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Posts posted by LGBR

  1. Super Smash Brothers- the ultimate game to play with friends




    Mario 64-ultimate game




    Super Mario World-sweet




    Perfect Dark-just so fun, I seriously consider myself to be one of the best people ever to play it, it can be me vs 8 hard sims and I will prevail




    GTA series-these games defined free roam


    I'm sorry if this is a bit offtopic, but I don't want a whole new thread for it so...








    Does it matter what high school you come from? Does the university care about whether your high school has a 'better' program? Or is it all about marks?








    It matters about the school too. I go to a semi-above average school where everyone cheats and the teachers are easy to persuade. Yet we are 'supposedly' smarter than everyone else, because we took a test to get in. Pfft, what a laugh! :lol:








    I am tired of teachers teaching and grading differently which makes it all easier for some people. I can easily name a few classes who rarely have test and never get homework, everyone in that class is passing. In my classes we always have homework and have weekly tests, I am struggling to get a B.








    But also remember colleges look at what classes you took. They'd rather see a senor struggling in AP Calc than a senor acing Algebra II.








    Its the same class, the classes I find this the biggest in are math and foreign language. Im Struggling with Calc with my teacher, my friend down the hall taking the exact same class works a lot less than me and has an A



    A first example is my 8th grade social studies teacher. He was the worst teacher I had ever known and was a horrible teacher, yet I got an A in that class. 50% of your grade was what he thought of you, that means if he didnt like you but you got a 100% on every test, you would fail and ruin your chances at getting into Harvard. A very intelligent girl I knew by the name of Kelly studied all day and night, my teacher didnt like this about her so he failed her. She has now lost her 4.0 GPA








    I don't think colleges even look at Middle or Elementary School grades.

    they don't.








    I go to a private school so I don't have this issue as much. But, I managed to pass German with a 70 for the semester because my teacher liked me and bumped my grade exam grade. However, another boy in my class still failed. This was not flawed though, the reason she did it was because I actually came for extra help and studied. I still managed to fail but it was not due to lack of effort. My friend however did not go for help, missed many days and didn't make up the homeworks, still got a higher grades then me but still managed to fail with a 67 (this was the actual grade he got). I believe as long as effort is put in effort you should be able to pass no matter what your grade is. Everyone is different, some are bad at tests but do all there homework, some are the other way around. I for one am bad at tests but do all my homework, and since I put effort in I passed.

    That is exactly what I hate, no offense but your friend is smarter than you and knows the material yet he gets a worse grade. College will show NO pity on you
  4. The grading system is something which I feel very strong about, it is flawed in nearly everyway and does nothing but hurt. All across the world there are teachers with favorites, extra credit and a bit of corruption. How does this affect us?








    Why is it that your entire future and life depends on the attitude of a teacher? All throughout high school I had teachers who were different personalities, nice,mean and even senile. Some teachers would give out loads of extra credit, others would take off points if you didnt sit up straight.








    A first example is my 8th grade social studies teacher. He was the worst teacher I had ever known and was a horrible teacher, yet I got an A in that class. 50% of your grade was what he thought of you, that means if he didnt like you but you got a 100% on every test, you would fail and ruin your chances at getting into Harvard. A very intelligent girl I knew by the name of Kelly studied all day and night, my teacher didnt like this about her so he failed her. She has now lost her 4.0 GPA








    My 2nd example comes from a math class which I had to take twice because I failed it the first year. I hated my teacher and he hated me, he was one of those teachers who favors girls over anyone else and everyone knew it. If you showed some decent cleavage and sat in the front row, you got an A. Even the stupidest people in the school got an A in that class because they wore certain outfits, I even knew 3 girls who changed into a revealing outfit just for his class. I got an A on every test and did all of my homework, there was no way I could fail. I was wrong, he said that the class was too easy for me so I got harder test and got graded more strictly, I told him he couldnt do this but said he could. These test put me down to an F so I went to the principal and she said he can do what ever he wants. This event was one of the worst things to ever happen to me.








    These kind of incidents were just a few, which brings me back to my original point, the grading system isnt fair.








    Teachers need to be guided by strict guidelines, which means they cannot give out extra credit, take away points for insubordination or take away points for anything not in the curriculum.








