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Posts posted by liiiam

  1. How long will it take for my leg to heal? I fell down a 2ft hole and snapped my leg then rolled and knocked myself. (This was 2 weeks ago and my crutches own!)

  2. Yes, another "member" of our evergrowing community has left our world. Many people may not have heard of chaza45 in game but he was a very respectful person who was always kind to the newer players, older players and all others alike. For you who want to know what happened he died in a car crash.




    R.I.P Charlie Manning (Chaza45)

  3. i was never bullied but my son was 1ce and hes a small agile boxer and he layed this bully out in 5 uppercuts ( 2 to the nose) when i got called by the school i laughed and said he had it coming


    Get Life Insurance?












    ontopic: So no one would take down as many people with them?




    HOW CAN YOU G0 OFF Topic on off topic forum, anyway id go to my daugters skl kik her teacher in the balls :twisted: and cause a pile up on the motorway

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