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Everything posted by NeoHysterix

  1. I made other comics using GBA sprites. Go to my website. http://www.orderofbob[LikelyScam]
  2. Here are some comics I mad eusing game sprites. If you want to be able to make your own go to this site http://forums.drshnaps.com/viewtopic.php?t=2082&start=0 More will come!
  3. My ideas: Buckle: After every hit you punch the enemie with it.... Using obsidian shield to throw like in captain america!
  4. Guns perhaps? In rs2 there are cannons....
  5. Im going to be a member soon but im very confused. Do you have to finish the month you pay for in certain amount of time? example for aol free trial Get aol 1040 hours for 50 days... Or is it like when you log on a member world for a certain amount of time the server comp thingy takes off that amount of time from the time you paid? example today i logged on for 1 hour on members the next day something would say i have something something hours left. If anyone understood what i wrote please help me out. Thanks!
  6. shoot! I forgot about that! I should think more of whats already in the game and in reality before posting!!!
  7. The good thing about being the same lvl as mith would be that it gives 75% more exp than mith. mith dagger: 50 exp obsidian dagger: 87.5 exp
  8. I dunno I was just reading something about aztecs and how the use obsidian blades and that idea just popped in my head. I didnt know what to call so i just named it a type of metal and if I had know idea what obsidian is i wouldn't post anything about it but thanks for the background information utopian flame.
  9. I just think that there should be a new metal called obsidian. You need the same lvl of mith to smith and mine it and you could only mine it with an obsidian pickaxe (got the idea form people using diamond to break diamond because of its hardness.) in the karamja volcano, lava maze, tzhaar, and other places where there is lava. Anyone like my idea?
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