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  1. Every nuclear bomb ever detonated had the minute possibility of destroying the planet.
  2. Atheist Nazis? What about them?
  3. According to this all laws are "oppressive." Bill wanted to go kill Mike because Mike really made him angry. Unfortunately someone made a law that said Bill will go to jail for life if he kills Mike so he can't express his emotions and feelings the way he sees fit because someone thinks murder is wrong. Therefore the law oppresses Bills opinion and what Bill can do as they think their opinion is better than his. opÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷press ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâverb (used with object) 1. to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power The key word in that definition is "unjust." Laws against murder are justifiable. Murder harms people. Obviously. Does homosexuality harm anyone? Ever? Anywhere? No. Okay. There are laws against homosexual marriage because it's "bad?" Please, try to explain this. I'd stake my life on the fact that you can't. Marriage isn't a religiously binding ceremony. It's a legally binding ceremony which should have nothing to do with any sort of religious doctrine, period. And, if you dare claim that any law opposing homosexuality wasn't created by Christians and/or Christianity, you're foolish.
  4. I agree with this. To me what Mr_Putter has described is a trend that has grown alongside the 'Kerrang generation' - the young kids who wear a Slipknot hoodie and do not have a single album. The young kids with the generic 'black shirt with flames'. I call myself entitled to long hair as I'm a student. I can't be bothered to get my hair cut and not doing so saves money which means more meals for me. It has gone 2 years without cutting now and it's probably about 12" long. I call it stupid when someone (male) under 16 is walking around with long hair (I mean shoulder length or more and no, I haven't just turned 16). If you own a Slipknot ANYTHING, you should be shot, IMO. And, I've been growing my hair out for five years. I'd say that's a bit long to be following any sort of "trend." And, when I began growing it, I listened to Rap-Metal for the most part, so I wouldn't say I was "trying to be" any sort of musical icon. The funny thing is, I get "mocked" for trying to look like Marilyn Manson, who's my favorite artist ATM, and when I STARTED growing my hair, I hated that band. Anyways, what I'm getting at is that people make stupid assumptions about somebody based on their HAIR and things like that. I think it's a little ridiculous to say that you're "entitled" to have long hair, simply because you're broke. Hair's a choice just like anything else and people like you seem to enjoy being the "originals" at choosing to do something and put everyone else down who follows in your wake. Following trends has been around FOREVER and it ALWAYS will be as long as people are free to choose what they do or don't want to wear. I'd be willing to bet my life that you follow some sort of trend and don't even know it. Get a life and stop judging every person who steps in front of you.
  5. I'm sorry, but R0FL! You're going to quit over a minigame? That has got to be the most pathetic, RS2 Product (I know this term is overused, but I think it applies here.) thing that I've ever seen typed on a screen before. "o gn0eZ my phr3 Ex Pee is gawnd!!22@ 1 KwiT!1!"
  6. For all of you talking about World of Warcraft and RuneScape "stealing from eachother:" Pretty much every single "fantasy" game out there stole everything they have in them from Dungeons and Dragons. And, on topic: These new spells are mostly useful for skillers, and I would guess that Vengeance is more of a spell to use on NPC's. All of these spells seem to be mostly time savers for when you're skilling. - Waterbirth Teleport would be for Dagganoth hunters. - Vengeance would be useful against extremely high level monsters that you kill in teams. (KBD, KQ.) That's just a couple of uses that I can think of. Haha. I'm sort of tired, but yeah. I think the main reason people were disappointed with this spell list is because they were expecting something for PK'ing, and that isn't what they got.
  7. Someone may have already said this, but your "blog" would be more "user friendly" if you had all of your accomplishments on your first post. :)
  8. I'm sure some of these have been said, and I'm sure you won't like most of it, but I guess I ought to give it a shot anyways. Videos Fear of Dying - Jack Off Jill Du Hast - Rammstein Lunchbox - Marilyn Manson Get Your Gunn - Marilyn Manson Dope Hat - Marilyn Manson Misery Machine - Marilyn Manson Irresposible Hate Anthem - Marilyn Manson (If you can find a studio version of this, try.) The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson Little Horn - Marilyn Manson Angel With the Scabbed Wings - Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar - Marilyn Manson The Reflecting God - Marilyn Manson 1996 - Marilyn Manson Rock is Dead - Marilyn Manson The Fight Song - Marilyn Manson Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson King Kill 33 - Marilyn Manson This is the New *hit - Marilyn Manson mOBSCENE - Marilyn Manson Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth - Marilyn Manson (s)AINT - Marilyn Manson The Bright Young Things - Marilyn Manson Better of Two Evils - Marilyn Manson Rock and Roll *igger - Marilyn Manson Wait and Bleed - Slipknot Songs to Listen To Anything by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Anything by Marilyn Manson Anything by Jack Off Jill Hope you like it. If not, to each his own. :)
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