most of my school was obsessed with an asian buffet called "asian star" and we would go there like every week in the summer no matter how, even if we had to walk (was a 5-10 mile walk). You could kind of say I was spoiled and I always got a $20 bill from my parents and my friends would get $10 bills. A buffet total is $9.66 a person, so everyone should of gotten 34 cents back, and me about 10 dollars. But no, everytime those asians would just keep all the money for their tip :evil: We sometimes came in groups of 10-20

  16. I played it like a week ago for a few days :lol: I came back to a few hundred thousand worth in stocks








    The games are childish, but in order to make a lot of money, you have to be smart because playing games wont get you there

  17. the PS3 had the most succesfull launch of any console ever in the UK (sold more), except the PSP.
    Kind of proves everyone on this forum just [cabbage]s everything in order to make it look in their favor

    When the PS3 was released in Virgin Megastore in London, the first 120 people got a free ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã2000 HDTV which Sony spent ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã250,000 on buying.




    Also getting a PS3 is cheaper than buying a Blu-ray HD player.








    Could this show how desperate Sony are to get the sales up or just generosity?








    Desperate. It's all a numbers game for Microsoft and Sony. They will literally give consoles away like that (essentially, they did, and then some) just to say they sold more consoles. Microsoft makes all their money on software, and Sony makes all their money on TV's, hardware, la-de-da-de-da, whatever else they sell, so it really doesn't matter how many they sell...It isn't for money, it's for numbers. It's why they're both losing money per console sold anyways. Microsoft loses $100, I think it was, and Sony loses $200. A very dumb man once said "Yep, we lose money on every job, but we make it up in volume!"...True story, a guy that my dad knew said that, reguarding his business. It was funny. :lol:








    I have to say though, I would have bought a PS3 for the free HDTV. I can't imagine how lucky those guys who got one felt. I would have been so grateful.








    ...Then, I would have put the PS3 up on eBay, and even sold it at a loss, if I had to...Which according to current eBay sales of PS3's, I would of had to.








    I have to agree, I was getting really tired of people saying that Microsoft and Sony were going to be ruined if their console didn't sell 10 million. These people seemed to of forgotten these 2 companies are the biggest and best in what they do

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