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Posts posted by LGBR


    What do you think the greatest invention/thing thats happened in all of 2006? What about the worst?








    I know this is a little late but who cares




    I'd say the best invention/thing has to be the wii. :P




    Worst? I don't really know. I'd like to be a smart-alec and say the PS3 but I won't. Actually technically I just did. Oh well.








    That is what brings topics down, its an idiotic topic. Its 100% opinion, theres things i'd normally say but I dont want to kill this topic

  2. 1. The House of The Rising Sun




    2. Night in White Satin




    3. Whiter Shade of Pale




    4. Angie




    5. Oh! Darling




    6. Hotel California




    7. The Sound of Silence




    8. Dust in The Wind




    9. Love Hurts




    10. The Last Unicorn




    11. I Put a Spell on You




    12. Let it Be




    13. Silence is Golden




    14. He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother




    15. Blue Jean Blues




    16. Groovy Kind of Love




    17. El Condor Pasa (If I Could)




    18. Massachusets




    19. The Girl With the Pearl Hair




    If anyone recognises those, you rock (I freaking need to eat and sleep...)








    That would pwn! although i dont know any of the songs 13-19



    It's like saying to a lame person that he's not a man. Only half a man.
    Its nothing like that at all.












    You're right, its like saying, "how many fingers do you have?"








    WRONG 4!!! 4 FINGERS AND A THUM LOOLZZZ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yes, thats more like how it is. This whole topic is based on how you look at it, its like saying Adam & Eve were the first humans because thats what it says in the bible


    Uh? There are at least 5 questions wrong, or very, very odd. Since when did the US lose 4 states? Henry XIII had 6 wives according to me and 666 is, in our current civilisation, the number of the devil, not 616.




    And if by the term Ice Age we mean a colder period than normal, we are absolutely not in one now. We are at the peak of the opposite:








    We are a few degrees above the avg temperature. The graph is from a meteo centre in Russia, where the avg temp throughout the year now is around 0ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâð. In an Ice Age, it is about -8ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâð.




















    Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are officially commonwealths.








    Henry VIII's marriage to Anne of Cleeve's was anulled, not divorced. Annulled meaning that it never happened. He also anulled his marriage to Anne Boleyn (just before she was executed) and Catherine Howard. He also deemed his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon to be invalid on the fact a man could not sleep his brother's widow.








    In 2005 a new translation of the Book of Revelation clearly shows the number to be 616 not 666.








    The term Ice Age is meant when there are polar ice caps present. So techincally, despite being warmer, we are in an Ice Age.








    Aren't there always polar caps present? We ARE in the warmest peak of the ice age cycle and still there are pretty immense polar caps. I think your definition is a bit off.

    Some people think that because there are ice caps we are in an ice age. An ice age is a period of long-term downturn in the temperature of Earth's climate, resulting in an expansion of the continental ice sheets, polar ice sheets and mountain glaciers.
  5. I hate these topics, they are things that arent true but some technicality makes them true, like the devil thing isnt what it is in the bible, its what some Irenaeus cites believe. Another thing is Henrys wives, he was married 6 times so thats how many wives he had, noone cares about the popes rules here. The president thing is just plain ignorance, if I remember right he was the governor of Virginia...








    This might aswell be a religious topic, it all depends on how you look at it

  6. A lot of the original N64 games, Super Smash Brothers might be the ultimate game to play in your friends basement with each other, I can remember playing 18 hours in my friends basement on New Years Eve and New Years, there were 4 of us








    Another classic is Super Mario 64, this might be the greatest game in history. It had great graphics and an AMAZING story line. For a FPS I would choose Perfect Dark, I might be one the best people in the world at that game. On vacations to my grand parents house I would sit upstairs playing the entire time

  7. Jagex does not pressure to petitions,they wont listen to them and dont care. Not once in RS history, not even one time have they ever even given a person response to a petition sent into them








    In no game should any player be able to ban, they will ban eachother for personal reasons and not care what happens. Most of the \"rightful\" bannings will more than likely be people they think are autoing because they arent talking to them





    I still dont get how they can run for that long through the jungle... atleast 12 hours passed in the time








    Those prisoners were scared to death and could run for their lives for that long.








