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  1. or how come you can only walk to one of em :S? edit:like you know you suposto be able to walk here to everyperson there is only one :oops:
  2. full ahrims without the staff with whip d squer desert boots cooking gloves and glory oh ye and obby cape :lol: :lol:
  3. ok well what i do is i dont really like merchanters no offense people lol:P but you know so i was in world 2 and i had a crazy idea i stood under like for example this guy was standing full dragon ranger set lvl 80?? merchanter please:P so anyways i stand on him so and yell out selling d chain 1m!!!!!(puth is name here)!!!! and then waited till message dishapered and i stood on antoehr guy next to him and i watched him get traded my lvl 70's lol and he started yelling "why everyone trading me?!?!" btw i hope thats not against the rules cause there is nothign about this in the rules :oops: btw:i did that two most of my friends i see in wordl 2 and i do that to other people and its halerious lmfao :P :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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