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Posts posted by LGBR


    I'm talking about the one in RS2, I think it was the 8th owner of that char who did it








    Actually if any of you twits actually new robin hood you would know hed try to keylog you in a sec rofl








    And it was the 4th bdk (remade after rs2 beta) that him and w a s t e d did bdk but robs sole purpose in that was to keylog people








    zybez is still around and its the most popular rs forum site for rs now , rune hq is second best. Funny how t hose two were for noobs back in classic, guess them newbs leveled up








    and xx jut x wasnt the only twit who did the dupe. If he was even one of them , i cant remember exactly but i believe it was 6 ft under who was the ring leader of that crap .








    And not all duped items disappeared.

    It wasnt made right after RS2 beta, more like 1.5 years after








    If you werent a complete idiot you would know robin hood has been owned by many people.








    You still havent told me what my RSN is, remember when you said I logged from you at mage bank a few days ago yet I dont even have members anymore? How can i log from you if you don't know my RSN? makes me wonder if you are even high enough to attack me at MB

  2. http://www.rogershermansociety.com/yugoslavia.htm








    Under Tito, Yugoslavia ran a budget deficit that was financed by printing money. This led to a rate of inflation of 15 to 25 percent per year. After Tito, the Communist Party pursued progressively more irrational economic policies. These policies and the breakup of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia now consists of only Serbia and Montenegro) led to heavier reliance upon printing or otherwise creating money to finance the operation of the government and the socialist economy. This created the hyperinflation.








    By the early 1990s the government used up all of its own hard currency reserves and proceded to loot the hard currency savings of private citizens. It did this by imposing more and more difficult restrictions on private citizens' access to their hard currency savings in government banks.








    The government operated a network of stores at which goods were supposed to be available at artificially low prices. In practice these store seldom had anything to sell and goods were only available at free markets where the prices were far above the official prices that goods were supposed to sell at in government stores. All of the government gasoline stations eventually were closed and gasoline was available only from roadside dealers whose operation consisted of a car parked with a plastic can of gasoline sitting on the hood. The market price was the equivalent of $8 per gallon. Most car owners gave up driving and relied upon public transportation. But the Belgrade transit authority (GSP) did not have the funds necessary for keeping its fleet of 1200 buses operating. Instead it ran fewer than 500 buses. These buses were overcrowded and the ticket collectors could not get aboard to collect fares. Thus GSP could not collect fares even though it was desperately short of funds.








    Delivery trucks, ambulances, fire trucks and garbage trucks were also short of fuel. The government announced that gasoline would not be sold to farmers for fall harvests and planting.








    Despite the government desperate printing of money it still did not have the funds to keep the infrastructure in operation. Pot holes developed in the streets, elevators stopped functioning, and construction projects were closed down. The unemployment rate exceeded 30 percent.








    The government tried to counter the inflation by imposing price controls. But when inflation continued, the government price controls made the price producers were getting so ridiculous low that they simply stopped producing. In October of 1993 the bakers stopped making bread and Belgrade was without bread for a week. The slaughter houses refused to sell meat to the state stores and this meant meat became unvailable for many sectors of the population. Other stores closed down for inventory rather than sell their goods at the government mandated prices. When farmers refused to sell to the government at the artificially low prices the government dictated, government irrationally used hard currency to buy food from foreign sources rather than remove the price controls. The Ministry of Agriculture also risked creating a famine by selling farmers only 30 percent of the fuel they needed for planting and harvesting.








    Later the government tried to curb inflation by requiring stores to file paperwork every time they raised a price. This meant that many store employees had to devote their time to filling out these government forms. Instead of curbing inflation this policy actually increased inflation because the stores tended to increase prices by larger increments so they would not have file forms for another price increase so soon.








    In October of 1993 they created a new currency unit. One new dinar was worth one million of the "old" dinars. In effect, the government simply removed six zeroes from the paper money. This, of course, did not stop the inflation.








    In November of 1993 the government postponed turning on the heat in the state apartment buildings in which most of the population lived. The residents reacted to this by using electrical space heaters which were inefficient and overloaded the electrical system. The government power company then had to order blackouts to conserve electricity.








    In a large psychiatric hospital 87 patients died in November of 1994. The hospital had no heat, there was no food or medicine and the patients were wandering around naked.








    Between October 1, 1993 and January 24, 1995 prices increased by 5 quadrillion percent. This number is a 5 with 15 zeroes after it. The social structure began to collapse. Thieves robbed hospitals and clinics of scarce pharmaceuticals and then sold them in front of the same places they robbed. The railway workers went on strike and closed down Yugoslavia's rail system.








