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Posts posted by harper128

  1. A nice discussion? Heh, that particular "request" is perhaps the biggest point on these boards that springs the worst possible discussions. They usually degenerate into name calling, flaming and worse and have to be locked by a mod just so that someone can take an extinguisher to them.








    If you want a nice discussion...umm...well, a forum usually isn't the place for it. Too many people willing to be contrary just to be contrary. *whistles innocently*








    In anycase, Welcome to the forums. Don't let your first post(s) (now) be your last.

  2. Trained pets can be a lot of fun, but only if you make it fun. Fighting pets that level up as you do and grow with you are great, as long as the system isn't abused. And trust me, it will get abused.








    Greenscreen, if you really are serious about this, put more thought into it and post again.




    Some places to start:




    Give a starting list of pets that you can get, along with how you can get them.




    What can and can't they do?




    How do you train them, what about feeding them and keeping or losing control of them?




    What happens when they die? Leveling a pet to a respectably high level only to have them die and be unrecoverable can be really...disapointing to say the least.




    How many pets can you have at once?




    Can you transfer ownership of the pet to someone else? If not, why not?




    How strong can they become?




    Do they have other advantages? (i.e. mounts and pack animals)








    If you can't answer these questions, you really aren't putting forth anything more than a "wouldn't it be cool if..." type of suggestion and expecting others to fill in the details.

  3. Another "gimmie" post. *sigh* I'm free to play also. If you're really bored with playing, try playing differently. Try chatting, actually chatting, with some of the other players. Try PKing for a bit. Try changing your gender and playing as the opposite sex for a while (I think f2p can get to that area, can't they? Haven't tried myself.) Go change your appearance to something different. Walk around in the strangest combination of clothing you can think of. Try and find the best outfit for yourself.








    There is so much that you CAN do, even as f2p that it is ridiculous. Done all the quests? Help someone else try them. Explored all the dungeons? Take someone else around. Tired of your character? Start a new one, but make it different. Pick an accent and start talking with it everywhere you go. Make up your own little stories and play them out. Talk to the NPC's like they're real people and watch everyone stop and stare at you.

  4. If you do keep your items, or you're only running around with three big items anyway, it's a quick teleport back to Lumbridge then, isn't it?








    And, given the healing and damage, it would also be a clan players wet dream, wouldn't it? You're getting really low, you "sacrifice" and damage all of the opposing clan members near you while healing your buddies back up. They grab the stuff you dropped and you start hiking back to where your friends are at. You're out nothing and just gave your buddies a boost in a clan war.








    It could also start a "sacrifice" war. Imagine if all the players on both sides of a clan war had it. We'll include that you keep all of your stuff when you do this. Now, one player from clan A gets low on life and pops off a sacrifice. Helping his buddies and messing up the other clan. This drops one or two of the other clan members pretty low so they sacrifice too. Just kind of cascades after that, pop, pop, pop...








    Now, I'm not against additions to the game that actually support group play(a party system would be nice), but this just seems way overpowered. Plus, it would be way too easy to spoof, especially if it relys on a device that you're using that is available to everyone.

  5. Don't know, seems a little...unprayerish to me. Prayer, for the most part, appears to be focused on protection and bolstering skills. Two exceptions to that are retribution, which is a "if you die" type and Smite, which is really an anti-prayer attack.








    Also, it appears to be a bit too powerful, healing 30+? Damaging 20+?, and focuses on team play, making it much less useful for solo players. And would most likely be used by someone about to die anyway, so it really wouldn't be much of a sacrifice, would it?








    Yeah, it sounds cool, but it's too overpowered, in my opinion, and not useful enough for most players.

  6. Meanless messages are already spammed, as well as around-the-filter profanity and shopping advertisements. And, in those areas, isn't chat already a nightmare? My greatest hope with something like this is that people will actually bother to spell properly this way so that you can actually understand what they are trying to say.








    Of course, it would be abused, but no more than anything else in game is, wouldn't you say?








    The biggest drawback to it, though, would be that these aliases would be stored on the Jagex servers, which would take up space. Even miniscule amounts such as simple text strings add up given the amount of players in the game. Thats one of the reasons for limiting it to only a few aliases. A limit could also be placed on how quickly an alias could be used after one had been entered. Maybe somewhere in the 2 to 4 second range.