    That movie is just a short story of that "prophecy" and Jaguar Paw's lucky escape. There's nothing much spectacular in here.

    It was 1 man who had a large wound that went through and out his entire left side, he was running through the jungle from 6 pissed off people who were all well fed and healthy and managed to stay away from them for atleast 12 hours- he got a couple minute head start
  9. Anyone seen this yet? I thought it wasnt as violent as everyone claimed it to be, but it was still good








    I still dont get how they can run for that long through the jungle... atleast 12 hours passed in the time


    umm.. they do remove updates that don't work (fatigue anyone?), but it does wortk, there are almost no pure ess miners. and it's better for p2p, as we can now mine something easily thats worth 100 coins each








    That was way back when.




    Nowadays they NEVER admit they are wrong. Did you see some admit that they were wrong during the 99 Construction glitch? No. Did you seem them even mention it? No. What about the automatic get hit for 99 damage glitch? Did you seem them admit to that? No.








    They will NEVER admit to being wrong.








    What were the 99 con glitches and the 99 damage gltich?








    Why would they apologize? it would we a waste of time








    "Sorry, we didnt find every little flaw in the programming weve been working months on so now your gaming experience has been ruined for a few hours"


    The General Store will buy for 62 coins,that means they will sell for quite abit over 100 coins. (please do not say you did not manage to get a p-hat off the shop)








    Love how it looks like you pk/train holding 45M. Wish my K's were M's. Nice axe though!

    I love people who post natural pics and put all their wealth in them, they are trying to show off and its funny because people just laugh at how they are so insecure they have to put their items in every pic
  12. I used to hate public speaking with a passion. I only hated it when I was doing it with people that I didnt know, I used to hate teachers who would make us present things on like the first week of school about ourselves with someone we dont know, its the worst feeling ever.








    If its a class that I have a lot of friends in, then I actually ASK if I can share my work because I know them and feel comfortable. This goes back to my old theory that people you do better in classes with friends because you feel more comfortable

  13. Happy Birthday ;)








    I used to skate when I was younger. I wasn't very good (best trick was a double kickflip, and the second one was because I didn't put my feet back on the board quick enough :P). I always wore Vans and I don't think Nike made skate shoes when I skated (~5 years was the last time I skated).








    Oh and I skated goofy too ::' I got a snowboard for Christmas (a pretty cheap one) and I have to take it back because I can't switch the feet things to goofy instead of regular :(

    Just unscrew the bindings
  14. not everyone with 98 and 99 prayer have maxed melees 2 i know that aren't oddfaery2 and Enipeus








    but the number of 126s is gettin higher and higher PC and guilded alters are to blame... PC you can lvl melee really fast and i heard that prayer is fastest exp in the game if you got the cash to burn on it.. Could be wrong but thats what i heard.

    I guarantee you there arent more than 10-15 people with 98 pray and not maxed melee
  15. Haha I forgot about Charlie, he sucked at talking lol. At the beginning of RS2 when range owned everyone I was one of the few 99 range pkers and one of the others was Dommark, Charlie hated Domm and said he would pay me to range stake him in his name, and he would supply the things to stake but Domm wouldnt stake me >_

  16. I got to level 124 at 40k xp an hour at axes and you risked a lot by going to axes, when you spend that much time in the wild you discover an etiquette of pking and wilderness rules, this was late rsc and early rs2












    Now every idiot can come on with 130k xp per hour with absolutely no risk, then they come to the wild and they dont know anything about it and tele,log or pray








    You dont know how we feel, becoming a level is way too easy. Im not a fan of RS2 products or PC products

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