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Everything posted by ChemicalBurn

  1. They are quite a reasonable replacement to "pkers". I've found they differ in two ways. First, they do not use the same strategies humans would like hanging around popular areas (rune rocks, abyss, etc). Secondly, they fight with 'computer precession' meaning when you put on a protection prayer they change their attack style to compensate instantly which makes them a fearsome opponent.
  2. On the dungeon map page for the God Wars Dungeon (http://tip.it/runescape/?page=god_wars_dungeon.htm) it states that a Heraldic kiteshield or full helm will prevent monsters of the associated god's army from attacking you. This is contrary to the RS knowledge base's god wars dungeon FAQ (http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... icle_id=30) I tested this with a Saradomin painted rune kiteshield and was still attacked by Saradomin's army.
  3. omf i hope i can be there! What GMT offset is CMT? GMT -7? I think I work that night! noes!
  4. haha I couldn't agree more. Honestly, they are mad at you for not just standing there and dying! Simply absurd!
  5. I didn't browse all the replies, so forgive me if anyone else has stated something similar. I use the abyss all the time to runecraft and actually somewhat enjoy having the PKers around. It makes the very boring hours of running back and forth from the altar to bank a little more exciting. I also enjoy the challenge of avoiding/defeating the PKers. Wearing black dragonhides, mind shield and helm. I also bring a house teleport tablet so I can quickly retreat and then use the glory in my house to almost instantly return to edgeville, grab some fighting gear and go turn the hunter into the hunted. I already know their equipment and tactics, and therefore always know the best counter-attacks to use. Someone else mentioned this, and it's very true: the added danger makes less people runecraft, and therefore keeps the price of runes up. In the end, I've never died running to the abyss and have even gotten an ahrims set once out of the deal... so hey, I'm all for them trying to kill me!
  6. Just wondering if anyone could tell me what that tan coloured coat is that the person in the picture below is wearing. And where to obtain one. Thanks
  7. Just wondering if anyone could tell me what boots these are. Do you perhaps need a gilded wardrobe?
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