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Everything posted by mithavenger

  1. I myself have got caught with that edgeville wildy scam, where l had 15k cannonballs on me hwich took ages to make and are worth over 2 mill and a guy said he would buy them and to meet him in edgeville, which l did wearing my glory and all and then he meets me at the edge of the wildy and l go there then he walks up a bit so l stupidly follow, then him and his mate slam me with ancients so l can't move or anything then 2 seconds later l'm dead, and you know the rest
  2. I am with both sides in this argument because l have some ok skills, which if people really wanted to know it is called high scores, but just like with my hunter and thieving today, l wanted 54 hunter and 65 thieve so l got both those but l also don't mind just casually cruising along like when l do stuff like killing fire giants with range to get gold charms until l get 1k of them for my summoning which takes a while so l can do both, either taking my time and not caring about my cash( l have royal troubles to take care of cash anyway) or fully dedicating myself to doing any activity
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