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Posts posted by nick44

  1. first pure, the world may never know. perhaps the fist to ever log on? lvl 3 with a mad 10hp. sick pure if i say so myself. :lol: :lol: never heard of any of those neebs.
























    You mean level 1? haha i can tell you never played rsc back then

  2. Hmm. My old bud S H E I K I guess. We were a force to be reckoned with lol.




    I just decided to get my def up a bit and quit pking.








    Paki4ever was also good to. And the 50 other paki's with numbers at the end.












    Do you remember dragonaxe37 or bestpker44? Me and my friend used to know you, and we both got hacked. We actually thought it was u for a little lol



    Ahh, nostalgi...




    My first day in RuneScape was very funny, after a few hours ( :lol: ) i've finished the tutorial, and then i started to kill cows... and after a few weeks i thought, hmm why is my prayer so low ( it was 4 ) till i asked my friend, how do u train prayer? He said, u can't train it, u need to be friendly to the rs gods and go to the church :lol: . I was like ok, i went to church, till my rl friend asked what r u doing *? I was like, training prayer, he said u need to bury bones!! :lol: I was like, ok and i started burying, and look now, i'm still 41 :lol: 8)








    i thought u started in 2001??








    Oh dear, i must be a year too early then :lol:




















    u liar, tutorials started in like 03

  4. Aggie i see




    Lonely and southern i feel




    I am neither inside nor outside




    the house, yet no one would be




    complete without me




    Your treasure waits beneath me!








    that is the clue, and it says to "dig in aggies house inside draynor village" What does that mean? I digged with a spade all through the house, nothing, i searched the wardrobes and stuff, what should i do?

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