    The government set the level of pensions. The pensions were to be paid at the post office but the government did not give the post offices enough funds to pay these pensions. The pensioners lined up in long lines outside the post office. When the post office ran out of state funds to pay the pensions the employees would pay the next pensioner in line whatever money they received when someone came in to mail a letter or package. With inflation being what it was, the value of the pension would decrease drastically if the pensioners went home and came back the next day. So they waited in line knowing that the value of their pension payment was decreasing with each minute they had to wait.








    Many Yugoslavian businesses refused to take the Yugoslavian currency, and the German Deutsche Mark effectively became the currency of Yugoslavia. But government organizations, government employees and pensioners still got paid in Yugoslavian dinars so there was still an active exchange in dinars. On November 12, 1993 the exchange rate was 1 DM = 1 million new dinars. Thirteen days later the exchange rate was 1 DM = 6.5 million new dinars and by the end of November it was 1 DM = 37 million new dinars.








    At the beginning of December the bus workers went on strike because their pay for two weeks was equivalent to only 4 DM when it cost a family of four 230 DM per month to live. By December 11th the exchange rate was 1 DM = 800 million and on December 15th it was 1 DM = 3.7 billion new dinars. The average daily rate of inflation was nearly 100 percent. When farmers selling in the free markets refused to sell food for Yugoslavian dinars the government closed down the free markets. On December 29 the exchange rate was 1 DM = 950 billion new dinars.








    About this time there occurred a tragic incident. As usual, pensioners were waiting in line. Someone passed by the line carrying bags of groceries from the free market. Two pensioners got so upset at their situation and the sight of someone else with groceries that they had heart attacks and died right there.








    At the end of December the exchange rate was 1 DM = 3 trillion dinars and on January 4, 1994 it was 1 DM = 6 trillion dinars. On January 6th the government declared that the German Deutsche was an official currency of Yugoslavia. About this time the government announced a NEW "new" Dinar which was equal to 1 billion of the old "new" dinars. This meant that the exchange rate was 1 DM = 6,000 new new Dinars. By January 11 the exchange rate had reached a level of 1 DM = 80,000 new new Dinars. On January 13th the rate was 1 DM = 700,000 new new Dinars and six days later it was 1 DM = 10 million new new Dinars.








    The telephone bills for the government operated phone system were collected by the postmen. People postponed paying these bills as much as possible and inflation reduced their real value to next to nothing. One postman found that after trying to collect on 780 phone bills he got nothing so the next day he stayed home and paid all of the phone bills himself for the equivalent of a few American pennies.








    Here is another illustration of the irrationality of the government's policies: James Lyon, a journalist, made twenty hours of international telephone calls from Belgrade in December of 1993. The bill for these calls was 1000 new new dinars and it arrived on January 11th. At the exchange rate for January 11th of 1 DM = 150,000 dinars it would have cost less than one German pfennig to pay the bill. But the bill was not due until January 17th and by that time the exchange rate reached 1 DM = 30 million dinars. Yet the free market value of those twenty hours of international telephone calls was about $5,000. So despite being strapped for hard currency, the government gave James Lyon $5,000 worth of phone calls essentially for nothing.








    It was against the law to refuse to accept personal checks. Some people wrote personal checks knowing that in the few days it took for the checks to clear, inflation would wipe out as much as 90 percent of the cost of covering those checks.








    On January 24, 1994 the government introduced the "super" Dinar equal to 10 million of the new new Dinars. The Yugoslav government's official position was that the hyperinflation occurred "because of the unjustly implemented sanctions against the Serbian people and state."

  3. Anyone remember?




    sexy razor




    crazy monky was it?








    rune thug =atlantian




    firestorm clan wanderers clan gladiators azn clan




    clan wars at ice mountain RSC COME BACK DOWN WITH RS2!!! lol

    Sexy and fire are the only ones on that list who even played before the wild




    Evolution is not an argument against religion. Evolution happens in everything in the nature as a normal biological process, just like you evolve from a child to an adult. That's short term natural evolution, then there's long term evolution.








    Perhaps I'm mistaken, as I'm not an expert. But first off, you do not evolve from child to an adult. You grow. You change. That is not evolution, in the darwinism-driven evolution theory (Which, by theory, does not mean it is not a fact or is a scientific debate- that is a misconception).








    You may ask, how giraffes get their long necks. Their necks don't stretch over age, they might grow as they would regardless- but they are not evolving from a need to reach tall trees.








    For the most part, short term natural evolution does not exist. Some things, such as the events in London during the industrial revolution, with moths during from white to black- are a proof of survival (the better camouflaged ones thrived in the darker air).