    The idea harkens back to the MUD days, when everything had to be entered by text, so it's really not a new idea.

  7. It sounds like a good idea, and if it really gets going, you might even be able to get a new forum area just for it. You also may wish to limit how each contest is presented. i.e. one week it's a joke, next week it's a comic, and the one after that it's clips. But again, that's only if it gets off the ground and becomes a regular thing.:)








    I also wanted to put forth the question of how many enteries per person? Unlimited until further notice?

  8. I know that using an autotyper is against the rules in Runescape, but I was wondering if they could set up something to where you could either map some of the function keys to text strings, or be able to make some limited aliases.








    For example:




    You could make a greet: alias which would then display the text string which you assigned to it.




    You could assign greet: to be "Hail and well met fellow traveler". Then, instead of typing it in every time, you would simply type in greet: instead of the entire text string.








    There could be several allowed, greet: bye: merch: and maybe an alt: for other things.








    Comments, suggestions, improvements?

  9. Willyx, only if you're a member and only if you've done the proper quest, correct?








    Dorker42, if you'll notice, I really don't think anyone would mind paying a bit more if it could be made easier. i.e. Your total ends up being 40 per trip, but you only have to worry about carrying the pass (or not). Plus, is is easy, but annoying to go through the custom official every time. Heck, I, for one, wouldn't mind paying 1 or 2k for a day pass which was good for 12-24 hours.








    At 1k, that's 33.333 trips one way, 16.5 round trips, at 2k, that's 66.6 one way trips, or 33 round trips. If you're fishing(which I do), that would be anywhere from 400 fish to 462 fish before you broke even on the trip cost. Many people don't fish that long at one time. But, because some do, you might consider the 2k cost. That would be 825-924 fish before the trip cost broke even. Maybe even make the cost a bit higher. What do you think?

  10. There's actually a couple of rants about it over on the rant board. I don't know if it's qualified as a bug, a scam, or just something you have to avoid. It is unfortunate that we are exposed to this lesson through those who have experienced it and lost such large sums.








    But, well, better I learn the lesson from your loss than from my own.

  11. Ooohhh, a good reason besides just I want it....a good reason...a GOOD reason...hmm...cuz I'm lazy and don't want to have to go back to the bank that often and want to only take up one space for all my food and be able to carry just about as much stuff as the bank in my inventory.








    There, were any of those good? No? What do you mean no? Oh...they all relate back to "because I want it" huh? Well, darn, nope, no good reasons that I can think of then.








    Lets see, reasons not to have them. The first one almost doubles your carrying capacity? The second one almost triples it? How about, if you get pked, how does the value of the bag figure into it? Are all the items in it not considered for value? (A pkers preference) Are all the items in it also considered for value? Or are all the values added together? (Anti-pkers preference) You set no limits on how many bags a person could have. How about keeping one (or both) in your inventory and one or two full ones in the bank? And, speaking of the bank, what happens when you dump your bag into the bank? Do the items stay in the bag? Do they drop into your inventory(pretty bad if it's already full)? Do they just get dropped into your bank account (again, bad if it's full)?








    The only real thing I could see which could effectively double your carrying capacity is a packhorse. Which would also have disadvantages, such as being killable, among others. And which they don't have in the game.








    So, I think I'm gonna go with a no on this one.

  12. Hmm, I like the ideas, but they need to be expanded upon a bit, maybe?








    First of all, no to the "armor heater". It just sounds...silly.




    "I just got the FurnaceMaster 4000 installed in my rune armor and now I never have to worry about my joints freezing up!!!"








    However, a magical ring, amulet, or potion might work instead. If a ring or amulet (or offer both) is used, it could be charged, and one charge is drained for every...10 minutes? or portion thereof that is spent in the area. The device will show how many charges are remaining, and only works when equipped. You can also allow the device to be charged and re-charged up to a certain maximum (they are bought with less than the max charge) by a particular npc. You could carry multiple rings/amulets/potions, to extend your stay if you were worried about it.








    Similar thoughts on the underwater area.








