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Posts posted by dwarfie76

  1. Being a highschool chemistry teacher would be good fun.








    My mother teaches chemistry, maths and biology, my brother is a history, geography/social studies teacher and my best mate is an english and politics teacher.








    I did some work as a university tutor to earn a bit of money as a latter year college student, which is vastly different because people are actually paying to be in your class and the age difference is only a couple of years (plus they're not 'kids' any more).








    To be a good teacher you have to be laid back and have a good sense of humour. It's always the strict, highly strung teachers that burn out.

  2. Farting is one of the true joys in life. Whomever came up with the line "The best things in life are free" obviously did so after leaning to one side, slightly lifting one buttcheek and cutting loose with an almighty fart.








    I pride myself on my farting ability. Even my long-suffering wife has been known to burst out laughing from the other end of the house when I let rip. Even the word "fart" is inherently funny. You just cant help but love farting.

  3. NOOOO!!!!!




    You got confused...








    -sigh- Sorry for the confusion...









  4. Right...




    Then i wonder is you understand it completely..




    Whenever you need some spare cash say to start merchanting or if you're just a few k short from buying something,




    you trade in your items for the cash and LATER WHEN YOU WANT YOUR ITEM BACK YOU GET IT BACK FOR 5% MORE THEN WHAT YOU RECIEVED..




    Understand now? :)








    I understand perfectly... I simply don't see the point WHEN YOU CAN ALREADY DO THAT.








    Understand now that I put it in all caps for you?

  5. Everyone receives 120xp? No. Everyone receives 4x the damage they inflict.








    So if you have someone hitting 12, another hitting 14 and a third hitting 4 they would receive 48, 56 and 16 points respectively. It does not average out to 30 each.

  6. It's not there as a convenience to players. It's there to stop people leaving characters logged in and sucking up bandwidth while not actually playing the game.








    We all know how much fun it can be trying to get onto world 1 or 2 when we want to buy or sell something. Imagine how much more fun it would be if people could simply get on and never have to log off.

  7. Well, those of us with an IQ over 25 can actually read a page of text in relatively short order.








    Good post. And while I don't agree that Jagex would ever seek to encourage autoers, there is definately an element of balance that they need to achieve.








    As you point out, Jagex's priority is their bottom line. The only moral responsiblity that any corporation has is to return the maximum profit to it's shareholders. If hunting down and banning every last macroer was going to cost more than the number of people leaving the game because of the autoers then they would be doing a disservice to their shareholders. And I mean really, who would actually consider leaving the game because of the autoers? Autoers only affect you if you view the point of the game as an exercise in raising pixel-cash. If you play the game just to cut yew logs and sell them then autoers ruin your fun by lowering the price. But, IMHO, playing the game just to increase your runescape bank balance doesn't strike me as a great deal of fun anyway. If, on the other hand, your aim in the game is to raise your skills, beat the quests etc then autoers are simply not something that will affect you.









  8. He predicted many things happening and a few of them actually ended up happening








    Some prophet huh?








    Seriously, anyone could spew out a few hundred random predictions and have a couple come true. With a bit of thought put into it, someone halfway intelligent could get a better than 50% strike rate.








    Doesn't make them any more of a "prophet" than I am a ballerina.

  9. F2P already contains more than enough features to entice anyone truly interested in the game into paying for members. You have to realise that, ultimately, Jagex is a business - they need to pay their rent, bandwidth and power bills, their employees need to get paid so they can feed their families. To do this Jagex needs to generate income. The main way that they do this is by selling membership to a more expansive version of the game.








    The free version is there to attract people into the game and show them some of what the members version has to offer. F2P has to contain enough functionality to keep people interested, but leave enough out that they will be prepared to spend the $5.00 per month on the members version (Which given that you'd pay $2.50 for a coffee is not all that much).








    So introducing too much functionality into F2P would be counter productive. More people would be satisfied with staying in the free version, meaning fewer would switch over to the members version - Jagex would make less money.

  10. shutup,just because they know someone has alot of money doesn't mean they can hack them.If what your saying is true though that means hackers could just say " hmm I think i'll hack zezima today! " guess what..it just wont happen.








    No, because no-one ever gets themselves keylogged do they?

  11. Who is controlling who?








    No one is in control of anyone elese.




    Please explain more.








    Most, if not all, religions started out as a codified set of laws and instructions. Ways in which people were to live. To enforce rules and laws you need a carrot or a stick, or both. So - being fairly primitive times where Gods were widely believed in - the easiest way to get someone to comply with your laws was to say "Do this and Yaweh will welcome you into his kingdom. Don't do it and you'll be cast into a fiery lake of torment."








    I'm not saying that the control was neccessarily bad - often the rules and laws were the same sort of thing that societies still have on the books today. A fair amount of them were really just to protect society from disease etc. A lot of the Old Testament still contains a fair amount of them - Shellfish are unclean, Cast lepers out of your village, The ten commandments.








    And it's not only ancient times in which this took place. You only have to look back at the Spanish Inquisition for a shining example of religion being used as a control mechanism - similarly the Salem witch-hunts. Right through to the present day where the Catholic church uses it's influence in Ireland to control government decisions on birth control and abortion. - And that only covers Christianity, we could go for hours on the subject of Islamic governments and Sharia law.

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