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Posts posted by LGBR

  1. i guess ill try to come. do you have to do a quest for lunar spells? if you do is it long or hard? :s if it is i need to know now so i can do it




    level 124, just put down lgbr. dont want people knowing my rsn but ill pm it to you if youd like




    EDIT:so you dont have to do lunar? does that mean i can bring god spells?

  2. worshipping false idols maybe




    or maybe using gods name in vein, doesnt moses describe that as the worst sin?




    it also depends what you consider a sin. what god originally wrote describing a sin in the old testament or what the catholic church describes being a sin.




    i think the whole catholic church thing with the pope is bs, where in the bible does it mention someone in a hat leading the church of god? where in the bible does it say 4 billion people should follow the views of 1 group of people that made them up?

  3. now everyone say the fastest and most expensive car they can think of and not know ANYTHING about it.




    the majority of the people on this post are doing that. especially the bugatti,mclaren and viper lovers out there

  4. Pepsi kinda stopped putting adverts on TV a while ago and now focus on things like marathons, public hangouts, any kind of social event and yahoo.com

  5. Ok why is it that pepsi spends the most money on advertising but Pepsi over all just plain tastes like (insert bad word). Am I the only one that thinks this aswell? :oops:

  6. only 455 bill? meh duke freedom has that much in his pocket, my educated guess is prolly up in the trills, cause alot of people theive too im not sure if that was counted, not to mention runecrafters crafting nats and selling, also barrows has influenced a bit of money, and im sure everyone knows about santa hats :(
    I dont know how santas would put money in the economy, if anything it would take it because when people sell one and get money they buy crap like runes and arrows from stores
  7. Well, since everybody gets mad at me when I post, I'll do a VERY easy one now. I think everybody has seen this movie at school.
















    I don't think the two girls kissing eachother is very inaporpriate btw, it's just a kiss, it leads to nothing more either.

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