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Posts posted by Kostya

  1. Yay, they updated the world map! :D




    Around where is the pirate island on the map? I can't find it. :s


    Bottom right hand corner. Click on overview.




    Btw, why would they make it so far from anything? But oh well, atleast it's a hint for more expansion towards the mainland (as the author said).




    Ooh, and they added the Mudskipper Point, updated the Wizard Tower and Falador. :)

  2. Read the Knowledge Base. It apparently says that the Ectophial is unblockable.




    Now thats sweet :D




    I don't really see that. It does say "This item is considered very useful due to its uninterrupted one click teleport ability" but does that mean it's unblockable?




    Yeh. Swapmjedi, please link/screenie that.

  3. 1. 13,675,119


    2. 6,854,812


    3. .50


    4. 50%




    Thats a shock for me, but I am a skiller in my heart. My range and mage make my combat much higher than I would like it, but meh. I'll do it with the levels and see the result :D




    1. 1384


    2. 497


    3. .35


    4 35%




    Much better :P


    Ahh, yes, the levels.








    0.3618 (36%)




    Wow, much better then the 48% I got for xp.








    0.4824.. (48%)














    We've been able to hit 100+ on other players in castle wars for awhile now..











    No you can't. It's impossible to hit 100+ on a player because max player health is 99. Also, without a salve ammy on undead, you can't hit above I think its 85.








    The person prays at that alter in the desert, goes to cwars, and gets smashed by the cieling rocks.








    There ya go. 100+ hit.




    Or the Saradomin Brew. :roll:








    Oh, and the max hit right now (without the rocks, which shouldn't even count) is 93. Used to be 88 before the new gloves.

  5. just think though, if they made all the skills to 999 then thin kwhat the max hit would be?? your talking major damage there, and I don't think it would be that fun, cause you could practicaly kill anything with one hit then, and then in Mini-games and stuff like that, there would be people just killing people like crazy because of there high hits, like they'd hit probaly 80's constantly, and then practicaly everyone would die with one hit and no one would have a chance, I like RS the way it is, I don't think they sould make the skills higher.




    1. 999 HP would also excist.




    2. Do you have any idea how many years it would take to get one skill to 999? Even if playing 24/7? Why, 200M xp is only level 126.

  6. the worst thing is when they hack a pure and get him def and prayer lvls lol








    i had a rs1 pure lol, i was sooo mad when one day i log on and i had 45 def and 40 prayer :( lol no more pure for that account lol




    The hacker wasted time and money getting you 40 prayer? :roll: What an idiot.


    youre way off:P look @ the staff list + they have over 600k members








    Yes, over 600k members. 5 bucks a month. Someone do the math, because my calculator just broke.








    Over 3.6 million... every month. :shock:








    And he puts money back in the game. His updates are frequent and top quality. He spends a ton of money on staff. He never raises his prices. He supports player querries, and supports a game forum. He listens to the feedback of millions of players.. and acts on it. His development staff is huge. Hes dumping money back into the game, and its paying off by growth thats hard to believe.








    This guy is my hero.








    Can you imagine being a multi millionaire off of a computer game? That you invented? Thats as cool as runescape?








    Try WoW. Over 6M players x $15 per month = 90M. A lil' under 1.1 BILLION dollars per year. (Not counting any expenses.)

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