    Overall, it's a good start to the idea, keep going on it.:)

  13. Do you feel sexy?








    In any case, you have the "pouche", you can change back when you want, so try it for a while and see if you like it. Don't forget that people often take your initial apperance to reflect who you are, so you may get people wanting to be your bf, "cex" you up, or treat you differently than what you are used to. Then again, maybe that's what you're used to :shock:

  14. Ok, quick question from a f2p here. Does he charge for repairing them? If he does, then, no. No new spells. Sounds bad, maybe, but it's one of the few, small, money sinks in the game. One of the few ways to get money back out of the game. Boat rides and a few of the other forms of transportation are also some of the other money sinks, but you usually make plenty on the trip to pay for it, and then some, anyway.








    If he does it for free, however, I say go for it.

  15. Not quite the earth symbol, as it has 3 lines, and the earth rune only has two. The sun type symbol is also similar to both the mind and body runes. And, did anyone else notice that the stone with the eye symbol on it also has a hole through it, like maybe you are suposed to look through it at something? It also may have something to do with the WOM/bank robbery stuff.








    Just looked at it, and the stone with the sun symbol(yes, more of a sun than anything else) is also split in half.

  16. I agree that it would be nice, make it only allowable after you finish Pirate's Treasure, perhaps?








    In the two situations, you could either:








    1.) make it a pass, which is an item in your inventory. The pass could also allow you to bypass the security check, but any rum you tried to smuggle would break on a rough ship ride? But, questions on this might be, would it be droppable/tradeable? And, if you were killed somehow, what value would it have? Would it have a set value to determine if you keep it, or would it have a variable value depending on how many trips you had left?








    2.) If the sailor keeps track, how? This may free up an inventory space, but what happens when you switch worlds, log off and back on, or the server reboots?








    You might also consider a "day pass" which could sell for...1000 coins?(that's 33 trips, plus the paper work fee) It could allow for unlimited passage for one day (either a clock day, or until you log out). And, if you go with this type of pass, it could also bypass the customs officer, but again, see above about rum. Most people won't mind paying for the convience, and it becomes a small money sink, as most players won't make the trip 33 times before logging at least once.








    Not trying to shoot down the idea, just flesh it out a bit more.

  17. There's more than 4 or 5 coal rocks in the southern part of the Dwarven mine, closer to 10. Several just as you come down the staircase from Falador, and 5 or 6 down near the door to the mining guild. However, you also have the scorpions to contend with, both in the dwarven mine and down at Al Kharid.








    The Lumbridge Swamp coal is clear of aggros, but you do have to contend with higher levelers there for the mith and addy. It's also a long walk to the bank.








    But, if you aren't worried about getting attacked by the barbarians, then the scorpions shouldn't be a problem anyway.








    There's also the Edgeville Dungeon mine, if you're high enough level to contend with the aggros there, or just brave enough to do it.

  18. At least this person is offering to do something for money, most beggars try to spam you to death or annoy you until you give them something to get them to go away.








    Personally, I find no fault with begging, if you are willing to do it right. Tell me a story, entertain me, give me a real reason to part with my hard-won gold for your benifit.








    Don't tell me "I wuz PK'd", tell me how you were exploring the vast wilderness to the north when out of no where you were attacked by bandits. How you fought them heroically, but were ultimately overcome by their sheer numbers.








    Don't tell me "I wuz killed an' lost my stuff", tell me about how you were struck down in an epic battle with a giant rat or somesuch.








    Don't tell me "I'm new, give me stuff", tell me about how you need to provide for your ailing mother and three children.








    And please, please, please, don't sit there and spam "Fire plz", tell me about how you need a fire to dry yourself after spending hours carefully playing this monster fish and it splashed you with it's gigantic tail.








    Begging can be a great addition to any Role Playing game, it is just unfortunate that no one seems to devote the effort to it that would truly benifit both the community and the game.

  19. First, I'm sorry to hear that you're quitting, I can understand it with the grades, but not with the people. Even with how rude some people are, it's the people that you enjoy playing with that will leave the lasting memories.








    Second, I don't know if I will be able to make your party, but I'm going to try.








    Third, when you come back, look me up. I'll be glad to help out as best I can, although I don't usually have much anyway, and am very poor by RS standards, but I'll share what I have. The RSN is Taladorn.

  20. Im level 49, how am I STILL a noob? Anything under level 150 is noob or what?








    I'm level 70 (well, 71 now) and got called a noob for training with bronze arrows. By a level 13.








    Oh, my RSN is Taladorn. Most people use it, or shorten it to Tal. Every once in a while I get noob, which is really annoying, expecially from someone who's trying to beg something off of you.

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