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Posts posted by harper128

  1. Personally, I'm putting in a no vote on this one. And, I'll give you my reasoning. Oh, I'm f2p by the way.








    In any case, I do most of my fishing anymore on Kamarja. I wield a hatchet, equip coins, a tinderbox from the old man's bookshelves in Draynor village, my fishing equipment (harpoon or pot) and an initial set of logs (willow at this point). I go and fish and listen to all of the other fishermen going "fire plz", "ffffiiiirrrreee", etc, ad nauseum, because they didn't bother to bring the equipment to make a fire, after all, they wanted to keep those spaces open for more fish. Then, if no one makes a fire for them, they sit there and moan and complain. Wielding the hatchet gives me the ability to get more logs while I'm there as well.








    Now, I know that not all of them do it, but this would give them one less reason to equip properly before going out fishing, not like they would do it anyway, but...

  2. Can anyone put up a list, partial anyway, of some of the things that these bots are able to react to? I was woodchopping the other day at Rimmington Yews and was competing with 4 or 5 level 3-5 players(bots). There was one that didn't run from an evil chicken, although he was taking 0 damage because he was armored. Another one which did run away from a swarm, and a third that was able to retrieve his axehead after it fell off. Although I did suspect them of being bots, I wasn't certain if the ones that did react, especially to the lost axehead, were.








    Also, on to detecting bots, some anyway, there was a post under a different thread that mentioned that the bots will autologout if they see a crown. I was wondering if being able to place a crown in a pre-made text string might cause this as well. Something like a "bot check" emote that would place the crown in a text string that says something like "bot check". It could then automatically make a log of anyone in the immediate vicinity who logged out at that time. Those players could be placed under suspicion, just in case it was done when an actual player was logging out, and would give Jagex the group of names to track instead of the one at a time which is done by normal reporting now.








    Any other suggestions?

  3. Define great. There are so many different ways that people define the greatness of a player, their level, their bank, etc... Personally, I find that the greatest players are the ones that you want to spend time with when you play. They also leave the game as some of the richest players. They have both their memories of the fun they had and they have their friends, and no hacker or scammer can take those away.

  4. Honestly, what are the best ways to identify autoers? There seem to be quite a few of them chopping Yews over at Rimmington, although some of them aren't dressed in the usual autoer style, they were almost all level 3-5 and using rune axes. Some of their movements were...repetitive, I guess. Always going back to the same spot to wait. Actually, going to that spot instead of going directly to the tree that just respawned once or twice.








    Although I did see them run for damaging randoms, and one I watched retrieve his axehead (dang, I think it was rune too). However, some of these could be accounted for in a complex enough program, couldn't they?

  5. I posted this in response to a bank space rant over on the rants board, but I'll put it here as well. I think if they made the non-tradeable items, i.e. mime, frog, pirate, etc., so that they don't take up bank space, it would solve some of the overcrowding problems. Either give players a totally seperate section of bank space in which only these items may be stored, or add a section that allows only these items onto the current bank area.








    And, allow it for both members and f2p. Those non-tradeable items are suposed to be for fun, not yet another hazard in organizing your bank space.

  6. I'm afraid that the most disappointing part of this article is that those who would benifit most by reading it are those most likely to ignore it.








    I also attempt to use proper English when playing online games. I believe that it stems from having actually bothered to roleplay in some games before. Afterall, it's much harder to play a character with an accent and properly mutilate the language with it if you do not utilize the language properly in the first place. Unfortunately, there appears to be little, if any, roleplaying on Runescape.








    I do tend to use some of the internet slang such as lol, afk, and rofl, as well as using abreviations for things such as mithril (mith) and adamant (addy). I've also found myself using yw or np instead of you're welcome or no problem, on occasion, but most often simply type out welcome as a response to thanks from other players.








    Then again, I'm older than the majority of the players on Runescape and learned to type quickly while playing MUDs which are the text based predecessors of the currently popular MMORPGs.








    In any case, I found the article to be entertaining and a point which needs to be driven home amongst player. Unfortunately, it will most likely take a sledgehammer to drive it there.

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