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  1. Oops, just noticed. Had two copies of page 3.. should be correct now. Yeah, I sent them the paper pattern. Unfortunately they didn't post it up.
  2. Got the model from the game, then manually unfolded it to create the paper pattern. Here's the completed model:
  3. Make your own abyssal demon out of paper..! All the pages are A4-sized, so you can just download the pictures and print them directly. It should result in a 10x10 cm model. At A4 size, the parts are really small and fragile (very fragile!), so if you don't think you'll be able to handle it, feel free to enlarge the images or print on larger-sized paper. (Best built using good-quality paper, say 250gsm+)
  4. Lightz


    I edited the pic...took a screenshot of myself kicking, then erased out part of the leg.
  5. Lightz


    That goal would take months to complete...but lets not go off topic.
  6. Lightz


    I was really bored, so I did this. Nothing much though.
  7. Do you mean it as in with the $ or s? My friends user is farting a$$($ change to s).
  8. The range of income is very broad, extending from 1gp - around 1mil up, so u can't exactly say earning 100gp a day is medium
  9. Seems *quite* outta proportion, seeing him being, well, short and fat, while his arms seem boneless...
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