    I am tired of teachers teaching and grading differently which makes it all easier for some people. I can easily name a few classes who rarely have test and never get homework, everyone in that class is passing. In my classes we always have homework and have weekly tests, I am struggling to get a B.








    Nothing should be able to ruin a students chances at being successful at life just because of their attitude. No student should have it any easier than anyone else.

  5. This is what I hate about the arrogance of western society,they think anyway which is not their way is the wrong way. They have been doing for hundreds of years, powerful families coming together to create an even more powerful family.








    Do you think the indians were savages and barbaric because the way they got their meat wasnt hidden in the dark corner of society and done in a building in the middle of nowhere? It is their culture and shouldnt be messed with

  6. Beckham just signed a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã128m pound, 5 year deal with the La Galaxy - Thats ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã500k a year, nearly 3.5x more than the highest paid player in the world :shock:








    I sure hope i become an American footballer. \\'








    You absolutely suck at math. Hes getting 128 million pounds for 5 years a work and is only getting 500k a year? In no way do those number work together

  7. I love it how all of you people love to mention whats supposed to be wrong with the PSP. All of these things that are supposed to be wrong












    You say that the DS has like 300 games coming out soon and then complain that the PSP only has a few games. You still fail to mention that all of theses DS games are Mario and Pokemon remade for the 90th time








    I still dont know how you say that you like the PSP, but you would rather play the games on a TV. CAN YOU HONESTLY KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE WHEN SAYING THAT?Why is it that a PSP looks bad on a small screen but a 3 in screen looks amazing?








    smbx4ds_051104_004.jpg This, or this-grand-theft-auto-liberty-city-stories-20051024060447414-000.jpg

  8. Ive dropped my PSP LOADS of times and it never broke, compared to my brother breaking his DS because it fell off of his bunk bed onto his vent








    I can easily get 7-10 hours out of my PSP when watching movies








    The reason the DS library are all exclusive to it is because Nintendo hasnt made a successful console to share them with up until the Wii


    In the U.S.A. you can be a bagger boy at places like Kroger at 14, a paper route it horrible money, I had one when I was like 10 and took 3-4 hours and I only got about 40 USD a month for it








    Any chance you live in eastern US? in Ohio we havent had any snow








    Ohio State is losing right now :\\








    I've had enough of Florida, they are turning into Texas :P. Good at Basketball, Football, I'm sure Baseball...








    But anyway, Off topic post but I live in the Eastern USA and we had 70 degree temps the other day and still no snow!

    Atleast you dont go to OSU, people will be crying tomorrow
  10. In the U.S.A. you can be a bagger boy at places like Kroger at 14, a paper route it horrible money, I had one when I was like 10 and took 3-4 hours and I only got about 40 USD a month for it








    Any chance you live in eastern US? in Ohio we havent had any snow






    Can a DS play movies,games and music?




    I bought a DS to play games. I don't need a mini entertainment system in a gaming system. If you're buying a portable and you want an Ipod that can play mediocre games, go with the PSP. If you want top quality innovative and fun games, DS. It's really as simple as that.




    why is it that every thing that has poor graphics and a few pointless gimmicks its innovative? seems everyone of these things are made by nintendo

  12. This topic is confusing me now... LGBR are you flaming yourself or Adam\'s opinion? If you are upset because he answered your topic then your very strange... :|








    And whats with all the \\\\\\\\\\\\\'s? I can hardly read your posts. :-w

    I work through a special browser, I guess you could call it a proxy browser. Its a current bug and there will be a patch to fix it soon








    I was mad how he brought up the console arguement, all it does is kill topics




    What do you think the greatest invention/thing thats happened in all of 2006? What about the worst?








    I know this is a little late but who cares




    I\'d say the best invention/thing has to be the wii. :P




    Worst? I don\'t really know. I\'d like to be a smart-alec and say the PS3 but I won\'t. Actually technically I just did. Oh well.








    That is what brings topics down, its an idiotic topic. Its 100% opinion, theres things i\'d normally say but I dont want to kill this topic




    Are you annoyed at me? Or at your own topic?




    Of course it's an opinionated topic, but there's some fact to what I said. Wii's been doing amazing, PS3 under what was expected. That's only in reference to if you were annoyed at what I said, and nobody needs to turn this thread into a debate over which really succeeded. That only wastes time.

    Just because less people can afford the PS3 doesnt mean its a bad invention. This is where the topic is going to go down hill
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