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Everything posted by StrikerRay

  1. I've always thought Al Karid was the fastest F2P smelting spot but some people have told me the edgeville one was okay too.. So I'm asking you guys, which one is faster? If your wondering what I'm going to smelt, it's 150k steel bars :
  2. Ooo yeh I'm using IE...I can't use firefox though just because it's really slow whe I use it (i have a slow connection). At first I thought I couldnt upload the vid because of my slow internet but I know other people that have slow internet but they're doing fine. =[
  3. I can't seem to upload a video on Veoh. I get to step 2 (the uploading part) then I browse, find my file, then clicked 'Continue'. I left it for about 20 hours (internet did not lose connection) and nothing happened, it didn't go to step 3 or anything.. I went to the Veoh help page but that didn't help much. Btw, the video I'm trying to upload is a .avi file and its 24.4MB big. For those of you who do not know what Veoh is, it's like youtube but you get to download the video (theres a download button on the page of the video your looking at) and its way better graphics
  4. Okay I want to change my .flv files to....well anything different (.wmv, quicktime files etc). I just want to know how to do it and if I can =S. AND Is there any other site that allows me to download youtube videos? At the moment I'm using youtubex.com but it's not working at the moment. Thanks!
  5. I've downloaded like 5 youtube vids from youtubex.com and now it wont let me do it anymore..Whenever I put the youtube url in and click 'Download Video' this youtubead.com thing comes up. I'm thinking theres a limit or something.. Help?
  6. ^^ Fishing's better than wcing if your gonna do homework with runescape :P It's what I do.
  7. Lol thanks I guess. But I mean I need to know how to make it as a button or whatever on my desktop.
  8. I've posted this topic before but I forgot how to do it and a bunc of my friends want to know how. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hmm...Seems so obvious lol. Thanks guys!
  10. Can anyone tell me what that is and where to get it? I've searched in Runescapes Knowledge Base and nothing comes up, same goes for tip it.
  11. Lol, I go to the fishing guild. :P But I'mma do fishing sharks I guess...Thanks everyone.
  12. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but yeh... I'm doing a map one. Here's the pic: Can someone help me? It's my 3rd TT I've tried so far btw :P
  13. Stopspe, I can't hunt red chins heh. It seems everyone here said sharks basically hmm... Oh and I get about 1k-1.2k spun an hour for flax.
  14. Well I do get bored fast whatever I do on runescape but I still do it...So boredom will not be a problem for me. Flax is easy to get at 70ea atm. I get about 100-120 sharks an hour and I will not be selling them atm because the price is so low....So if I do decide to fish sharks I'm jus gonna get a bunch and wait till they are 950-1kea again.
  15. So I thought of 2 ways (one old one new) of making cash. I don't know what's better though. 1. Spin flax 2. Catch raw sharks If I spin flax I'm going to buy like 1M flax then spin them. I migh get bored though. #-o Post away.
  16. I've gotten members by Pay By Cash alot of times and all you gotta do is ask them "What stamp should I use to send this?" then show them the adress your sending to them they'll put the stamp on and tell you how much it is.
  17. Get money to get a phat :thumbsup: It's what making me play. ;)
  18. Keep the santa and get raw money from fishing or wc or something for the full D. It doesnt take long to get 18M :P And Santa's will probably raise because of H'ween and Christmas is comin up.
  19. I'm training against Fire giants at the moment. I got 95 cb, 76 attk, 75 str and def, and 77hp. I was wondering what's better exp? Just regular training (like for Attack its Accurate, Strength its Agressive, and Defence is Defensive) or Controlled training? My bud said when you use controlled you get 2xp for every 1 hit instead of 4xp for every one hit so controlled is better. BTW, I want get 79 attk, str, and def. :P And I'm using a whip.
  20. I guess I'll pray against them, thanks :
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