    The only "short term evolution" that i know of is a debated issue whether bacteria evolve in cultures to become resistant. The thing noticed is that from a bacteria culture (bacteria have one parent- so they all have the same genes), is that some bacteria can become resistant to a drug designed to kill them- and then after time the culture will survive and become resistant. With respect to my lack of expertise, I personally suspect such a large advantageous mutation would not happen so quickly and suspect some sort of hidden variance that'd be advantageous for bacteria evolved in the past- but is unknown.












    My point is, what is this "short term evolution" you speak of, and are you sure you understand evolution correctly? Furthermore, I suspect only a significantly flawed teaching could persuade you that evolution does not debunk the classical religious theme that earth is 6,000 ish years old. Furthermore, I would be horrified if you were taught biology that way in an attempt to make you think you understand biolog, when really you've been mistaught.

















    I challenge you to fully prove evolution. Seriously get over it, just because others don't share the same belief as you. You can try all you'll like, but you're just going around in circles. :roll:
    I challenge you to give me one piece of evidence that supports creationism




    That is, incase you didn't notice, the point of this thread. Spam mkay? Even if, the first post was spam.

    Most people don't argue with Bluelancer and win, hes one of those people who only talk when they know what they're talking about, and he usually does

    In order to do any kind of movement requires muscle




    Did I say otherwise? I swear, you guys are going back to pretty weak old arguments now that you're running out of them, as nintendo's finally claiming back it's rightful marketshare. There's just not much of anything bad about the wii, and I'm finding it funny there are still people who go out of their way to try to find things.








    but you don't even really use much muscle moving a remote




    Thats what I was responding to you stupid fanboy


    If you ask me the Wii has a very weak current and future library, only worthwhile game is Zelda, and as a fan of FPS and hardcore gaming, its not impressive








    Hey, buddy, how 'bout searching IGN, or looking at the list of games that I put up, that are coming out for it in the future? Maybe that will help. And don't get me started about that poor excuse for a library that X-Box has, lol. PS3 is horrid, too. Now look at the list I put up. That's only a fraction of the games coming out.








    Saying the 360 library is bad, especially when comparing it to a Wii is extremely stupid. On the list of Wii titles (most of which arent confirmed) I liked 4, and only 1(Wii sports) of them were exclusives.








    On the 360 there were 18 which I was interested in.

  7. thieving was released on the same date as fletching and herblore i believe? all 3 came with members :-k








    anyway...fishing was out when i started...so whatever came after that. when i started every quest but dragon slayer was here. (so no members quests yet) and the best item was addy battle and addy plate








    edit: carp..my memory is failing me for once...for some reason i just cannot remember which came first anymore...








    but fletching and herblore definitely came together...theiving may have come like a little bit after








    ugh...too long ago to remember...just put me down for the first members' skills

    They all came seperate. Herblore was first, then shortly later came fletching. Thieving was mid April 2002 or 2003, I think it was 2002
  8. I honestly think the actual players of rs are leaving more and more. If you want to put it in some kind of perspective, think of this:








    250k accounts








    How many of those accounts aren't macroing accounts? Honestly, I don't know, but I'm guessing we've got a lot of accounts that are actual players. So I'm guessing around... 150-200k actual people playing and not computers.

    You honestly think 25% of the people playing are autoers?
  9. Gosh, any song from:












    Guns N' Roses




    Led Zeppelin




    Pink Floyd




    AC*lightning bolt*DC








    Jimi Hendrix




    Motley Crue
















    The Police




    The Rolling Stones




    The Who








    List goes on... 10+ gigs of those bands' songs on my Pod... As mentioned, you have to specify what 'classic rock' is for you.








    Nirvana,metallica and motley crue arent classic rock



    Just don't forget freshamn friday.








    All the seniors have permission to beat you up. :mrgreen:
















    I love being mean to little kids.

    I worked out from 7-12 everyday that summer so I would be ready to defend myself




    Trust me, unless you're a blackbelt, you're still toast :P .








    That post also sounds like a slight exaggeration :-w .








    Only slightly :oops: It was more like everyday I didnt hang out with friends :-$








    High school is kind of pointless, to be honest I didnt learn a single thing in it academically. If you ask me the biased grading system that occurs in nearly every school just stops people from being able to get a good job by going to college because they didnt do good in a few unrelated subjects so no university would take them.

  11. In Europe at one time the most powerful family was the Hapsburgs, they married every royal family they could find and when there werent any other people to marry they began marrying within the family, the genetic defects caused the end of the family

  12. Just don't forget freshamn friday.








    All the seniors have permission to beat you up. :mrgreen:
















    I love being mean to little kids.

    I worked out from 7-12 everyday that summer so I would be ready to defend myself
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