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Posts posted by SirHartlar

  1. Lego set. I win.

    :thumbup: There was a suprising lack of Legos in my house this year. Do kids just not like them any more? It probably has something to do with the fact that my youngest brother has tons of video games, while I grew up without even a TV.


    I have no idea... but I'm a kid *at heart* so it was a good year. I started collecting legos wayyy too late. :lol:


    My 5 year old cousin got loads, but only wanted to play with it once it was finished so I got to build it. :razz: :thumbup:

  2. I'm still unhappy that people still feel the need to rig the votes voting on various accounts. If you think your side has so much chance, vote on your main account. It does disgust me just how much the Rs community is willing to cheat in what is a measure of good faith by Jagex.


    I have been swayed in this thread, and I have voted that I'm not bothered. I am unsure as to whether they can realistically detect the bots, but if they can, good to them.


    Mainly, I am just offput by the Communities willingness to cheat. That's the main reason for me being unwilling to vote yes. I don't want to be part of the scum (yes, I find people who cheat in votes like this as scum)


    How is that cheating? I'm sure there are lots of people, pkers and non-pkers alike, that have more than one account. I voted with the account I use right now and one other that I use sometimes to mess around in F2P, does that make me scum?

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